
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0133 How to get someone's attention without setting off a big bomb

  All groups that operated the trade of second-hand goods would eventually face a very awkward situation, firstly, the lack of sufficient sources of goods, and secondly, the difficulty in guaranteeing the quality of the goods.

  In fact, so far, the most important point that made Lynch's Mobile auction of second-hand goods in Sabine so successful was the partnership he had reached with Mr. Fox.

  A large amount of high quality second hand goods were transferred from Mr. Fox's hands to Lynch's hands, and they wouldn't take things that weren't worth anything, so the quality of the products that Lynch had right now were all very good.

  But as he was going to spread this business throughout the state, he was going to have to face one of his biggest problems, and that was where he could get used merchandise that was good enough to satisfy people.

  High quality, and relatively hard demand, is what makes a Mobile auction sustainable and profitable.

  This seems to be a difficult problem to solve, but in fact he has long had a solution, that is, to replace the second-hand goods with brand-new goods, directly selling brand-new goods!

  This might seem like a somewhat contradictory business model, would it be a loss of money to sell brand new items as second hand items, would it be a loss of money?

  At the same time, because it was brand new merchandise, it possessed more appeal to the participants, and they would be more willing to spend a little bit more money on these brand new used merchandise than they were now.

  In fact, from the very beginning, Lynch had never considered making a profit by selling the merchandise, and he had targeted his profit at those seats that the salesmen must have from the very beginning.

  After settling the various expenses, he could even organize such Mobile auctions for free and provide enough merchandise and such an environment for everyone, but all the businessmen had to pay for the seats they held.

  A dozen or so cities, each with as many as 4,000 or 5,000 seats, or as few as 2,000 or 3,000 seats, let's just say they're all based on 3,000 seats, 40,000 to 50,000 seats, close to 1 million dollars a month, even if the profit is discounted later on, he'll have half a million dollars a month without having to do anything, so what higher profit do he have to pursue?

  Distribute the money to the people around him, they will firmly surround him and defend his interests, if he only thinks about his own money, soon like Richard these people will gradually leave him.

  So where did all the new, cheap goods come from?

  Without a doubt, it must be produced from factories, then how to constrain the cost has become Lynch's current medium and long term goal - as the tide of bankruptcy towards the first tier cities, there will be more and more big factories will close down.

  The inventory of these large factories would become the main source of goods at Lynch's Mobile auctions in the short term, but if you want to do something for the long term, you must be prepared for the long term.

  Lynch gave an affirmative reply to Roonet's idea of whether or not this light industrial enterprise factory owner could cooperate, which instantly excited Roonet, who began to habitually introduce his products to Lynch.

  "Mainly some standard sizes of clothes for all seasons, we have our own designers and raw materials, we can also accept incoming materials with finalized drafts ..."

  Some factories don't design and produce their own branded clothes, they do OEM for other brands, and the companies that send out the orders tend to provide their own design drawings and fabrics in order to avoid some entanglements and troubles in the use of materials and other issues, and to sign a pass rate agreement to make sure that their interests are not violated.

  The ability of any garment factory to quickly change its production content is the characteristic of light industry factories, and of course the reason why light industry was the first to be hit and died at the front of the wave, because they did not have uniqueness.

  Commonality and general applicability made the vast majority of light industry without a high technological threshold fell victim to the first wave of closure, except for a few factories with technological threshold and patents can still barely maintain production, the other basically finished.

  The two factories under Roonet's command were also like this, they couldn't receive any commissioned orders now, what they could do others could also do, what others could do they might not be able to do.

  And there was already a huge backlog of clothes and blankets in their warehouses, and if no one was able to save him for a bit, he would soon have to face the end of closure just like everyone else.

  Lynch didn't know that the people at the reception didn't seem to be many not because other people didn't come, but because many people had already been eliminated by this messy society, they had gone bankrupt, closed down, lost their social value, and naturally wouldn't be among the invited.

  This society is so cruel and realistic, worthless businessmen don't even have the qualification to participate in this kind of reception, because they can't make this place look flowery, it will only make this place look a kind of withered and defeated depression, this is not what the mayor wants, and it is not the environment atmosphere that a high class social occasion should have.

  Lynch took out a business card from his pocket and handed it over, "We can slowly talk about cooperation after this, what do you think?"

  Roonet looked around at this moment, he immediately realized that his approach was a bit reckless, "I apologize to you for my rude behavior, Mr. Lynch, when do you see yourself free?"

  Lynch briefly recalled his schedule for the next week, "Tuesday afternoon?"

  "Tuesday afternoon then!" , Roonet breathed a sigh of relief, at least Lynch's performance and attitude had made him a little bit lighter, he thanked Lynch for the opportunity he had given him, drank a little bit of wine, and then left to look for a new opportunity, he didn't exactly think that Lynch was really able to help him, or he had already made the plan that he wouldn't be able to work with Lynch.

  As soon as Roonet left, someone else greeted him, this was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties, his demeanor looked a lot better than Roonet's, and he had a very subdued aura about him, which meant that there weren't too many problems with his company or his finances.

  He took the initiative to extend his hand, this guy's palm is very warm, but it is not like Roonet's palm will have some wet and greasy feeling, just the first moment of shaking hands, can make people feel his situation at this time, this is a very amazing feeling.

  "Duncan ...," he introduced himself simply and bluntly, then followed up with, "I know you, Mr. Lynch."

  Lynch raised an eyebrow and the two of them released their hands at the right time, originally there were a few other people around who wanted to come over, but at this point, they all stopped, they would wait for Duncan and Lynch's chat to finish before they tried to have a chat with Lynch, that was the rule.

  "Oh? But I don't know you very well yet." , he returned without moving, in fact, in a way, on some level, Duncan's words were not very polite, and of course Lynch's words were equally rude.

  But the uncertainty of the context didn't let the nonchalance get in the way of either party until they showed a clear love/hate relationship.

  "I currently work for LOPO Realty as the General Manager." , said he with more than a little pride on his face, certainly his job did qualify him to think that way.

  LOPO Properties was just a new company less than a decade old under the LOPO Industries Group, which was very representative and influential within the state, a research and development based industrial group of companies of considerable size.

  Their main direction is to research and develop machinery that caters to the needs of the market, such as Roonet's hands of clothing factories and blanket factories use a variety of machinery, all from LOPO Industries.

  LOPO Industries, on the other hand, was essentially to push up their stock price with better-looking financial reports.

  It was pretty obvious where Duncan was coming from, he had his eye on the land Lynch was holding.

  The city wasn't as big as it is now when the club was first established, and what seemed like a lot away from the center of the city at the time is now right next to the center of the city, and it's value has increased countless times over.

  It's not that people hadn't considered accepting the club in the past, but the problem was that big conglomerates like LOPO Industries thought that a professional rugby club was a money-burning business that would hardly produce any good results, so until Lynch took over, people might have had their eyes on that piece of land, but there wasn't a lot of people to do it.

  Now Lynch said he wanted to sell, naturally, it will attract some people's intention.

  The two simply talked roughly for a while, and didn't talk in too much detail, this is a cocktail party, not an office, no one will negotiate any business here, they will at most leave an intention.

  After the two sides had agreed on a time to talk in detail, Duncan left contentedly, followed by a third person who appeared in front of Lynch.

  Ferrell, who was standing on the other side, watched Lynch naturally cope with this kind of occasion with a very inauthentic feeling, as he had seen many people attend such a reception for the first time, leaving some laughs behind for various reasons.

  Including himself, for the first time with elders to participate in the level of social reception, due to excessive restraint and caution caused jokes.

  But look at Lynch, he always feel a little ... he did not know how to say, both expect Lynch may make a fool of himself, but also hope that his performance more perfect.

  People are always so contradictory, willing to believe that this world exists perfect things, as a way to send their own good and bright side, but also do not want this is really have perfect things, so that only make them look less than perfect.

  Gradually, some people began to surround Lynch, this phenomenon is rare, in such an occasion will rarely be surrounded by a "newbie" to make him the center.

  If Lynch had elders, they would probably have told him before he attended the reception to keep his mouth shut and not to talk out of turn, but to listen to other people's ideas and to keep his attitude to himself.

  When he saw this Ferrell couldn't help but get a little curious, he wondered what Lynch was talking to the others about, so much so that these people were arching him in the middle.

  He exchanged a greeting with the mayor and walked towards Lynch's small group with his glass in hand, and before he got close enough he heard something Lynch said.

  "The Federation's financial markets are bound to collapse ..."