
The Wealthy Second-generation

Lu Shu is a poor loser who is willing to do anything to earn money to support himself.Being ridiculed and subjected to complete humiliation.Ubtil one day his parents and sister told him that he was a wealthy second-generation.

DaoistChGbCl · Urban
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570 Chs

530 Disaster(1)


Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned and looked towards the courtyard.

I saw a figure slowly approaching the room.

And beside him, followed by a small dog with dark green eyes.

"Lu Shu!"

By the moonlight, I finally saw the person coming clearly, and everyone took a deep breath.

"He ran out on his own, isn't he unconscious?"

The Mo family said.

"What's the matter with him, he came just in time. Let's go look for him everywhere to save time!"

Some members of the Mo family also exclaimed coldly.

"Mo family members, should everyone be here today?"

Lu Shu smiled and asked, but with such a smile, there was a hint of evil intent that made people feel cold in their hearts.

"Kid, whatever arrogance it is, I don't believe how powerful you are. Today, I'll show you what the true Mo family bloodline is!"

Some young people are not convinced.

At present, he was the first to attack Lu Shu directly.

However, as soon as he hit Lu Shu with his fist, he was grabbed by Lu Shu.

This person is no longer able to move.

Then, with a bang.

Lu Shu quickly slapped the person in the face.

Bones shattered and the body flew backwards.

He smashed down more than ten tables in a row and was already dead in a ball.


Everyone's eyelids twitched wildly.

Take a step back one after another.

Lu Shu was in the Lu family, and with his own strength, he killed eight people in a row. Now it seems that the rumors are not false.

And Mo Yunshan took a deep breath:

"Lu Young Master is indeed of great strength. It seems that over the past year, Lu Young Master has gained many opportunities. However, I am here, and I advise Lu Young Master to remain calm. Because of the Mo family's background, you are clear. With just one of you, the Lu family cannot compete with the Mo family. Now that you have been killing the Mo family in all directions, are you not afraid of causing trouble for your Lu family?"

"Hehe, a disaster? The existence of the Mo family is already a disaster for the Lu family. I have long wanted to come to an end with you. Looking at it now, the timing is right!"

Lu Shu gave a faint smile.

Then he scanned everyone one by one.

"Lu Young Master 's words are too arrogant. I can see that your strength is indeed very strong, but don't forget that standing in front of you are several hundred young masters from the Mo family, with two fists difficult to match four hands!"

Mo Yunshan once again advised.

Lu Shu's strength is beyond his control.

However, in order to avoid the innocent blood sacrifice of the Mo family, he had to hold onto Lu Shu.

Try to scare off Lu Shu as much as possible.

After all, hundreds of experts from the Mo family are all here, and these clan members are all cultivated by the head of the family through so many years of hard work.

"I don't care how many of you are. Anyway, today, I teach you the Mo family, not a single one can survive!"

Lu Shu's mind moved.

Then a fierce momentum surged out of him.

And Lu Shu's eyes instantly turned into a crimson color, emitting a red light that was particularly penetrating.

"I really think I'm someone. I'll kill you on the spot today, let's see what you're crazy about!"

Mo Yu is currently in a rage.

Since his debut, he has been invincible and has gained a deep understanding of his father's true story.

I have never suffered such humiliation before.

Just one person, daring to destroy the entire Mo family is too crazy!

Mo Yu clenched his fists.

A strong internal aura lingers around the body.

Flying forward, he swung his whip leg towards Lu Shu.

He is extremely fast.

But Lu Shu is faster.

Raise your legs and fight back.

With a click.

The crisp sound of bone cracking came, and Mo Yu was swept out.

My body directly smashed the stone pillar in the hall, and one leg broke.


Mo Yunshan is already sweating profusely.

He had found that anyone present, no matter who, could withstand his blow.

"All members of the Mo family, come together!!!"

Mo Yunshan let out a loud roar and hurriedly said.

The Mo family's blood also rose and they attacked Lu Shu.

These so-called Mo family masters are not considered strict hidden Mo family masters, at most they have practiced horizontal martial arts.

How could it be Lu Shu's opponent.

At present, Lu Shu's slaughter is like chopping vegetables.

The move is deadly.

"Too strong! Too strong!"

Mo Yunshan swallowed his saliva, so many people couldn't resist his sharpness.

He took advantage of the chaos and came to Mo Yu, who was severely injured by a blow.

"Second Young Master, how are you!"

Mo Yunshan shouted anxiously.

"Broken, my meridians were shattered by him!"

Mo Yu endured the pain.


And screams of agony echoed one after another at this moment.

Some members of the Mo family, although they have seen great storms and waves, have never been slaughtered.

Holding the child in his arms, he screamed in fear.

"No way, we're not even opponents of Lu Shu. He's too powerful. Second Young Master, I'll take you away first. It's important to save your life!"

Watching the Mo family members lie down one by one.

Mo Yunshan's heart was burning with anxiety.

"No! I'm not willing!"

Mo Yu gritted his teeth.

"That's not enough! Third Young Master has already had an accident, you can't have another accident. We'll make a decision when the master comes back. Second Young Master, let's go!"

"Everyone, do your best to cover up Second Young Master!"

Mo Yunshan shouted loudly.


At this moment, the Mo family members blushed and rushed towards Lu Shu.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Mo Yunshan carried Mo Yu and ran away.

"I can't leave, everyone's family is still here, I can't leave, I want to kill Lu Shu!"

Mo Yu cried out in pain.

Mo Yunshan persevered and ran with Mo Yu all the way, while a few close guards followed behind Mo Yunshan and escaped together.

They all had faces full of fear and pain.

Because at this moment, even the screams of children can be heard from behind!

I don't know how long it took, but Mo Yunshan and the others took Mo Yu to a mountain top.

Looking back, the entire Mo family was ablaze with flames.

Everyone already knows what the result is.

"Steward Mo, your concerns are right. We brought him back, led wolves into the house, and harmed the Mo family!"

Some bodyguards cried.

And Mo Yunshan never regretted it.

At the same time, there is an indescribable bitterness in my heart.

Yes, after a year of searching for Lu Shu with great effort, I found him, but what I brought was the downfall of the Mo family.

Because of this, he is too ruthless and ruthless, not letting go of the elderly, weak, women, and children.

"Mo Butler, look at it!"

A bodyguard pointed to the burning Mo family estate road.

Look in the direction of its fingers.

I saw a large group of people in black approaching the direction of the estate.

As many as three hundred people.

It even blocked the entrance.

Anyone who escapes is doomed.

"It's over! It's over! The Mo family is over!"

Mo Yunshan watched as the Mo family members, who were desperately running out but were brutally killed, knelt on the ground and grabbed a handful of soil.

"He came prepared, and the people he brought with him were also experts. Everything is over, no way. Hurry up and inform the head of the family that the Lu family's power is no longer comparable!"

Mo Yunshan's veins burst out and he hurriedly said.

"I've tried, but it seems like our communication has been cut off and we can't get in touch at all!"

The tribe members cried.

After pondering for a while, Mo Yunshan suddenly frowned and said, "No good, let's withdraw quickly!"