

Talaaq is the Islamic term for divorce, where a husband pronounces the dissolution of his marriage to his wife. It involves the husband declaring "I divorce you" (or similar words) three times, with each declaration separating the couple further. The three utterances are typically spoken on separate occasions, and once all three have been spoken, the marriage is considered irrevocably ended. The scene began In the opulent halls of a grand Muslim wedding, promises are exchanged, vows spoken, and hearts entwined in the sacred bond of marriage. But behind the façade of happiness lies a story of betrayal and heartache, where love is tested, faith shattered, and redemption sought amidst the chaos of shattered dreams. As the newlywed couple embarks on their honeymoon, passion ignites between them, only to be extinguished by a shocking revelation. In the heat of passion, the husband discovers that his beloved wife is not the virgin she claimed to be, unleashing a storm of anger and disbelief that echoes with the first pronouncement of talaaq. Desperate for answers, the husband demands an explanation, but his wife's tears offer no solace. With secrets buried deep within her heart, she refuses to speak, leaving the wounds of betrayal to fester and the rift between them to widen. As days turn into nights, the husband's resentment festers, his love turning to hatred with each passing moment. Refusing to eat the meals prepared by his wife's loving hands, he spirals into a dark abyss of anger and despair, consumed by the bitterness of betrayal. But the wife, devastated and broken, refuses to give up hope. With each passing day, she fights to save her marriage, to prevent the pronouncement of the second talaq that looms over their heads like a shadow of doom. With every ounce of strength she possesses, she clings to the hope of redemption, determined to rewrite their story and reclaim the love they once shared. But as accusations fly and trust crumbles, their marriage hangs in the balance,teetering on the brink of destruction, In a moment of drunken rage , he committed an unforgiveable act, violating the sanctity of their union and leaving his wife broken and alone. With accusations of infidelity ringing in her ears, she stands accused and abandoned, her hearth heavy with sorrow Though the wife was broken and devasted, she refused to give up, with each passing day , she fights to protect her marriage, to prevent the remaining pronouncement of "talaaq" which automatically dissolves , her marriage, along the line something unexpectedly happened an intriguing twist ,.....the question is would she be able to prevent the pronouncement of the remaining talaaqs and what's this plot twist ?

okwumbaleo1 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Ayesha woke early and decided to clean the house meticulously. She wanted everything to be perfect when Farhan returned from work, hoping that a spotless home and a welcoming environment might soften his heart. She dusted every corner, polished the furniture, and even arranged fresh flowers in the living room. By the time she was done, the house gleamed, a testament to her dedication and hope.

As the day wore on, Ayesha decided to approach Farhan with a different strategy. She wanted to show him that she could contribute to their household, that she could be more than just a housewife. She had always dreamed of having a small business, something she could run from home. With this in mind, she prepared a proposal to present to Farhan that evening.

When Farhan returned home, he found Ayesha waiting for him in the living room. She stood up as he entered, holding a folder filled with her ideas. "Farhan, can we talk?" she asked, her voice tentative but hopeful.

Farhan sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "What is it now, Ayesha?"

"I've been thinking," she began, her voice gaining strength. "I want to start a small business, just a little kiosk at the front of our house. I can sell homemade snacks and crafts. It will keep me busy, and I can contribute to our household expenses."

Farhan's face darkened. "Absolutely not," he said coldly. "You're my wife, and your place is at home. I don't want you working or going outside. Is that clear?"

Ayesha's heart sank, but she refused to back down. "Farhan, please, just consider it. I need something to do, something that gives me purpose. It will help us both."

Farhan's anger flared. "I said no, Ayesha! Stop trying to change things. You will stay at home and do as I say." He stormed out of the room, leaving Ayesha feeling more defeated than ever.

Later that day, Ayesha was in the middle of folding laundry when the doorbell rang. She opened the door to find her best friend, Lucy, standing there with a bright smile and a bag of pastries.

"Lucy! Come in!" Ayesha exclaimed, hugging her friend tightly.

Lucy walked in, her eyes scanning the room. "It's been a while, Ayesha. How are you holding up?"

Ayesha led Lucy to the living room, where they settled on the couch. She felt a lump in her throat, the weight of the past weeks pressing down on her. She took a deep breath and decided to confide in her friend.

"Lucy, it's been really hard," Ayesha began, her voice shaking slightly. "Farhan and I... we're not in a good place. He pronounced the first talaaq during our honeymoon. Since then, it's been cold and distant. I've been trying so hard to make things right, but it feels like I'm just hitting a wall."

Lucy listened intently, her expression growing more concerned with each word. "Ayesha, I'm so sorry. I had no idea it was this bad. Have you thought about what you want to do?"

Ayesha sighed, tears welling up in her eyes. "I don't know, Lucy. I love him, and I believe we can get through this, but it's so painful. He barely acknowledges me, and when he does, it's like he's a stranger."

Lucy reached out and took Ayesha's hand. "Ayesha, you know I love you and want the best for you. Marriage is not a do-or-die affair. Your peace of mind is paramount. Maybe it's time to think about leaving. You deserve to be happy."

Ayesha shook her head, her heart aching at the thought. "I don't want to give up on us, Lucy. Not yet. I need to know I've done everything I can to save this marriage."

Before Lucy could respond, the front door opened, and Farhan walked in. Ayesha's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly wiped her eyes, trying to regain her composure.

"Hey, Farhan," Lucy greeted him politely, not sure how much he had heard.

Farhan's demeanor was startlingly different. He smiled warmly, his eyes lighting up as he looked at Ayesha. "Hey, sweetheart," he said, walking over to her and placing a kiss on her forehead. "How are you?"

Ayesha was taken aback, her mouth slightly agape. "I... I'm fine, Farhan," she stammered, completely thrown off by his sudden warmth.

Farhan turned to Lucy, his smile unwavering. "Lucy, it's good to see you. Can I get you anything? Tea? Coffee?"

Lucy exchanged a bewildered glance with Ayesha before responding. "No, thank you, Farhan. I'm alright."

Farhan nodded, then turned back to Ayesha, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "I almost forgot. What was that thing you said I should get for you again?"

Ayesha's eyes widened in confusion. "I... I don't remember asking for anything."

Farhan chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "Come on, babe. Have you forgotten? You said I should get you a car, right? Have you forgotten?"

Lucy gasped, covering her mouth in shock. Ayesha was still bewildered, trying to recall any such conversation. 

Farhan continued, seemingly oblivious to Ayesha's confusion. "Don't worry. I'm going out now to get the price for the exact one you requested," he said with a grin. "I would have asked you to come along, but since you're with your friend, just keep her company. I'll be back soon, okay? Love you."

He kissed her cheek and walked out the door, leaving Ayesha in stunned silence and Lucy in jubilation.

Lucy turned to Ayesha, her eyes wide with excitement. "Did he just say he's getting you a car?"hold on babe is this the same man you were talking bad about earlier, I mean is he the same person you said had been treating you badly or is there another farhan in here,she looked around as though she's looking for another farhan", she continued "just look at him he doesn't even look like a guy who could hurt a flie"

Ayesha shook her head, still trying to process what had just happened. "I don't understand. We never talked about a car. Why is he acting like this?"

Lucy shrugged, a smile spreading across her face. "babe, you are lucky to have such a man , Maybe he's trying to make amends in his own way. This could be a good sign, Ayesha. Maybe things are finally turning around."

Ayesha wanted to believe it, but the sudden change in Farhan's behavior left her more confused than hopeful. She felt a flicker of hope mingled with suspicion. 

"Maybe," she said softly, her mind racing with possibilities. "I guess we'll see."

They sat back on the couch, sipping tea and talking about lighter subjects, but Ayesha's mind kept drifting back to Farhan's unusual behavior. As the hours passed, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. 

It was time for Lucy to take her leave. Ayesha walked her to the door, grateful for the support and the time spent together. They hugged tightly, and Ayesha whispered, "Thank you so much for coming, Lucy. I needed this."

Lucy smiled, her eyes sparkling with encouragement. "Anytime, Ayesha. Don't forget to gist me about the outcome," she said playfully as she got into her car. 

Ayesha laughed softly, nodding. "I won't. Take care."

Lucy waved as she drove off, and Ayesha stood by the driveway, watching her friend leave. The warmth of their conversation lingered, giving her a small sense of comfort amidst the swirling confusion.

As she walked back into the house, Ayesha took a deep breath, trying to process everything that had happened. Farhan's sudden change in behavior was baffling, yet it gave her a glimmer of hope. She decided to focus on the positive, hoping that this might be the beginning of their reconciliation.