
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0034 Attitude determines the future. Don't make promises easily.

The two cops stood in the doorway of the room and looked at each other, the one who was taking down some information put away his book and pen, "There's good news, we've got the guy who took your stuff, but you're going to need to go ahead and identify it too, know what I mean?"

He did not say "steal" and "burglary" such key words, but used the take, he is weak Lynch on the nature of the case, while putting pressure on the other side.

Not everyone has the guts to go to the scene and identify the culprits. Last year, someone also made a statistic that about sixty-one point nine four percent of the eyewitnesses were reluctant to identify the culprits, and more than seventy-seven point fifty-three percent of the eyewitnesses were reluctant to testify in the court of law.

This already says a lot, and can be seen as a bad consequence of the poor policing in the Baille Federation, or as a reason why criminal forces are still running wild.

Anyway getting someone to testify against a criminal is definitely a way to increase the pressure on the witness, but they had the wrong person, Lynch immediately changed, "What are you waiting for?"

The two policemen were a little confused as to what was going on with Lynch, but they did want the matter to be resolved "satisfactorily".

On the way to the police station, the policeman in the passenger seat talked about the "criminals" they had captured.

"It was a young man of sixteen or seventeen years old who was attending school, who didn't admit to having done any of these things, and we really didn't have more than enough evidence to completely nail him on the charges ..."

This is both right and wrong, and completely treats Lynch like an outsider, in the police department, as long as they decide that someone is a criminal and have the need to do so, a little tampering with the evidence will be able to nail the criminal, which obviously wasn't their intention this time around.

The cop glanced sideways and back at Lynch, "I think we should give the little guy a chance, this case with less than adequate evidence has the potential to ruin his life down the road."

He paused as he said, "You're unharmed and the damage is limited, so if he's willing to make it up to you somehow, I think you guys could talk."

After saying these words the policeman turned back, he had said what he needed to say, as for what the outcome would be it was not for him, a small front line policeman, to decide.

For the two policemen in the car, it actually didn't matter to them at all how Lynch chose, the sky couldn't fall on their heads anyway, they were just trying their best to fulfill their superior's orders.

They didn't say anything else to Lynch for the rest of the drive either, until the car pulled up inside the police station.

"Do you want it, young man?" , a policeman led him toward the police station's office building and pushed open the lobby door for him.

Lynch nodded his head a little with a calm face, "Maybe I should indeed talk to him."

"Smart choice!" , the cop patted him on the shoulder and led him off to the side towards the interrogation room, some easy smile appearing on his face as well, and whispered, "You can open your mouth wide like a lion and rip a piece of meat off of him, he's a rich asshole, at least richer than us, you know what I mean?"

Lynch nodded, and the policeman pursed his lips in satisfaction as he stood outside the door of the interrogation room and opened it, once again instructing in a low voice, "We've turned off the recording system, so remember to knock on the door when you come out, and I'll be right outside the door waiting for you!"

There were too few good people like that, and Lynch walked into the room after giving a firm nod.

In fact, by this point the entire police department process is completely botched, and there is no meeting between the victim and the perpetrator, or the plaintiff and the defendant, until they go to court, but some things are just like that.

Rules are rules and reality is reality.

The interrogation room consisted of only a table and four chairs, which were fixed dead to the floor, and Michael Jr. sat with his head hanging down on one side of the table.

He couldn't help but look up atLynch's arrival, and his complete lack of understanding as to why the ring in his father's drawer was actually a stolen item made him lift his heart back up with a sigh of relief.

The ring is not evidence of Michael's betrayal of his family, but the fact that it came from a questionable source means that his father may be suspected of being involved in the crime, and there is a struggle and pain within him that ... he himself can't articulate, and he doesn't know what to do about it, while at the same time he feels that it's not easy for Michael.

The police side talked to him as well, and will bring the caller in, and if he can convince the caller to drop the case, then he can just leave after posting bail.

This incident does not become a blot on his file, after the case is dismissed he does not commit another crime for a certain period of time, and all the information is thoroughly packed into another dossier, which is never seen by the general public.

At the sight of Lynch Michael Jr. opened his mouth and closed it again, he didn't know how to speak.

Kids that age tend to have a very clear sense of right and wrong, and he sees Lynch as a "victim" who suddenly realizes that he's dirty because he's trying to destroy justice and fairness like some people he doesn't like.

The feeling of shame prevented him from speaking, and he could only keep his head down and remain silent as he waited for Lynch to make an offer.

Whatever Lynch offered, he would agree to it as long as it wasn't too much; it wasn't really his sin, but then again, he really wanted to atone for his father's sins.

He wasn't sure why Michael had burglarized the house and taken Lynch's ring, but it had happened and there was no point in dwelling on it; all he needed to do was to give Lynch adequate compensation and cover for his father.

It's just ... sometimes young people don't want to admit they are young, and eventually they will be slapped in the face by reality.

Lynch paused for a few moments less after sitting down, "I didn't come here to talk to you about how much money you can spend to settle this matter ...", Michael Jr. raised his head in some surprise, while Lynch continued, "Don't think that you guys have a few stinking dollars, you can sway the justice, even if the lawsuit is taken to the state court, I will not compromise!"

Lynch's statement made Michael Jr. realize that things weren't going as he had just considered, so much for the bitch being a prude, and one second he was caught up in some sort of morally bankrupt sense of self humiliation that he couldn't extricate himself from, and then inwardly he was so shaken up by Lynch's statement of unwillingness to compromise that his legs and stomach began to tremble!

Before he had a chance to open his mouth, Lynch continued, "Everyone is responsible for their own actions, whether you're a student or not, or something else, even if you're a government official, you'll have to face justice."

"The court, the judge, and the public will give you a fair trial, and no matter how high you stand, the moment the judge's gavel falls, you'll be pulled down, and the higher you stand, the more it will only hurt you to fall."

Sweat was starting to run down Michael Jr.'s face, and he wasn't actually fully subbing himself into the role of the suspect, but rather his father, Michael.

It left him with a struggle he couldn't describe, a tangle and anguish, and he could already imagine what would happen when Michael appeared in the courtroom dock and was found guilty, the family, in a heartbeat, was finished.

"There's no ... room for negotiation?" , his voice was filled with something bitter and a hint of expectation.

Lynch shook his head, "Would you be happy if I broke into your house and took the most important thing you had and then smashed you in the face with a bunch of bills and told you to let it go at that?"

Little Michael stopped talking, his mood was very low, and the corner of Lynch's mouth hooked slightly before he stood up.

"I'm here, just to tell you my attitude, there's no compromise to be made, I don't want your stinking money, and don't you look down on anyone else!" , said he as he stood up and walked over to the door and knocked on it, leaving to the puzzled stares of the police.

Soon the police officer walked in as well, pinching himself as he looked at the moody Michael Jr. Still confused, he asked, "Did you guys talk it out?"

Michael Jr. sighed heavily, knowing full well that his current life, family, and social status all stemmed from Michael's work.

Once Michael is prosecuted and convicted, even if he doesn't go to jail, his job is over.

The federal IRS won't want a tainted person in management, and once Michael loses his job, the family will have to move out of their middle class neighborhood to live downtown.

The future is shrouded in gray gloom, and only by keeping Michael's job will the family not have too many problems.

Even Michael Jr. associates it with the fact that in time Michael has a way to fish him out and give him a new identity so he can go somewhere else and start over.

More than implicating Michael, Michael Jr. made the decision to take a deep breath and look up at the police officer, "I plead guilty to burglary ..."

At this moment, Lynch, who was standing outside the police station, glanced back at the solemn police precinct, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

He would entrust certain people to take good care of little Michael in prison, as Michael had threatened him to do.

Little Michael will be everyone's favorite and have lots of boyfriends!