
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0144 Don't Envy Anyone

  Such things as double standards had always existed throughout history, and since the feudal period, people had been deeply aware of the benefits of double standards, especially for rulers.

  Lynch doesn't have the weight to use a double standard right now, he's still too young in the eyes of the mayor, and even if he were able to make his business as big as he says it is, he doesn't have enough weight to use a double standard.

  Things like the Minimum Hourly Wage Act, the Employment Act, and the Workers' Rights Protection Act, even the most powerful capitalists are not willing to change them easily, not that they don't have the ability to do so, but that the costs and consequences of changing them are too severe.

  The small Lynch, actually wanted to change some things, which made the Mayor's tightly frowning brows suddenly stretch again, some smiles even appeared on his face, this was still a young man after all.

  He didn't understand this world at all, and didn't know that he needed to be in awe when facing this seemingly simple world.

  But this kind of impulse was very emotional, which made the mayor also couldn't help but think back to the time when he had just graduated, thinking about changing this world, but look at now, he was in his forties, yet he was still just a mayor.

  Maybe he'll end up as governor, but that's still a long way from the "wild" dreams of his youth.

  Everyone has these moments, but reality teaches them how to face the world properly.

  Thinking of this, the mayor may be under the effect of some feelings, he picked up the wine glass sip, sobering process has actually begun since the two have not yet arrived at the restaurant, dry ice bucket ice to ensure that the wine at the most suitable temperature for drinking, at the same time, the full contact of the wine with the air, so that the astringency of the wine has become thin, and even can not be felt.

  A good bottle of wine, the mayor raised an eyebrow as he put down the glass, and at this time he was not as disgusted as he was just now when he looked at the bright red drink in the glass.

  The fact that so many mental changes had occurred in a very short period of time was actually an interesting and complicated thing to think about, and he didn't want to think about it too much as he focused his attention elsewhere.

  "More than that, I have an idea, I wonder if you'd like to hear it?" , Being a good teacher was always something that was in people's bones, in fact, it was the true essence of this kind of being a good teacher by imparting some knowledge, some experience to others, to underwrite the vanity of being greater.

  It was an instinct, but the results it triggered weren't bad, so that was a good thing.

  Lynch nodded slightly while the mayor continued, "I suggest that you donate a sum of money to the university and then go back to school ...", he said and paused, then followed up with an explanation, "What I mean is that you need some connections of your own, that's my advice to you."

  "There are 9 top private universities in the entire Federation, all of which were once donated and founded by a private organization called the Freemasonry, and if you can become a student at one of these nine universities, you'll be able to get access to the top resources in the Federation." (I am fictionalizing an organization here: the Freemasonry.)

  "If you are able to become an alternate member of the Freemasonry, or even a full member of the Freemasonry ...", the mayor smiled, with a bit of unspoken strangeness behind his smile, "then congratulations, you will be in contact with the vast majority of the Federation's Governors of the states, the top brass of the three parties, His Excellency the President, members of the Cabinet, and lifetime Justices who can determine the direction of this society will become alumni, and even belong to the same Freemasonry members."

  The mayor had such a feeling probably stemmed from his feeling for the impulsive energy in Lynch, once he was such a teenager, only now he had become more realistic with the edges chipped off by years and reality.

  So he wanted to give Lynch some advice on life, if he had been willing to lower his head and choose someone he didn't like in exchange for attending a Freemasonry Union school, maybe now he would have been the governor.

  The governor of this state isn't more than a few years removed from him, but the other guy is already governor and occupies a very important position in the party, and all because he and the leader of the Progressive Party, as well as the top brass, are from Freemasonry.

  It was a quick way to move up, and people were willing to give him a chance, seeing as we were all alumni and members of the League, but they weren't willing to give the mayor a chance because he didn't have the emblems of the Big Nine.

  Lynch nodded his head in agreement, taking the matter to heart, and the rest of the conversation was much lighter, Lynch stopped discussing his two big problems, and the Mayor didn't continue his obnoxious behavior as a teacher, and they began to talk about something hip, something that had something to do with life.

  "I heard that your friends are planning to shoot a movie in Sabine, have them contact Social Services, who will then step in and coordinate some of the work to make the shoot a little smoother." , the mayor said as he talked about what Fox and his son were doing recently.

  They got a script from somewhere and still thought it was good, and with a little money in hand, they decided to turn it into a movie.

  In fact, no matter whether it's an ordinary person or someone who has already realized their self-worth, all of them will have the impulsive desire to spend money, as if the money is very hot, putting it in the bank will make people feel uncomfortable, and only by spending the money can people be satisfied.

  Especially the moment of spending money, that kind of happiness ... can t be described in words.

  Lynch hadn't really heard about this, but it didn't stop him from coping with the mayor, "I've heard that every place has some kind of subsidy regarding filming?"

  This was also the usual practice, like in the Baylor Federation, people mainly just shot their movies in the two major film and television cities, on the one hand, the supporting work in these cities was done very well, while building a lot of places similar to the studios, which made it easy to pick up scenes.

  Secondly, it is the local subsidy policy, filming movies in these two cities can get more subsidies, including tax exemptions, which is what really attracts those film workers.

  But that didn't mean that the other cities had given up on their efforts in this area, especially those in charge in the city hall, a movie could drive more traffic than one could imagine, and it was a great help in enhancing the overall human environment of a city, so each city still retained the policy of subsidies.

  The mayor pursed his lips, "Sometimes I think you don't look like a twenty year old at all, your friends aren't as smart as you are."

  He was referring to the fact that Fox's father and son hadn't thought of contacting the Department of Social Services until now, if they had contacted the Department of Social Services, not only would the officials have stepped in and coordinated part of the work, they would also have been able to help them apply for subsidies.

  It was amazing that an old guy who had been hanging out in society for over twenty years didn't know that, but a young man who had just gotten out of school only two years ago knew what was going on here.

  The mayor fiddled with the napkin on the edge of the table, "You know, the whole society is in a bad situation right now, and the city hall's finances are tight, so the most we can give is no more than a hundred thousand dollars in subsidies, but all the fees for the use of public facilities can be waived, and if there's a need to close the road it can be negotiated as well."

  It wasn't a lot of money, but it wasn't the money that mattered, it was the mayor's attitude.

  Filming a movie often requires road closures or the vacating of a building, and once a famous film crew wanted to shoot a scene in which a road chase collided and exploded.

  The local government, citing "threats to public safety," not only failed to facilitate their use of an already-built urban ring road, but also demanded a review of the safety of their script.

  In the end, the crew had no choice but to go to some abandoned countryside and rebuild a new highway with the help of the existing abandoned highway to shoot these scenes.

  The money was secondary, but the delay in the release of the movie was the big problem.

  Said the mayor, coughing lightly and not moving, "My youngest daughter loves watching movies, she was very excited when she heard that someone was going to shoot a movie locally, do you think she could go to the set to see it or guest star in one of the roles?"

  "Why not?"

  A couple of issues were resolved over the course of the meal, as well as two more that remained unresolved, and for the mayor the meal was worthwhile in that he and Lynch pulled together a little bit more, as well as resolving the issue of 1,000 jobs.

  Yes, 800 became 1,000, Lynch didn't argue with that, anyone who knows this kind of thing is just talk, if it can be done Lynch will do it, if he can't it doesn't matter.

  But neither Lynch, nor His Excellency the Mayor, appeared to bring up Lynch's two big problems any more, but neither had forgotten about it either, and maybe at some unknown time people would bring it up again.

  After finishing his dinner Lynch was a little curious, and instead of going straight home he had his driver drive him to where Mr. Fox was currently living.

  Just as he entered the room he was able to feel an artistic aura of creation, a group of guys who obviously looked like cultured people were gathered around a table discussing some details of the story, with little Fox also participating.

  Lynch's arrival froze the crowd, but they quickly returned their attention to their work.

  Guided by the servants, Lynch met Mr. Fox Sr. on the open terrace of the second floor, the old gentleman was playing cards with a few older men of about the same age, not many chips were placed in front of him, but all were happy.

  "Just a moment, it will be ready ... soon", Mr. Fox nodded his head, and soon the card game was over, these little old men looked at Lynch with some curiosity, and soon smiled and said goodbye to Mr. Fox as he cleared his chips and left.

  Seeing these people leave, Mr. Fox comfortably breathed a sigh of relief and stood by the guardrail at the edge of the platform, slapping the handrail with both hands, "This is life!"

  He was a bit emotional, then turned back to Lynch, "You see it?"

  Lynch nodded, "Of course, we all know that Mr. Fox is an old fox, especially when it comes to anything to do with money, but it's a pleasure, at least it's healthy!"

  Mr. Fox laughed out loud after hearing that, "I knew you could see right through it, sometimes I envy your parents for having such a smart kid like you!"

  Lynch, however, wasn't too concerned, "I think they'd be more envious of your wealth, Mr. Fox."