
the weeb games

male gamer and otaku is sent a message from an unknown number inviting him to the weeb games, a tournament where people fight in real-life video games for an unknown reason, our protagonist soon realises that he can change his "setting"

Tigerfrog · Games
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the weeb games?

"ok let me get this straight. I'm stuck here, this is my new home and I have to play these weeb games?" I said still really confused at this point "I'm sorry if this upsets you but yes you are technically correct." she said sincerely "and who the hell are you anyway?"

"oh, my apologies I haven't formal introduced my self. I don't have a name but I'm your assistant, you can call my system or console, whatever you prefer" she said still sincere but I was too confused to realise "now let me show the games."

"ok console let's go."

we walked through a long corridor with rooms that were most probably like mine. when we made It to the end I was surprised to see a giant coliseum reminiscent to a roman coliseum console began to speak "this is one of our various dual rooms or as you say maps and as you've probably guessed, it is where you will be fighting soon enough" I was stunned at this "yeah, I guessed that but come on console I'm a gamer, not a war veteran I've never experienced real combat"

"This is true".

"that is why master has given you all a gift, a blessing from the gods." console announced this way to happy for my liking "yeah and what's this blessing from the gods you speak of" console was delighted I had asked the question "I'm glad you asked, you all have been given a special ability, a unique one for every single participant" I was intrigued by this "ok so, how do I know what my ability is" console was overjoyed whenever I talked about the ability "you see I have participant folder with you and my previous participant's information. now let's see what your ability is" console was the happiest she could be 1 second and the next her face turned into mush. she appeared so miserable as console muttered out "your your a-ability is unknown" my jaw dropped "unknown what's that supposed to mean, what do I have to figure it out, is it some kind of puzzle?!?" console opened her mouth but then shut it almost instantly "wait no speak up if you know what this means please tell me" console spoke "well you see um all of my previous participants had this as well and um"

"AND What?"

"well it always meant they didn't have an ability but I mean it says unknown so maybe you... have... an... ability."

"ok there's still so much I don't know but I have to train and study the maps if I want a sliver of a chance of winning. so how long till my first match?"

"an hour 5:05 to be exact"

"oh God, you have to be kidding me."