
The Werepire lord's Mate

Renee Boudon is an Afro-French werewolf living in Voisin, France. She is a nurse, living with her parents and four sisters on the vineyard. The 22-year-old nurse is trying to save up money with her sisters to get their own place. When Renee gets a call from her hospital to take care of their biggest benefactor, she is hesitant. When the benefactor offers her $30,000 for the job, she is still hesitant. With encouragement from her mother, she decides to take the offer. Once she is inside the benefactor's home, he claims that she is his mate that he has been searching for. Being a werepire lord, you are bound to have enemies. Now Renee has a target on her back. Will she survive? What is the benefactor up to?

MayaAlanaPeoples · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

Renee POV

Dinner with my family and my mate was so nerve-racking, I thought that I might pass out. We were having lobster bisque, ratatouille, French onion soup, salade niçoise, boeuf bourguignon, and mille-feuille. My mother was already treating Oman like he was part of the family. Papa was interrogating him in a terse manner. I already had to calm Papa down, but Oman handled the interrogation beautifully. My sisters watched intently, praying that Papa likes him. My sisters looked like they were at a dinner party instead of being themselves. Why are they acting like they break into Oman's house, and make themselves at home? There is no doubt that Helene is telling her social media followers that her older sister has found her mate, and that she has a new big brother. Whenever something good happens to this family, she will be telling her followers this. She knows they are not friends, but she can't keep her mouth shut to save her fucking life. I swear that my family have no boundaries, and are not aware of social cues. Anaïs is the one who picked the locks of Oman's home. We have different talents and interests. After dinner and the interrogation, Papa finally gave his blessing. When I mean blessing, I mean a "Meh, he is alright" grunt, followed by him shooting daggers at Oman. My younger sisters silently cheered, while Nikita is helping clear the table. Papa is ushering the younger ones to help clean while he talked to Oman privately.

Oman POV

Marcel and I discussed business and Renee. "I've heard that a demon attacked my daughters. What happened?" the male asked. I recounted what had happened, and I thought that I saw a smirk on the man's face. "My women are very precious to me. My mate is my one and only queen, I will kill myself if anything were to happen to her. Our girls are more precious than diamonds. We would both be destroyed if anything were to happen to them. We will both go on a grief-fueled rage and hurt the people who would dare hurt our girls," said Marcel. It is quite nice to see a male love his family the way Marcel does. My father was a monster who enjoyed tormenting and abusing me. He was the first one to die by my hand, it was so satisfying. When I was younger, I used to think he was 10 feet tall. When he was at my mercy, he was a six-foot-five, sniveling parasite who begged for my forgiveness. "Take care of my little girl, halfling. If anything happens to her, I will kill you and have my wife help me get off," said Marcel, glaring at me. After his threats, we started to discuss business ventures with each other.

Renee POV

Mama was on cloud nine, I know for certain she was thinking one done and four to go. After she marries me off, she will be trying to pick names for my future children. Mama wants us all to get married first, then have babies. My mother wants us to have small weddings with family and friends. Mama always warned us over and over that marriage is more important than the wedding. There are people who will burn bridges with friends and family for a wedding. Papa has always lectured that having some money saved up for a home is more critical than an elaborate wedding. My parents always told us that if we loved our mates enough, we would get married barefoot and in rags. My mother has a wedding binder for the five of us with our likes and favorites at reasonable prices. Rebecca whipped out her measuring tape and was, but, failing to measure me discreetly. She wants to either make my wedding dress, or try to figure out how to micromanage the future seamstress.

Pierre POV

Renee's fat little sister just posted on social media that her big sister has found her mate. My woman found her mate when it should have been me. That little pig even mentioned that the bastard is rich. Is my Renee a gold digger? She should be with me, carrying all of my seven sons. I can imagine the boys playing with each other while Renee massaged my feet. Mama will be taking care of all of us. When I told Mama this, she punched me down the stairs of our home. She packed up some of my things and kicked me out of the house. "Come back when you build some character," she yelled as she slammed the door. I went to the Boudon residence, hoping to stay with them. Before I could knock on the front door, I felt a tap on my shoulder and smelled something strange. I turned around to see a pretty, pale female kick me between the legs hard. I crumbled on the ground and passed out due to pain and shock.

A While Later

I woke up in a sack, with only my underwear on. I get out of the sack, only to find out that I am in Italy. I know I am in Italy because a farmer is cursing at me in Italian. I have no money or shoes, so I try to hitchhike. It is very hard to hitchhike while you are in your underwear.

Oman POV

I received a text message from Selina that Pierre has been kicked out of his mother's home, and tried to ask the Boudons for a place to stay. Selina neutralized him, and left him in Italy. I texted Selina, telling her that she did well. The audacity of that pathetic, little vermin astounds me. The Boudon sisters despised him as a child would despise broccoli, and force that very child to sit at a dinner table until the broccoli is finished. Apparently, Pierre dislikes my sisters-in-law with a passion. I love sex with a passion, but I despise womanizers like Pierre with every inch of my soul. I will have to deal with him while I woo my mate.