
The Werepire lord's Mate

Renee Boudon is an Afro-French werewolf living in Voisin, France. She is a nurse, living with her parents and four sisters on the vineyard. The 22-year-old nurse is trying to save up money with her sisters to get their own place. When Renee gets a call from her hospital to take care of their biggest benefactor, she is hesitant. When the benefactor offers her $30,000 for the job, she is still hesitant. With encouragement from her mother, she decides to take the offer. Once she is inside the benefactor's home, he claims that she is his mate that he has been searching for. Being a werepire lord, you are bound to have enemies. Now Renee has a target on her back. Will she survive? What is the benefactor up to?

MayaAlanaPeoples · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Chapter 8

Renee POV

I took Oman out to get groceries for my sisters from the market, we are helping them settle in the cottage. I had Oman dress in casual, but nice clothes, but he still stood out like a nun in a bar. His height made him look like an adult, and everyone else looked like both teenagers and children. I had him grab some milk for me while I got some vegetables. The younger ones are like picky children when it comes to eating food they don't like. You can imagine my dismay when I see Pierre stomping angrily towards me. I am confused on why he is mad at me. The bastard likes to follow me around, and make creepy comments towards me. Of all the girls in the village, he goes to one who doesn't want or like him. How has his mother put up with him? She needs a hug from someone, a medal, or a million dollars. Parenting is a factor when it comes to raising a child. When the child becomes of age, it is the choices they make. You could be raised by horrible parents, but it is your choice if you want to become a decent or horrible person. You could be raised by loving parents who gave you everything you want, but still be a piece of shit. You can buy your kids a wardrobe or pay for their vacation to a different country, but they turn on you because their therapist told them to. Or they think they are traumatized after you told them not to do something, and then tell you that you aren't shit, yet you took them on cruises and paid for their living expenses. I would never pay for my adult child's vacation, if anything I would be coming if you want me to pay for it so badly.

He grabbed me by the arm and roughly pulled me into an alley before I could react. Pierre slammed me against the wall by my neck. "You little whore, did you fuck him as well?" he snarled at me. I kneed him in the stomach so hard that he let me go. "You are going to pay for that!" he growled before attempting to lunge at me. Before he could touch me, Oman grabbed him by the neck, and threw him against the wall so hard I heard a crack. Pierre was coughing up blood while Oman was barking at him in Arabic. He grabbed Pierre by the mouth and started punching him. "Oman, that is enough!" I said firmly. Oman tossed Pierre to the side, hurried towards me. He smashed his lips across mine before making sure I was okay. Oman had Selina take Pierre to the hospital, and she came out of nowhere and dragged him by his ankles.

Oman sent me to a restaurant, while he made some calls. He told me to order some wine and steak tartare. I complied and ordered us some chocolate desserts. Oman is not a big vegetable eater, so I also ordered him some salmon. Oman came and sat at our table. We talked and ate our food.

Five Hours Later

Oman introduced me to Julian, my new bodyguard. Julian seems cool, knowledgeable, and dependable. Julian and I went sparring together in the garden. I tried to knee him in the crotch, only for him to block my knee. I tried to spin and elbow him in the side, but he caught my elbow and flipped me on the ground. I learned some new moves, but I need to figure something out.

Nikita POV

I just finished my shift, and can't wait to go home. A vampire grabbed my arm roughly, trying to drag me away. I scratched his hand, and kicked him in the shin. I punched him three times in the nose, and spit in his face. I dropkick him in the stomach, pointy heel first. I walked over to the fallen vampire, and used my heel to pierce his eye. Annoyed, I head home with an eyeball stuck to my heel. "Bastard just ruined my heel," I said.

Rebecca POV

I am watching my charges and doing homework when a demon kicks open the front door. I told the kids to run and hide, fortunately they obeyed. I threw the chair I was sitting at the demon, which he blocked with ease. I threw a pencil in his eye while he was distracted, he screamed in agony. The demon covered his eyes, which leaked blood and mucus-like, white substance through his fingers. I closed my textbook, and marched over to the invader. I slammed my textbook into his Adams apple, knocking him out. I called the authorities hysterical, but coherent women would if their children were endangered, telling them to hurry. I found my charges, and they hid in either dirty hampers or in their toy chests. I have the kids do safety drills every time I watch them. It is cliché to hide under the bed or in the closet.

Anaïs POV

I just finished my shift at the café, I am helping my boss clean up. I like to drink coffee while I work. A female vampire shoved my boss out of the way, and came charging at me. When she was at the right distance, I threw my coffee in her face. She screamed in agony, covering her face. I hit her in the head with the mug. The vampire collapsed on the floor, and I sat on her back. My boss started to punch her in the legs until they looked like spaghetti.

Helene POV

I was just cooking dinner for my sisters when a strange vampire came up from behind me. I threw our boiling dinner at the male's face. He screamed in agony, and I started to beat him with a skillet. My sisters came home, saw what was happening, and all grabbed skillets. My sisters started to help me beat the offender. Oman was cheering us on while we beat the male.