
The Werepire lord's Mate

Renee Boudon is an Afro-French werewolf living in Voisin, France. She is a nurse, living with her parents and four sisters on the vineyard. The 22-year-old nurse is trying to save up money with her sisters to get their own place. When Renee gets a call from her hospital to take care of their biggest benefactor, she is hesitant. When the benefactor offers her $30,000 for the job, she is still hesitant. With encouragement from her mother, she decides to take the offer. Once she is inside the benefactor's home, he claims that she is his mate that he has been searching for. Being a werepire lord, you are bound to have enemies. Now Renee has a target on her back. Will she survive? What is the benefactor up to?

MayaAlanaPeoples · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

Renee POV

I woke up hours to a knock on the bedroom door, and remembered where I was. I remembered because it is nighttime, and I am naked in one of my mate's bedrooms. As much as I am concerned that a stranger stripped me naked, we are both still shifters. Shifters are supposed to be comfortable with nudity. My sisters and I are used to seeing each other naked. Papa is very uncomfortable seeing us nude because we are related. Mama is very comfortable with nudity, regardless of blood relations. Oman came in with a tray of delicious food. He sat the tray beside me, grabbed my hand, and sat down next to me. "I have been watching you for a very long time at the request of the Oracle. When the Oracle told me about your existence, 22 years ago, I came here and established myself. I have waited for you for 6,000 years. As I said, my name is Oman, and you are my mate," he said. I don't know if I should swoon or be creeped out. Before I could respond, I heard the front door crash open and familiar voices shouting.

Nikita kicked open the bedroom door with our other sisters trailing behind her. "How the hell did you four get in here?" barked Oman. Anaïs rushed towards me with a change of clothes. My other sisters handed me a toothbrush and paste, while eyeing Oman with curiosity. "We have our own ways. WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH MY SISTER?" shouted Nikita. Oman stood up to his full height and glared down at my older sister, who didn't even so much as back down. "She's my mate, little girl," he said. My sisters were shocked, their mouths dropped. Anaïs, Rebecca, and Helene squealed saying that they finally have a big brother, and started doing a circle dance. I smiled at the younger three and their innocence.

"What do you do for a living?" Nikita interrogated. "I am an industrialist, council member, owner of a biochemical genetics laboratory, and hotelier," Oman said, with a smug look on his face. Suddenly, Nikita's phone rang, and when she picked up, Mama yelled at her to put her on speaker. When Nikita obliged, Mama welcomed Oman to the family and invited him to breakfast. How does she do that? I have a feeling the Oracle messaged my parents and told them what happened. Mama likes us to be with guys who are financially stable. You could be a blue-collar worker for all she cares, as long as you are stable. Oman's wealth is an added bonus, and no, my mother is not a gold digger. Mama wants us to never rely on a man entirely, to always have a back-up plan. It is hard to save money nowadays, when you mainly use bankcards instead of cash.

I wouldn't be surprised if the Oracle did message my parents, since she has ulterior motives, in my opinion. I wish we could live our lives without the Oracle's meddling, we should make our own fate. We shouldn't have to rely on a stranger to tell us how to live our lives. I have heard that the Oracle would do shady, manipulative schemes just to make sure her visions will come true. I trust her as much as I would trust a reformed bigot.

I quickly got dresses in my regular clothes. I went into the bathroom to do my business, and was surprised that there were my favorite bathroom products. The products look brand new, like Oman was expecting me. I shivered at the thought of him watching me, and knowing my likes and dislikes. I am pretty sure he saw me naked while watching me. That made me a bit uncomfortable, even though he is my mate. I want to think that he turned away while I was naked, but that is just a dream. I am not a nudist, I just like being comfortable.

I went back into the room to find my younger sisters swiping some of my food, Oman talking to my parents on the phone. One of the pack members gave me another tray of food, since my sisters helped themselves to the original tray of food. The new tray has my favorite food on it, which creeped me out and tickled my fancy at the same time. I don't have to tell him about the foods I like or hate.

I started to eat the food from my new tray, and I was in heaven. The buttery croissant was delicious, better than any croissant I ate. The mocha latte was heavenly, I could taste the chocolate. The omelette was tasty, soft, and fluffy. The oysters are fresh, I always have a craving for fish for some reason. I even had a Cobb salad with avocado dressing. I was introduced to the American version of it by an American classmate back in school. I prefer the American version of it, and the avocado dressing. Ranch dressing is okay, but I don't want it all the time. I like salads with other vegetables, cheese, and meat with dressing. I don't like eating plain salad, or salad with just lettuce or spinach with only dressing. Last but not least, the cottage pie was great. Whoever cooked this treasure, will be my best friend. Whoever cooked this heaven, will be my honorary sibling. Whoever cooked this meal, I wonder if they have any brothers? I wonder if the brothers will be mated to one of my sisters. I am pretty sure all of my sisters are straight. Nikita is straight, I am sure. I know that she is not a virgin. No, she is not promiscuous, she is a consenting adult who is picky when it comes to intimate partners. Nikita is monogamous and takes relationships seriously as a smart nerd would in their studies. Our parents taught us not to do wifey things for a boyfriend. That includes buying him a car or going into business with him.