
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0062 There will always be someone ahead of the time

The moment the door of the room was opened, a short, sharp bell rang in the room, not harsh and not too long, just a second or two.

This ringing was meant to specifically alert those in the room that someone was opening the door, to avoid as many awkward questions as possible, and to have at least those few seconds of cushion.

Joe Gleeman stands up, accompanied by three other young men, all of whom greet Lynch, with Joe Gleeman at the head of the group, right behind them.

Lynch walks over with a subdued face and extends his hand, shaking Joe Gleeman's, who is acting a bit reluctant, and after the two men exchange a few well-deserved pleasantries, he introduces Lynch to the three young men behind him.

"These are the outstanding account managers of GOLD WAY BANK ...", ignoring the names of these three people, which were not important at all, Lynch probably already knew what Joe Gleeman meant.

He will not take the business, not even himself involved in it, Lynch will be with these three account managers to achieve a loan intention, he held these promises will also be the performance of these three account managers.

For Joe Gleeman, no matter who signed Lynch's business does not matter, for his position of personal performance is no longer important, even if a whole year he did not handle a single single, no one will think he is a waste.

As the head of the credit department, his "performance" is the collective results of the entire credit department, since he signed or not signed are not important, why not take these sheets to buy people's hearts.

Where there are people, there will be fights, there will be fights, there will be people who will take sides, these three young people are Joe Gleeman's staunch supporters, they are younger and have more potential, if these lists and those lists in the future in their hands, will push them to a higher position.

At the same time, he himself, as head of the credit department, would benefit, so why not be a generous supervisor?

Besides, it was a precautionary tactic; if something went wrong on Lynch's side of the whole process and the bank's interests were affected, Joe Gleeman could get out of it immediately and it would be none of his business.

He was only responsible for the introduction, he only confirmed the process of these loan applications for the bank to review, as for the other things have nothing to do with him at all, if there is anything illegal in it, of course, has nothing to do with him either.

If there were no problems with cooperation, he would also be able to benefit from it. Millions of loan contracts were signed under his auspices, and as the person directly responsible for these services, he would also receive important evaluations from the branch and even from the head office.

At the top of the bank, especially in a department as important as the credit department, risk assessment and prevention are always paramount; you can make a little money, but you can never make a big loss.

Led by Joe Gleeman, the group began with a brief conversation, and soon the conversation evolved from very insignificant and ordinary things to the recent economic trends in the Commonwealth.

The development of the economy is like a sudden slack down, all walks of life have some small problems, from the six major banks in the first half of the loan issued and the previous year's loan rate, the amount of lending at the same time compared to see, society is quietly changing.

Chatting away Joe Gleeman let go of the lead in the conversation and let these young people go on a free-for-all, while he watched, especially Lynch, from the sidelines.

A copy of the new GET NOW Finance contract had already been sent to the branch, and the branch's legal counsel felt that the additional funds in the GET NOW Finance loan agreement were of tremendous significance and value, and they also planned to roll out a new contract of their own in the second to third quarter of next year.

The reason it's taking so long is partly to wait until these current contracts are used up so they can print new ones, which will save a lot of money, and partly to do a little research to see if they conflict with local laws in certain states.

Overall, Joe Gleeman has taken credit for the fact that he doesn't think it was thought up by the owners of the finance companies, who didn't go to school for a few days, or by their legal advisors, otherwise they would have had all this stuff already, and why did they have to wait for a young man named Lynch to come along?

That tells me that Lynch had something to do with all of this.

What impressed him most was Lynch's self-confidence, his judgment of future financial and economic trends gave Joe Gleeman the vague feeling that he was right.

"The continued weakness of the market is likely to cause overcapacity, if the federal government is not able to solve these problems well, the capitalists will have to start layoffs next, and a large number of workers will become unemployed, and social conflicts and contradictions are likely to further intensify and erupt!" Lynch's eloquent speech left the other three young men with no room to even interrupt, and at the same time what he was saying was somewhat frightening.

Economists had been talking all day about a new round of big growth after the top, and while they didn't know when the top would end, most of them were optimistic.

Lynch's contrarian views caught the eye, and Joe Gleeman stood up just as one of the young men asked the younger-than-life Mr. Lynch for advice, using words like "Mr. Lynch" with a hint of respect.

The eyes and attention of all four were drawn to him, and he smiled apologetically, "I'm going to take a call ..." as Eyesight changed in an indescribable way.

Eyesight is a very special medium, some people use the eyes are the windows to the soul to describe the specialness of the eyes, there are some people who think that the eyes and eyesight are not capable of delivering messages.

However, there is always a moment when people are able to recognize the meaning of another person's eyes through their eyes, the intertwined gazes.

Something as simple as "don't", "got it".

Lynch nodded and said, "Go ahead," and as Joe Gleeman entered the other room, the young men duly dropped their earlier "advice" and got down to the business of the day.

Today's meeting was very much just a deeper level of intent, the contract would not be signed here, if the loan agreement was signed here, Lynch might not have a problem, but the three young men would not only lose their jobs, they could also go to jail.

They began to discuss some of the information that Lynch had brought with him, because with Joe Gleeman's attitude of support - if he didn't support the deal, he wouldn't have brought them to meet with Lynch - the tone of the matter had been set, and all that was left to do was work out some of the details.

Forty minutes later, Mr. Joe Gleeman, who had finally finished his phone call, returned from the other room and looked at the four young men who had begun chatting idly with a slight, apologetic smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, I got an important call and have to go back to a conference call, so I can't keep you company ...", he pressed his cuffs and looked at the jewel-encrusted watch on his wrist, "It's almost noon, so you can have lunch here or go wherever you want, in any case I'd like to see you at the bank after two o'clock, any questions?"

Things were basically settled at this point, after the agreement was signed in the afternoon, when the bank went through the approval process, the money would be credited to Dyson Asset Management's public account.

But the business between them wouldn't stop here, Joe Gleeman was well aware that if Lynch got more money, GET NOW would be able to get more mortgage agreements, and it would be a snowball that would keep moving forward, bringing him huge revenues and prestige.

On the way back, he looked at the worried passersby on the street, and God forbid, he thought about Lynch's earlier comment, the one that could be considered appalling to many!

He also thought of the recent internal report from headquarters on the establishment of a personal credit system and the call for a reduction in the interest rate on bank deposits. ...

The oncoming wind no longer smelled of intoxicating sweetness, but rather of the fishy odor that comes only on the eve of a storm!