
The Wealthy Wife

The story revolves around the murder of Maya Singh, a wealthy socialite whose death leads to a complex web of lies, betrayals, and secret affairs. Detective Jameson West is assigned to the case and as he investigates, he uncovers several potential suspects, each with their troubled pasts and hidden motivations. The story explores themes of morality, guilt, and redemption, as Detective West must navigate his demons while trying to solve the case. will publish every new chapter on Tuesday..

Musani_Praneeth · Horror
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 – Maya’s Murder

The sound of police sirens blared through the quiet night as Detective Jameson West's car pulled up to the ornate gates of the Singh mansion. Two patrol cars were already parked outside, their flashing lights illuminating the front of the sprawling estate.

As Detective West stepped out of his car, he was met by a uniformed officer who gestured for him to follow. "Detective West, thank God you're here," the officer said. "We got a call about a possible homicide, and we found the victim in one of the rooms upstairs."

"What do we know so far?" Detective West asked, pulling on a pair of gloves as they entered the mansion.

"The victim is Maya Singh, wife of the wealthy businessman Raj Patel," the officer replied. "She was found dead in her bedroom, and the door was locked from the inside."

As they climbed the stairs, Detective West could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He had seen his fair share of murder scenes, but there was something about this one that made him uneasy.

As they reached the bedroom, Detective West took a deep breath and pushed open the door. The room was in disarray, with furniture overturned and clothing scattered across the floor. And there, lying in the middle of it all, was Maya Singh's lifeless body.

"Jesus," Detective West muttered under his breath. He crouched down next to the body, trying to get a closer look. "What do we know about the victim?"

"Not much yet," the officer replied. "But we've got a team canvassing the property now. We should have more information soon."

Detective West stood up and surveyed the room, his eyes scanning for any clues that might help him solve the case. As he did, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this murder than met the eye.

"We need to find out who did this," he said, his voice firm. "And we need to do it fast."

Detective West surveyed the room, taking note of the overturned furniture and the broken vase on the floor. There were clear signs of a struggle, and he could see blood spatters on the walls.

"Looks like our killer put up quite a fight," he said, crouching down to examine the body. "Blunt force trauma to the head, it looks like. But there's something else going on here."

"What do you mean?" asked one of the officers on the scene.

"The door is locked from the inside," Detective West replied. "That means our killer is still in the house."

"Jesus," muttered another officer. "What if he comes after us?"

"Stay calm," Detective West said firmly. "We need to secure the scene and find the killer before he can get away."

As they searched the room for any clues, Detective West's phone rang. He answered it quickly, his eyes never leaving the room.

"West here," he said.

"Detective, we found something you need to see," came the voice of one of the officers canvassing the property.

"What is it?"

"It's a hidden room, behind a bookcase. We think you need to see this."

Detective West stood up and motioned for the other officers to follow. "Stay alert," he warned them. "Our killer could be in there."

As they made their way through the mansion, Detective West couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. There was something about this case that was different from any other he had worked on before. He knew that the answers to Maya's murder lay hidden somewhere in this mansion, and he was determined to find them.

Detective West sat across from Raj Patel in the mansion's library, a notepad and pen at the ready. Raj's eyes were red and puffy, and Detective West could tell that he had been crying.

"Can you tell me where you were last night when your wife was murdered, Mr. Patel?" Detective West asked, his tone gentle.

"I was out with some business associates," Raj replied, his voice strained. "I got back late and found her like that."

"What was your relationship like with your wife?" Detective West asked.

Raj sighed heavily. "It was...complicated. We had our problems, but we loved each other. At least, I thought we did."

"What kind of problems?" Detective West pressed.

"Money was always an issue. Maya liked to spend, and I tried to rein her in. But it wasn't just that. There were other things, too. Trust issues."

"Trust issues?" Detective West repeated.

Raj nodded. "Maya had secrets. I never knew what she was doing or who she was talking to. It drove me crazy."

Detective West made a note on his notepad. "Did you ever think she might be having an affair?"

Raj's face fell. "I suspected it, yes. But I never had any proof."

"Did you confront her about it?"

Raj shook his head. "No. I didn't want to believe it was true."

Detective West leaned forward. "Mr. Patel, I have to be honest with you. Based on what I've seen so far, you are a prime suspect in your wife's murder. Do you have anything you want to tell me?"

Raj's eyes widened in shock. "What? No! I didn't kill Maya! I loved her!"

"I understand that," Detective West said, his tone still gentle. "But I have to ask the tough questions. And right now, you have motive and opportunity. Can you think of anyone else who might have wanted to hurt your wife?"

Raj shook his head, his eyes brimming with tears. "No. I can't. I just want to find out who did this and make them pay."

Detective West made another note on his notepad. "Thank you, Mr. Patel. That's all for now." As he stood up to leave, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Raj's story than he was letting on.

Detective West spends the next few days combing through evidence and interviewing potential witnesses, trying to piece together what happened on the night of Maya's murder. He eventually decides to pay a visit to Raj Patel at his office to ask him some questions.

As he walks into Raj's plush office, he sees the businessman sitting behind his desk, looking pale and haggard. "Good morning, Mr. Patel," Detective West says as he takes a seat across from him. "I'm here to ask you a few questions about your wife's murder."

Raj nods silently and gestures for Detective West to continue.

"I understand that you and your wife were having marital problems," Detective West says. "Is there anything you'd like to tell me about that?"

Raj hesitates for a moment before replying, "Yes, we were having some issues. Maya had been seeing someone else."

Detective West raises an eyebrow. "Can you tell me who that might be?"

"I'm sorry, Detective, but I don't know who it was," Raj says. "Maya was very secretive about her personal life."

The detective nods, making a note in his notebook. "I also understand that you have some ties to organized crime in Mumbai," he says. "Can you tell me about that?"

Raj looks uncomfortable. "I don't know what you're talking about," he says.

Detective West leans forward. "Come on, Mr. Patel. We both know that you have a history with the Mumbai underworld. And I have reason to believe that Maya's murder may be connected to that."

Raj looks down at his desk, his face paling. "I...I don't know what to say," he stammers. "I had nothing to do with Maya's death."

"Then why were you lying to me about your ties to organized crime?" Detective West presses.

Raj takes a deep breath. "Okay, fine. I did have some dealings with the underworld in Mumbai. But that was a long time ago. I left all that behind when I came to America. I swear to you, Detective, I had nothing to do with Maya's death."

Detective West eyes him skeptically. "We'll see about that," he says before standing up and walking out of the office, leaving Raj to sweat nervously in his seat.

As Detective West delves deeper into the case, he receives the autopsy report. The report shows that Maya had high levels of alcohol and prescription drugs in her system, suggesting that she was either drugged or drinking heavily before her death.

Upon further investigation, Detective West discovers that Maya's husband Raj had a history of domestic violence and had been arrested for assault in the past. He interviews Raj again and confronts him about his violent past and the possibility of his involvement in Maya's murder.

Raj denies any involvement and becomes agitated during the interview, but Detective West notices something in his demeanor that doesn't quite add up. As the detective presses further, Raj finally breaks down and confesses to killing Maya in a fit of rage.

"But I didn't mean to do it," Raj sobs. "It was an accident. She was always pushing me, always nagging me. I just lost control."

Detective West listens intently, but he knows that there is more to the story than Raj is letting on.

As Detective West sits alone in his car after a long day of investigating, he takes a swig from his flask and stares out into the darkness. He's been on the job for over 20 years, but the murder of Maya Singh is unlike any case he's ever worked on.

"Damn it," he mutters to himself. "Why can't anything ever be easy?"

Suddenly, there's a tap on his window. Detective West jumps in surprise and fumbles with his flask, spilling some of the contents on his shirt.

"Sorry to startle you," says a voice from outside. "I'm Officer Thompson. I just wanted to check in and see if you needed anything."

Detective West rolls down his window and takes a deep breath. "No, I'm fine. Just taking a break."

Officer Thompson nods and looks around nervously. "Listen, Detective, I know this case has been tough on you. But I also know that you're the best damn detective on the force. You'll get to the bottom of this."

Detective West gives a small smile and nods in thanks. "Thanks, Thompson. I appreciate it."

As Officer Thompson walks away, Detective West takes another swig from his flask and leans back in his seat. He knows he needs to get his act together if he's going to solve this case, but his troubled past keeps haunting him. The failed marriage, the drinking problem, the guilt over a case gone wrong years ago.

But Maya's murder has become personal to him. He's determined to find justice for her, no matter the cost.

Detective West's investigation leads him to meet with Maya's sister, Priya, who lives in a nearby town. During their conversation, Priya reveals that she and Maya had a strained relationship and that Maya had recently confided in her about feeling unsafe in her own home.

The next day, Detective West receives the results of Maya's autopsy report. The report reveals that Maya was drugged with a powerful sedative before she was killed. This leads Detective West to suspect that the killer may have been someone close to Maya, with access to the medication.

As the investigation deepens, Detective West finds himself getting closer to the truth, but also putting himself in danger. He begins to receive threatening phone calls and suspicious packages, and he realizes that he may be getting too close to the killer.

Despite the risks, Detective West continues to push forward, driven by his desire for justice and redemption. But as he gets closer to the truth, he realizes that the killer may be someone he never suspected and that Maya's murder may be tied to a much larger conspiracy.

As Detective West leaves the station and heads to his car, he senses that someone is following him. He quickens his pace, but the footsteps behind him only get louder. Suddenly, he feels a sharp pain on the back of his head and everything goes black.

When he comes to, he finds himself tied to a chair in a dimly lit room. He tries to call out, but his mouth is gagged. As his eyes adjust to the darkness, he sees a figure emerging from the shadows. It's a man, with a cold, menacing look in his eyes.

"You're getting too close, Detective," the man growls. "I suggest you back off before things get even uglier."

Detective West struggles against his restraints, but the man only tightens them. "Who are you?" he manages to ask.

The man leans in close. "Let's just say I have a vested interest in keeping this case unsolved. And if you keep digging, you'll find yourself in more trouble than you can handle."

Detective West tries to stay calm, but he can feel his heart pounding in his chest. He knows he's in deep trouble, but he also knows that he can't back down. Maya's killer is out there, and he won't stop until justice is served.

"You can threaten me all you want," he says, his voice steady. "But I won't rest until I find out who killed Maya Singh. And if that means putting myself in harm's way, so be it."

The man sneers at him. "We'll see about that, Detective. We'll see."

As Detective West sits in his car, reviewing his notes from the day's interviews, his phone rings. He answers it to hear a distorted voice on the other end.

"I hope you're enjoying playing detective, Jameson," the voice says. "But let me remind you that you're playing with fire."

Detective West feels a chill run down his spine. "Who is this?" he asks.

"You'll find out soon enough," the voice replies. "Just remember, you're not invincible. You might want to think twice before you get too close to the truth."

The line goes dead, and Detective West is left staring at his phone in disbelief. Who was that? And how did they know so much about the case?

As he drives home, Detective West can't shake the feeling that he's being watched. He glances in his rear-view mirror but sees nothing out of the ordinary. Still, he can't shake the feeling that he's being followed.

When he arrives home, he finds a package waiting for him on his doorstep. It's a small, wrapped box with no return address. He cautiously opens it he finds Maya Singh's cat in a blood pool inside, along with a note that reads, "This is your last warning."

Detective West knows he's in over his head, but he's not about to give up on the case. He vows to do whatever it takes to bring Maya's killer to justice, even if it means putting his own life on the line.