
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0101 As long as it provides pleasure!

Sabine City Rugby Club is called "Sabine City Rugby Club", its predecessor was the only professional rugby team in Sabine City, but because of some reasons, the company responsible for the operation of bankruptcy, in the absence of someone to take over the situation, it from a professional club, turned into an amateur club.

  Then no one is willing to take over the club, it has been in a semi-abandoned state, there is gossip that the previous company used this professional club player transfer crazy money laundering, and then because of some problems in the distribution of private dividends, the players involved in the process to come forward to report and expose, which led to the bankruptcy of the company.

  However, there is basically no relevant news in the market, only that the operation of the business mismanagement of their own play through, many people also sigh for this.

  No one to take over is not simply because of some of the problems of this club, the operation of the club itself requires a lot of money, not every business can afford to play professional clubs, every year in this investment is as little as a few hundred thousand, or more than a million dollars, but it brings a very amazing income.

  First of all, the operators of professional clubs can get a lot of local policies and support, including part of the tax relief, as well as from the city hall and state government to get special subsidies for sports.

  Secondly, a well-run club can generate a very positive image for the company, and as long as the team has a decent record, people will support it and the company behind it.

  There are also social issues involved, such as the fact that cities with professional teams have a higher law and order rate than cities without professional teams, and presumably people will often choose to watch the game at home rather than go out and commit crime, or perhaps supporting the team allows people to vent their emotions.

  The image of the city, for example, is that a city with a professional sports team gives off a sunny and healthy vibe, or at least the impression that people in the city are very concerned about health, sports, and life in general.

  All in all, it was a good thing.

  When Lynch's car had just pulled up in front of the club, the club manager, who had been waiting for a long time, took the initiative and opened the car door for Lynch, a little fawning and slightly bent over.

  At his side was an adult woman in her thirties, dressed in professional attire, wearing glasses and with a face that seemed a little reluctant.

  Since the beginning of the economic downturn, it had become customary to bring the last pretty lady with you when talking business, as if that would increase the success rate, which had become a social problem.

  Lynch stood erect, and with his handsome appearance, the expression on the lady who came to greet him seemed to relax a bit, less concerned about her open neckline and too-short skirt.

  He first looked at the club's manager who reached out to shake Lynch's hand vigorously, "I'm the club's manager Kane, I heard the people from the United Sports Club say that you were coming today and I was so excited that I didn't close my eyes all night and the sunshine that had been missing for a long time has finally returned!" His voice trembled slightly, and he seemed very emotional.


  The lady next to the manager recoiled a little from the manager's abject flattery, and her eyes filled with a kind of contempt.

  The state RUFC branch had called them yesterday and told them that a big boss would be patronizing their club today, possibly restarting Sabine's professional rugby program, and in an instant it had set the whole club abuzz.

  Without sponsorship, the club couldn't keep the good athletes, and without good athletes, the club was soon dismantled, leaving only a few older athletes with no place to go.

  Meanwhile, they were no longer able to take advantage of the professional athlete subsidy from the United Games because their clubs had withdrawn from the professional leagues, which was a devastating blow to many of the athletes.

  The United Sports Association, full name Baylor Federal Sportsmen's Association, this is an unofficial organization, its function is to promote the development of sports in Baylor Federal, at the same time, according to the Baylor Federal "Sports Development Act" stipulates that all live broadcasts of professional leagues within the provisions of the Act, the broadcasting rights belong to the United Sports Association, and the proceeds gained from such powers shall all be used to encourage, promote, develop and build the sports industry of Baylor Federal.

Even at the lowest level of the professional league, the athletes, including the clubs, could get some subsidies from the United Sports Federation, but not the amateurs.

  If Lynch could restart the clubs and send them to even the lowest level of the professional league, it would be enough to bring back the rice bowls of the people who lived around the clubs.

  So when they got the news last night, they were all excited, the manager's waist had to be bent, the responsibility on his shoulders was too heavy, so heavy that he didn't dare to straighten his back!

  Lynch casually shook his hands, feeling the power in his hands disappear, the manager also hastily loosened his hands, then tilted his head to look at the lady beside him, and Lynch introduced himself, "This is the club's chief assistant, Ms. Julie ...".

  Julie glanced at Kane, then shook Lynch's hand and quickly released it.

  Kane then breathed a sigh of relief, he was afraid that Julie would cause some trouble, he inquired with a cautious tone, "Then let's go inside and take a look?"

  "No, I have another friend coming ...," Lynch rebuffed him and turned to examine some of the glories placed within the glass facade of the club.

  There was a layer of grayish dirt on the glass wall, it must not have been cleaned for a long time, the trophies placed inside were well preserved, among them there were also some trophies of state tournament winners.

  These trophies of the year are in the club suffered a big trouble before the year, when they introduced a lot of strong players, these players also contributed a lot of power for the club, if not later happened these things ..., they may be able to hit the "Four Square Cup! "If not for what happened later, they could have won the Quadrangular Cup (the second division trophy in the Baylor Federal League system).

  Lynch looked at these things, Kane manager's eyes also followed Lynch's gaze on a trophy, his face gradually appeared some sadness, but soon became firm again.

  He must convince Lynch to invest in the club, it didn't matter if he invested a little less, as long as they could cover their daily expenses, they would be able to return to the top level of the battlefield one day.

  At that moment, three cars arrived in a row, each one a new luxury car, leaving Kane slightly stunned.

  Lynch slowly turned around and watched as Mr. Fox got out of the middle car, smiling and hugging Mr. Fox, then Fox Jr. Immediately after, he introduced Kane to both father and son before Kane led him into the club.

  "I couldn't wait to get here when you said you had a new idea ...," Mr. Fox emphasized his positivity, "what did you have in mind this time?"

  Kane, walking ahead, had been following the conversation between the three behind him when he heard only Lynch say, "Clubs, rugby league and those new businesses we were talking about earlier."

  "The entertainment industry?"

  Mr. Fox's voice rose half a degree, "I thought by entertainment industry you meant making movies or something, does sports count?"

  Lynch nodded with a wry smile, "I have to say that your understanding of entertainment is still superficial, in my opinion, as long as it can provide pleasure to the audience, it can be considered the entertainment industry."

  He paused slightly in his footsteps, a broad smile on his face, "We are going to usher in an era, Mr. Fox, do you believe that?"

  Fox also had a smile on his face, as if infected by Lynch, "As long as it's what you say, I believe it!"