
The Werepire lord's Mate

Renee Boudon is an Afro-French werewolf living in Voisin, France. She is a nurse, living with her parents and four sisters on the vineyard. The 22-year-old nurse is trying to save up money with her sisters to get their own place. When Renee gets a call from her hospital to take care of their biggest benefactor, she is hesitant. When the benefactor offers her $30,000 for the job, she is still hesitant. With encouragement from her mother, she decides to take the offer. Once she is inside the benefactor's home, he claims that she is his mate that he has been searching for. Being a werepire lord, you are bound to have enemies. Now Renee has a target on her back. Will she survive? What is the benefactor up to?

MayaAlanaPeoples · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 11

Oman POV

I heard what happened from Selina, I punished both the mother and Julian. Julian was belligerent due to his belittling of nurses. I had him help out at my mate's job, where he would be shadowing nurses for the next two days. Being a nurse is difficult, not to mention stressful. The fact that he would defend the stupid, irresponsible mother who almost killed her child is appalling. I swear people don't want the harsh truth, but want everything to be sugarcoated. I just hope that the mother becomes a better mother. Who gives adult medication to a small child? There are parenting books that are available, not to mention parenting classes. I received a status update on the child, and he is improving. Some people are not meant to be parents, let alone raise a child like an ignorant fool. I have to go check on my mate, having to save a child who almost died is a lot to take for a young woman.

I tiptoed into my room to find my mate fast asleep in my bed. I took off all of my clothes, and slid into bed with her. "How was work?" she asked. I wrapped my arms around my naked mate and kissed her on the lips. "Work was fine, but I missed you. I heard that you had a rough day, and I am sorry for that. Julian has to shadow nurses for two days for his belligerence," I told her. Renee started to kiss me back, the kiss deepened. Her hand wrapped around my cock, and she started to stroke me. I laid her on her back, and spread her legs. Renee moaned painfully as I slowly slid inside her. I began to pump inside her once she adjusted to my size. Renee nipped my neck after placing soft kisses on it. I pumped inside her until I came for the sixth time. We made love for hours until we fell exhausted. We fell asleep after sharing one last kiss.


I wake up to hear water running in my bathroom and my mate not in my bed. I got out of bed, and went to the bathroom. I saw my mate bathing, and I wanted my meal. I walked over to the stall, and turned off the water. Renee yelped in surprise as the water cut off. I quickly dried her hair with a towel, and threw her over my shoulder. "Oman, what are you doing?" Renee yelled. I ignored her yelling, and took her back into my room. I laid her down gently on the bed, and spread her legs wide. I started to eat my breakfast, my Renee started to moan after getting over her initial shock. She tasted delicious, and it surprised me that she came harder than before. "Eekkk, I peed. I am sorry, I always go to the bathroom before I shower," said my hysterical mate. Her innocence still amazes me, it amazes me more that a beautiful woman like her was still a virgin. "Relax, my love, you didn't relieve yourself," I comforted her. I had to explain to her what happened, and she was embarrassed. Renee excused herself to finish taking a shower.

Throughout the day, she wouldn't look me in the eye. My beautiful mate is still embarrassed after what happened. I chuckled at how cute she looked embarrassed. I caught her reading some medical textbooks and some science journals. Did she want to go back to school? Did she want to be a doctor? It is possible in France, but it is a lengthy process. Renee would need a doctorate in nursing if she has a bachelor's in nursing. Luckily, my Renee has a bachelor's degree in nursing. It would take her six to seven years to earn it. However, there are other nursing jobs she can do. I may have to ask her about it.

Renee POV

I am so embarrassed that I wish that I could hide under the bed. I am also embarrassed that Oman heard about the incident. I chose to act like a bitch even though the mother did something stupid. I regret not reigning in my temper, but I don't regret yelling at the mother. The boy is doing fine, but he misses his mother. I felt guilty, and allowed the mother to have him. I had her promise to keep taking parenting classes. "If you do something stupid like that again, I will kill you with my bare hands," I told her while covering the boy's ears. The mother looked frightened as she nodded. She picked up her son, and ran while her son waved goodbye to me. I went to see Oman, he was just filing paperwork at his desk. "Did you need something, my love?" he asks. "I want to give you a present. You have to pull out your cock first," I told him. I turned around, and locked the doors. I don't want anyone coming inside and seeing me in an uncomfortable position. I already had enough embarrassment for today. I turned around to see that Oman naked, which made us both chuckle. I went over to him and knelt before him. I took his cock and put it into my mouth. My sisters and I would test our gag reflexes with bananas and whoever doesn't choke, wins. The loser had to cook for an entire week while the winner does nothing. I won the game, as much as to my sisters' dismay. Our parents wondered why the others were cooking, and I was relaxing. I am praying that Oman didn't see it.

Oman POV

I know Renee can deep throat, I once saw her and her sisters do it to bananas. The girls have been exposed to media, and they were at that age where they were curious about sex. I would never judge her for being curious at a young age. I never took off my clothes so fast in my 6,000 years. She was amazing at it, which also surprising things she could do.