
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0070 A Second Regret

The two kids, who were spending their first time in a roadside outdoor cafe, were a little reserved, patting their clothes more than once before sitting down to make sure they wouldn't stain these seats.

  Lynch didn't stop them, he just watched quietly, people don't lose their awe of the world in a single moment, and if a person can lose their awe of everything in a single moment, that person will soon perish as well.

  Arrogant people who don't know how to be reverent can't live long, and they'll either be destroyed by others or by themselves.

  Looking at them sitting carefully and cautiously with their heads slightly bowed, one could see that they still had some reverence in them, even though they were doing what many adults would not dare to do - kill someone.

  After the waiter had brought over three cups of coffee and three slices of pancakes and wished them a perfect afternoon tea, Lynch spoke of the jobs he could give them.

  "I've recently set up an auction house and I don't have many people working for me at the moment, at the same time I'm going to have an awful lot of work to do in the next little while and there's no way I'm going to be able to keep myself completely busy there, I'm going to need some people to do things for me."

  The two kids who had made eye contact straightened their spines immediately, Lynch nodded noncommittally, he took a small sip from his coffee mug with a tray in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other, "First job, I need someone to go to all the trading markets in Sabine every day and ask for the daily prices of a number of commodities, including raw materials for me, it's a very simple but detailed job that requires being able to ask openly, someone who knows a few words and can write a few words".

  Now Mr. Fox didn't realize what kind of trouble this mortgage agreement representing the finances was going to cause him, a lot of different miscellaneous items were going to fill up his warehouse, and it wasn't like gold, jewelry, or anything like that was going to be easy to get out of the way.

  People who have these things don't bring them to Mr. Fox, they send them directly to antique stores and places like that to sell them, and often antique stores are called pawnshops by another name.

  The things that come to Mr. Fox are basically things that are hard to get rid of right away, things that are relevant to their lives.

  They can't get rid of it in a short time, they can't throw it away, it takes a lot of energy and strength, then Lynch will discount these things according to the price on the collateral agreement, and will contract at a lower price.

  This was practically a sale where he made money twice, and probably more the second time, but it didn't matter because they weren't connected, or even that Mr. Fox had come to the Initiative and asked him to get rid of them.

  Prices on the market fluctuated, there had to be a good budget for how much each thing would sell for, and Lynch was already getting a distinct sense of a pre-storm atmosphere.

  The shrinking economy has changed the consumer attitudes of more ordinary people who have begun to try to buy used goods to reduce unnecessary expenses in their lives, and how to price them has become a learning curve.

  As for raw materials ... sometimes there are some confusing behaviors in the market, such as the price of a certain item may fall below the price of raw materials after it is split, the most common is the used car trade.

  Sometimes an old car can only be sold for two or three dollars, but if it is broken down into raw materials or even some parts, it can fetch more.

People may have avoided this method before because of the high price of labor and other reasons, but with the recession coming soon, labor will become worthless and people will be looking for a job they couldn't see before.

This will be a feast for the capitalists who have already prepared and thought about it, after all, in the past the cost of labor in business was the largest part of the total cost composition!

  The two children nodded vigorously, the younger one seemed to have been denied the opportunity to speak, it had been the older child who had spoken, "Mr. Lynch, we can both read and write, and we're very hard working and fast runners.

  Lynch nodded, "The second point I need some people with some speaking skills, be cute looking, we'll have some goods we need to sell door to door ..."

  Kindness, benevolence, such things are often born when people begin to pursue spiritual needs after achieving financial freedom.

  A person who is so poor that he can't even afford to put on his pants won't think about "I want to help others today" and "how can I make myself happy by helping others," he just wants to make money and fill his stomach.

  Only those who have nothing better to do want to prove their superiority through their past efforts, and sometimes charitable behavior toward others is a sign of superiority.

  I use a little money for myself, in exchange for your gratitude and even kneel down for it, so that from the inside out, from the soles of the feet rise the sense of superiority, human pleasure and spiritual self-satisfaction needs will make people have a kind of "I fucking soul realm sublimation" of pleasure.

  This easy to get pleasure group is often the middle class, they are always a very interesting group of people, really to the upper class, people have long been used to see, but also experienced all kinds of life, charity as the pursuit of spirituality, is more like a kind of disguise for their own ugliness.

  Using poor children to knock on the door of the middle class is a very effective way, and this group of middle class people who are seeking their progress, seeking to participate more in social change to take more responsibility, will pay for the children.

  It's a good deal, saves some, satisfies some, and most importantly, Lynch makes money.

  "Maybe I'll have other jobs for you guys later on, depending on how well I develop here. ... ", he pulled a checkbook out of his pocket, signed a cash check for two hundred dollars and put it on the table.

  "Take it and get some decent clothes, make yourself ...," he raised his hand and gestured, "look neat, and meet me in the warehouse district tomorrow."

  With that he ate the pancakes in a few bites, drank his coffee and stood up, the two kids also stood up nervously, "I take it we're done talking?"

  "Yes, Mr. Lynch!" The older boy bowed his head, he was acting meek, which was good.

  "Enjoy your afternoon tea then, see you tomorrow boys!"

  "See you tomorrow, Mr. Lynch!"

  Both kids were so excited after Lynch left that they drank their coffee, their bitter faces squeezed together.

  "Damn, why do adults like to drink this stuff?" The younger kid shivered as if he had just finished peeing, sorry, the girls and ladies probably didn't feel that way, second regret.

  He looked at the rest of the glass with his heart pounding and couldn't help but say, "I prefer sweeter juice!"

  The older child also had a look of bitterness in his heart, he grimaced and whispered to shut up, then wrapped the two pancakes in paper and put them back in his bag, these were to be taken back and shared with the group, they had become one, they should be shared together.

  They wouldn't have eaten it all if the coffee hadn't been impossible to take back.

  Before the two children left, they wiped their sleeves on the chairs they hadn't actually soiled, discreetly and carefully, and it was heartbreaking to watch.

  But this is the world, there are people in and out of the noble and extravagant places, spewing obscenities as they go, their servants sucking the blood out of the Federation and even society as a whole.

  There are also people like these children, living a careful life, constantly contributing to society, but even the most basic dignity is difficult to maintain.