
The Werepire lord's Mate

Renee Boudon is an Afro-French werewolf living in Voisin, France. She is a nurse, living with her parents and four sisters on the vineyard. The 22-year-old nurse is trying to save up money with her sisters to get their own place. When Renee gets a call from her hospital to take care of their biggest benefactor, she is hesitant. When the benefactor offers her $30,000 for the job, she is still hesitant. With encouragement from her mother, she decides to take the offer. Once she is inside the benefactor's home, he claims that she is his mate that he has been searching for. Being a werepire lord, you are bound to have enemies. Now Renee has a target on her back. Will she survive? What is the benefactor up to?

MayaAlanaPeoples · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

Renee POV

I arrived at the private clinic on time, and put away my things. My first patient was the bane of my existence, Pierre. Pierre is lighter than I am, good-looking, but is a creep. He is an electrician who fell and dislocated his spine, and his coworkers quickly brought him over. I quickly readjusted his back, and he screamed like a girl. It is a good thing they got here just in time before his healing factor activated before his spine became permanently crooked.

Why is Pierre the bane of my existence? He may be a good-looking guy with a nice body, but he is the most despicable werewolf I have ever met. His mother, Martine, is our local butcher who spoiled her son after she was widowed. She is a strong-willed Caribbean woman who had to raise her son all by herself. However, she will not take her son's shenanigans. I despise him because he is sexist, misogynistic, conceited, rude, impulsive, greedy, narcissistic, proud, uncultured, manipulative, slow-witted, and promiscuous. All the girls in the village, but my sisters, are enamored with him. All they see is a handsome, strapping young male. It doesn't help that he is stalking me. The Boudon sisters are more into personality. Mama wants us to be with males who are at least decent and have decent jobs. Papa wants his sons-in-law to have good jobs and come from a decent family. My parents built the vineyard together and have been together for 200 years. They waited until they were comfortable to have us. They wanted to have a big family, but humble children.

"When are you going to quit your job? It's not right for a woman to work," Pierre asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Pierre, you were raised by a widowed mother who had to work as a butcher to support you," I reminded him. He dismissed what I said and kept flirting with me. I either ignored or dismissed his flirtations. I sent him on his way after I rubbed some salve on his back.

7 Hours Later

I am exhausted, I want to shower and go to bed. I was just getting my things, when my boss called me over. My boss has offered me a job to help a rich benefactor of theirs. I am very hesitant because I am a rookie. What would the benefactor want with the rookie? I asked my boss about this, and the benefactor asked for me personally. How did he know about me? "He is willing to pay 27,987.00 Euros for the job," my boss said. I am still hesitant since it is too good to be true. I told my boss that I would think about it.


I told my parents about it, and Papa thought that if a job made me feel uncomfortable, that I shouldn't take it. Mama is encouraging me to take the once in a lifetime job, it might help me with work. If I don't like it, I am free to leave, as the benefactor promised. Maybe the money isn't so bad, I could use the money to get a place with my sisters. We talked about moving out together with our parents, and they were supportive.

We have our eyes on a cute cottage in our village. It has six bedrooms and four bathrooms, but it costs 241,249 Euros. We just started saving for the cottage money, and we were able to save up to 50,000 Euros. We also have to buy furniture, and wondered how are we going to get the money for furniture. I decided to take the job and went to tell my sisters about it.

They were worried, but we remembered that we all have tracking devices on the back of our molars. I used my tongue to touch the tracking device. I can taste the metal, which disgusted me a bit. I wondered how humans can stand having metal piercings in their mouths. We can fight, and we can speak different languages, we are loyal to each other. If one of us is in danger, we will rescue that sister before calling the constable. We have had instances where we have had to save each other from trouble.

Oman POV

Selina's plan is coming to fruition, I can't wait to meet my mate. I have a room set up for her, so she would have a place to sleep. I had some women's clothing sent in, I made sure that they were in her exact size. I made sure that my pantry and refrigerator were stocked with ingredients of her favorite food. I am a ruthless bastard, but I am not a rapist. I would never force myself on a woman. The act of rape disgusts me, and I see rapists like gum stuck to your shoe. However, I am not above kidnapping, torture, and murder. I have some freedom due to being a council member, but there are some limitations.

I am willing to keep Renee here, even if it kills me. I have been waiting for her for 6,000 years, I will get her to love me. If she is unhappy about it, she will have to deal with it. I had to calm myself down, I had to calm myself down. I don't want my mate to run out of here screaming, her village is five miles from my home. My loneliness of not having my mate is making me seem unhinged. The older you get when you are unmated, the desperate you become to be with your mate. I have heard of lonely, unmated paranormals becoming suicidal, depressed, or dying from a broken heart. It is hard to kill us, but it is easy to get someone to do it for you. Most resort to murder-suicide, boiling themselves in the strongest acid, throw themselves in a volcano, letting themselves get eaten whole by a giant creature, self-decapitation, or blowing themselves up. How was I able to survive the loneliness, I will never know?