
The Werepire lord's Mate

Renee Boudon is an Afro-French werewolf living in Voisin, France. She is a nurse, living with her parents and four sisters on the vineyard. The 22-year-old nurse is trying to save up money with her sisters to get their own place. When Renee gets a call from her hospital to take care of their biggest benefactor, she is hesitant. When the benefactor offers her $30,000 for the job, she is still hesitant. With encouragement from her mother, she decides to take the offer. Once she is inside the benefactor's home, he claims that she is his mate that he has been searching for. Being a werepire lord, you are bound to have enemies. Now Renee has a target on her back. Will she survive? What is the benefactor up to?

MayaAlanaPeoples · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

Renee POV

I had Oman help me with the garden and patching up his pack members. I also had him help me cook and clean, he sulked like a teenager who didn't want to do chores. His members were giving him weird looks like he never helped out before. We turned on some music, and we danced for hours. We talked about our lives before meeting each other, even though he has watched over me all my life. We baked for everyone while we talked about science. "Is it alright if I buy your sisters a home for themselves?" Oman asked.

"You have to ask them, they may be a little prideful," I replied to him. He nodded in agreement and went back to helping me. When he was a bit peckish, I let him feed from me. He marked me in the process, claiming me. That was unexpected! I am not surprised or mad at Oman for claiming me, older paranormals are very eager to claim their mates after waiting so long to meet them. Oman apologized profusely and promised to make it up to me. He seemed sincere about his apology and remorse. I forgave him immediately, at least it was my mate and not some stranger. It would have been worse if a stranger claimed me. For example, if my real mate saw that I was marked by another male, it would be a jealous havoc. Mates, especially males, are very territorial of their mates. If you harm their mate, it would be a bloodbath.

We took a relaxing bath together, no we didn't have sex yet! We massaged each other with oil, and I was surprised to find out that he is huge. Before you know it, we started to kiss each other. Oman stopped us before we did anything. "I want us to make love in the right moment," he said. I am not going to pressure him, we just met. I want my first time to be special, not just a tumble in the sheets. I loved my first kiss with him, it was beautiful. My imposing mate is an amazing kisser.

Oman POV

I am in cloud nine with my mate, I learned how to cook like a chef just for her and myself. I just don't like cooking for other people. I hated myself for claiming her so early. I behaved like a newborn who couldn't control himself. I wanted Renee's consent for when I claim her, but I ruined it. I have to control myself, or I will scare her off. I know that I may have made her a bit uncomfortable at the revelation that I have been watching her all her life.

I secretly called her sisters and asked them if I could buy them their own dream home for them. Their answers were excited squeals, and thanking God. Fortunately, I have already bought them the cottage, and had it renovated for them. I had put $30,000 into Renee's bank account while we were cooking. I am sometimes a man of my word, and I want my new family to be happy. I am willing to share my wealth with the deserving members of my new family. They are lucky that my mate loves and likes them. If they were monsters towards her, I would do everything in my power to free Renee from despicable family members. Once Renee is with me, I will take vengeance on those who have wronged her. Fortunately, I have the means and power to get off the hook. I have known Renee all her life, but losing her would be like losing a limb I need the most. I will kill myself if anything if she were to die, or leave me. I know Selina will prevent that from happening, and will try to bring Renee back from the dead, as I will be too inconsolable to do it myself. I have waited too long for Renee, and she is like a diamond. She is beautiful and unique in her own way, very much like a diamond. I am blessed to have this beautiful diamond for a mate, and not some bitchy cunt who would make my life miserable.

Selina texted me that one of our warriors has volunteered to protect Renee. She sent me a picture of a nice-looking man with red hair, along with his profile:

Name: Julian

Species: Dhampir (Human-Vampire hybrid)

Sexuality: Gay

Ethnicity: Irish

Age: 29

Human Age: 100

Description: He is 5'11, very athletic, with short red hair and stubble. He has blue eyes, and is attractive. (Why did Selina mention that?)

Personality: He is dependable, dedicated, smart, likable, observant, loyal, and highly dangerous. He is one of my best warriors, but has room for improvement. (So do all the warriors!)

Skills: He is an expert driver, not to mention a computer and vehicle expert. Julian knows basic first aid and CPR, he is up-to-date on all his certifications. While he is a skilled warrior, Julian is an expert marksman with weapons proficiency. He is multilingual and an expert thief. He is also the best tracker and hunter out of all my warriors.

Backstory: His mother may have been raped by a vampire, possibly a fledgling. The mother abandoned him at birth, where he lived out his hellish youth as an indentured servant. When the village found out that he was a vampire, he was almost lynched. Julian slaughtered the lynch mob in thirty minutes. After the massacre, he became a mercenary for hire until we found him.

This Julian has intrigued me so far, his sexuality was what perked up my eyes. I was glad he was a homosexual, I don't have to worry about my mate being with an unmated male for long periods of time. He is a child of rape like me, and never met his mother. I bear no ill will towards vampires for what has happened to me. Not every vampire is like my father and his coven. Being or becoming a vampire doesn't make you evil. It is nature versus nurture and the choices you make.