
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0045 Fighting for my pension!

At this time, a different conversation was taking place in the office of the director of the Federal Revenue Service in Sabine.

On one side was the owner of this office, the local Commissioner of Revenue, and on the other side was the supreme governor of the office in the state.

The structure of the Baylor Federal Tax Administration is relatively simple, with the highest authority being the Baylor Federal Tax Administration Directorate, with the highest officer being the Director General of the Directorate, and down the line, in addition to the various offices of the Directorate, are the Federal Tax Administration Offices of the individual states.

These state administrative offices do not undertake any services related to taxation, they are a simple management organization, although in some ways they do not have as much power as the grassroots level, that is, the federal tax bureau in each region, but they hold the local tax department officials' assessment and other administrative work, the hidden power is rather more.

It was only a day since it happened, but it was this one day that had alarmed the General Director of the Federal Tax Administration, asking the following to resolve the matter as soon as possible without public outcry.

In another world there is the saying "Whoever hung the bell on the tiger's neck must untie it", in this world there is a similar idea, maybe the language and the way of expression is different, but the way of thinking and thinking of human beings is still similar.

"Michael's side of the job can be stopped, let him disappear from the public eye for a while, plus I hear he suspects there might be something wrong with this Lynch?"

There was a hint of indifference in the voice of the commissioner of the state office, which made the commissioner a little alarmed; he was in his fifties, and he couldn't afford to sit under his butt for long himself, even if he didn't want to give it to someone else.

Especially if his successor was promoted from below, he would only be here for two or three years at the most; after all, his successor would need time to familiarize himself with the jobs as well, in order to better serve the Federation.

Then there is a small problem to be solved on his side, during the time when he is about to retire, should he enjoy the leisurely life of running a retirement office, or should he work hard to do the hard and tiring work.

They are all "high rise", some of them are very free, such as the consultant team under the state office, which does not even need to go to the workplace to keep watch, but only to show up and say a few words when there is a need.

This kind of place is prepared to arrange for those management who are about to retire, clean and well paid, better treatment, and a comfortable old age after a lifetime of labor for the Federation.

But there are also some places that are not so painful, such as the state-level archives, evidence management office, the entire state of all kinds of files and all kinds of evidence will eventually converge here, not allow a single error, think about it all make people feel scared, really tired to death position.

In the end, how he was promoted and where he was mobilized to after he was promoted were all decided by the state office side, at this time he wiped the sweat from his face while nodding his head back and forth, "Yes ..."

"Then check on Lynch, check hard, check with all your heart, and if you can prove that Lynch is indeed a criminal, you might be able to cool down those public opinions."

"Also, the brass has some opinions about your doings in Sabine, I know you're retiring before long, but that's no excuse for inaction, we're a federal government department, not some private business, and it's not out of the realm of possibility that if you do let someone find the right reason to clean you out in this last short period of time you'll be here."

The statement made the Chief's butt eyes snap; the standard line for retirement in the Baylor Federation was fifty-six (for women) and sixty (for men), and retirement could be followed by a pension at the same rate as if he had paid into Social Security.

This standard is divided into three major brackets of fifteen, twenty-five and thirty-five years, with four sub-levels within each bracket.

The Commissioner, if he can work within the Revenue Department until he reaches the age of sixty, will be able to retire with the highest level of pension currently available in the Commonwealth, which is at least about seven hundred and fifty dollars a month.

This amount of money in many big cities people look at may ... not so conspicuous, but in Sabine City for those who are retired has been a huge sum of money, after all, now the workers per capita income is only about two hundred dollars, he one tops the income of three workers.

But in the unlikely event that he comes up short of contributing the full thirty-five years of social security, he will only be able to take the second tier of the pension, which will come to about four hundred dollars or so a month, which is about half as much as the full third tier.

The pension system has long been widely praised, and what makes it even more inconceivable is that it wasn't the federal government that pushed the system through, but rather major consortia of emerging or established capitalists.

Some people say that this is a conspiratorial policy because the vast majority of people are unlikely to pay premiums for the full thirty-five year period, and there are always surprises in life, such as a change of job, or unemployment.

As soon as it goes on a little too long, the contributions are immediately cut off and they can never get a full grade again, which makes it convenient for the capitalists to exploit their employees without worrying about them overreacting, and they have to accept the oppression honestly if they want their later years to be less miserable.

Once a person loses his ability to work and his source of income his value in society will be zero, and a person without value cannot survive in this society.

Not only will those ordinary people accept any unfair treatment and exploitation and oppression for the sake of their pensions, but when faced with an investigation, they will also show that it's not a big deal for me to sacrifice my personal interests for the sake of the company, I'd love to fucking do it!

The Director shares this anxiety, so he must save his old age.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, followed by, "Show me, and my superiors, as soon as you can that you're not doing nothing to move, understand?"

The Director nodded vigorously, whether it was for his own face or for his future pension, he would defend everything he had to the death, "Understood!"

The news and public opinion festered further over the next few days, and some of the more recognizable upper class members of society gradually began to talk about their concerns about the current unchecked enforcement powers of the many law enforcement agencies, and how they felt that what had happened to Lynch, or anyone else, might not be out of the question as to what might happen to them.

The stance taken by these people is recognized by many of the underclasses of society, except that these underclasses of society will never find out that these people who have taken a stand are the face ofthe federal dream that has only risen so rapidly in the last few years or a decade or so, and that they also happen to be the same ones who need and fear power.

But these things are still too far away from Lynch, after three days of rest in the hospital Lynch returned to work, Richard they saved a lot of money, a breath of time to exchange all of them, and began to be busy again.

Vera was back in the office as well, she and her husband were in a cold war and had been sleeping in separate rooms for days at a time.

The more she is in such a situation, the more there is a sense of crisis in her heart that if she is not able to realize financial independence, she will be left with nothing in the event of family changes.

"Boss, here's five thousand ...," said Richard, again proving his worth with superb speed.

He finally raised his head in front of his family during this time, and his daily income of less than tens, more than one or two hundred has shocked his family speechless, which also let him see the shining future.

Lynch nodded a little as he let the change be dumped into the cart, and after writing a check and having Vera give him a ticket, Lynch pushed the cart into the small room at the back of the warehouse.

The moment he turned on the UV light, the glowing green glow was bright and blinding!