
The Werewolf's Human Mate

Kayla Mac moved to a new city with her parents and started a new school where she met Lucas Gray; a dashingly handsome and very rich guy. From the moment Kayla met him, she knew there was something not quite right about him. Combined with rumors of werewolves being present in the school, Kayla was yet to find out that she had been mated to Lucas by the moon goddess. Lucas, a werewolf who was to become the next Alpha of the Lucent pack, will do anything possible to claim his mate. What will Kayla do when she realizes that she had fallen in love with a werewolf?

Daoist30r6W6 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

Kayla had hoped that she would go to him and just say a friendly hi but then he rushed out immediately after the class. If Kayla did not know any better, she would have said that he was avoiding her. But why would he be avoiding her? It wasn't like she had done anything to him. They had ended their last encounter on a smiling note. Kayla walked to her next class and luckily Lucas was not in this class so she was able to concentrate better. She was looking forward to her next class which she was going to be having with Charlotte.

After the class ended, Kayla moved to her next class. Her last class had run a bit late and so she was amongst the last people to enter the class. She sighted Charlotte immediately talking with a girl. Her bubbly energy could just not be missed. Charlotte beckoned her over and Kayla walked to where she was sitting and sat in the chair beside her.

"How have your classes been?" Charlotte asked her. Up close, Kayla could see that Charlotte had light brown eyes and long lashes

" They've been okay I guess" Kayla said

"Cool. Enjoy it while it lasts. It's the beginning of the semester and I promise you it gets way harder than this" Charlotte said and Kayla smiled. Surprisingly, she was still thinking of Lucas. It was her last class before lunch and she knew she would see him in the cafeteria.

After the class, Kayla walked with Charlotte to lunch and was surprised to see two other girls at the table looking at Charlotte like they had been expecting her. Then they both turned to look at Kayla.

"These are my friends, Ava and Chloe. Guys, meet Kayla '' Charlotte introduced them. Kayla felt a bit disappointed. She was kind of hoping that she would sit with just Charlotte but was just bumped to see that she had other friends. What was she thinking? Of course Charlotte would have other friends. She looked like someone that could be referred to as a people's magnet. They all went to get their lunch of macaroni and cheese and they sat down to eat.

Charlotte and her friends started talking in earnest and Kayla was beginning to feel awkward. She secretly looked around the cafeteria for Lucas but he was nowhere to be found. Where could he be? Kayla wondered. She wished she could just ask Charlotte about it but she didn't really know where to start without giving herself away. She tried to listen in on the conversation between the girls. Ava and Charlotte were talking about the last episode in the schools paper and Kayla wondered if they work for the paper as well

"Do you guys work for the school paper as well?" Kayla asked Ava and Chloe looking from one to the other but Charlotte answered for them.

"Myself and Ava do. Chloe is more of a science kind of person" Charlotte said and gave Chloe a friendly smile. Kayla took a look at Chloe. She was pale and skinny but not in a good way. She looked sun burnt. Ava on the other hand was black like Charlotte but she wore her hair in a crew cut which Kayla found fascinating. She was curvy with dimples on both cheeks and she was a bit on the chubby side.

Kayla nodded at Charlotte

"I'm more of a science person too," she said, turning to face Chloe. Chloe gave her a smile. She was obviously the odd one out amongst the trio. Kayla could see that she was a bit on the shy side and she looked like the kind of person who wouldn't even be aware of 80 percent of the things going on around her.

Lucas entered the cafeteria then and it seemed to Kayla as if everything suddenly stopped moving. It was just like in the movies where a gorgeous person walks in and everything seems to stop except this person walking in slow motion.

He walked to a table occupied by three buff looking guys. He shook hands with each of them and sat down.

"I see you've met Lucas Gray" Charlotte said, shocking Kayla out of her day dream. She did not realise that she had been staring and Charlotte bad been following her eyes.

"Hmm Yea. Actually we met yesterday. He seems nice" Kayla said, trying to sound casual

"I'll be careful with that one though. There something seriously odd about him" Charlotte told her and Kayla wondered what she was talking about

"What do you mean?" Kayla asked Charlotte. Charlotte seems to weigh the option of telling her or not but then it seemed that she decided on the latter."

"Just be careful" Charlotte said with a note of finality in her voice.

They all started to eat and Kayla stole secret glances at Lucas. She kept trying to see if he would look at her but he didn't. He didn't even turn in her direction. Kayla was beginning to feel kind of sad. She didn't want to feel that way but she just couldn't help it. She had to get to the bottom of this. Why was he not talking to her? It was all just so strange. She had never had an experience like that before. He had driven her home and listened to her talk about her family and they had shared some laughs yet not he was acting like he did not know her.

Kayla found herself beginning to get angry. She had lost appetite for her food and was feeling like she was about to explode. Did he play her? Had he intentionally made her interested in him and then ditch her? Was he one of those guys that asked for a girl's number and then never called? He had seemed genuinely interested the day before. Heck, he was talking about destiny and all. What exactly had happened? Kayla decided that she was going to confront him. She was not just going to sit around and mope and wonder what had gone wrong. She was a confident young lady and she was going to confront him.