
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

0013 On the necessity of pain education in the process of growth

Lynch was observing Michael's family when Michael was also called into the office by his supervisor.

The offices of the Federal Tax Administration of Sabine are not clustered in the same neighborhood as the offices of Sabine City Hall, but in another neighborhood, and they seem to want to use this as a way to tell the Federal Tax Administration that they are not screwing with the locals.

But there's also the possibility that they don't quite have the same style, and that the Federal Revenue Service's décor can be described as downright lavish compared to the somewhat shabby-looking City Hall and the rest of the office departments.

It's no surprise to anyone who knows that the Federal Revenue Service is a very wealthy organization, and they can not only use slabs of marble for their floor tiles, but they can also hang camel's wool blankets on their walls to show off their nobility.

Inside the office, a wide, semi-wraparound desk surrounded the director of the Federal Tax Administration of Sabine, a middle-aged man in his fifties.

He had grayish-white hair, a bit of head and crow's feet, and was generally well maintained, or at least didn't look too different from the workers in their forties.

He was dressed in elaborate formal attire and wore a tie, and at the moment his contended frowned as Michael, who stood on the other side of the desk, was somewhat less accustomed to the atmosphere in the room at the moment.

"I'm bitter, Mike!" , Mike was Michael's friends, and also included the shortened form of his supervisor's name for him in his life's work, so that it would seem a bit more intimate, more like one of their own.

Michael scratched his head, not a trace of his workplace tantrum, and there was even some confusion on his face, "I don't understand, George."

"No, you understand!" , the Director, who Michael referred to as "George" sighed as he lowered his gaze over the two documents on his desktop, "You understand, Mike, that Fox has his lawyers gathering evidence of your abuse of power, and in addition ... ..."

He flipped through the report in front of him, "There are also some people who have been a bit vocal about your last few actions, I thought you had it in the bag before I authorized your actions, but apparently I overestimated you." , he pulled his gaze back from the file and looked at Michael, "What do you suggest I do?"

Michael looked a little annoyed at this point, "All of this is the fault of that bastard called Lynch, he somehow managed to evade our three searches, but I can assure you, George, there's definitely something wrong with that boy."

"I watched the newsboy bring the five thousand dollars into the room with my own eyes, and they left it there, but I found nothing when I went in, and he's a cunning lad, and well prepared for it!"

George raised his hand to stop Michael from continuing and pointed at him, "You're so right, he's smart and has his defenses up. None of you were able to catch him by his little tail when he was defenseless, and now that he's defenseless, you'll be even less able to catch him by his little tail!"

The meaning behind the statement instantly calmed Michael, who was still in a state of mortification, and he looked somewhat cautiously at the Director behind the desk, "What do you mean?"

"There's no point ...", Chief George spread his hands, crossed his fingers and leaned back and sank deeper into his chair, "You've had some very bad publicity from a couple of your failed operations, and Fox's people are planning to deal with you, you'd better calm down for a while!"

The perceptive Michael immediately realized what was going on and his voice rose considerably, "You want me suspended?"

"Suspension?" , Director George dumbfounded, "No, no, no, you misunderstand, there is a big operation on the Quriland side of Quriland City, and they don't have enough manpower, and the support they have requested from our side ... ", Director George shrugged. "You know that our relationship with them has always been good, so there's no way I can refuse this request, you and your men immediately go to Quriland City to provide them with some help, and when you come back, then you can go and catch whatever Lynch is, is that clear?"

"But things may change in the meantime, can let the others go, I'll stay, it'll be hard to catch Lynch and Fox if we miss this time, we all know they've found a proven way to avoid our detection, I ..."

Not waiting for Michael to finish those words, the smile on Chief George's face faded as he looked at Michael, "That's not a request, that's an order, is that clear?"

The two men stared at each other for a moment. Michael realized that there was nothing he could do to change the decision before he huffed, "You're going to regret your decision today!"

Without hesitation, Chief George retorted, "I'll only regret not finding something for you to do sooner!"

Watching Michael leave the office, Director George sighed, Michael had risen to the position of head of the Investigations Unit and he had been wanting to move over to the Agents or Special Agents.

But the problem is that he's in management now, the head of the investigative team, and there's no way he's going to start at the bottom of the ladder as an agent or a special agent, he's going to start out in an administrative position like deputy head of the team or something like that.

So again, there is a problem. He can't move up when there are no openings, and he knows it, so he's always kept a "low profile" in the past.

Recently, I don't know where some news came from that someone in the Bureau was going to be promoted up, he immediately moved to take the initiative to apply to investigate Fox's case.

For the federal IRS, 99.99 percent of the people in this country are suspected of various tax offenses.

The role of the Federal Revenue Service is not to eliminate tax crimes, that is simply an impossibility, a passerby casually throws a dollar to a beggar, might the beggar hire an accountant to file a tax return for himself?

So the work of the Federal Tax Administration is mainly to check the situation of the big taxpayers, to ensure that the main taxpaying groups will not have too serious tax evasion behavior, as for ordinary people ... unless it is necessary, there is nothing that will take the initiative to check them.

The six-eyed flying fish from the northern oceans influenced Michael, who now wants to grab some of the credit and prepare to be promoted straight up when a spot opens up.

What he did wasn't really over the top, things more over the top than what he did have happened more than once in this federation, but people got enough incriminating evidence to nail their targets outright every time, instead of acting three times and failing three times.

It's going to be the joke of the system and he has to go and chill out!

Not a problem at all on Fox's end, the fact that he had his lawyers gather evidence of Michael's crimes was nothing more than a display of attitude, and for a man of that caliber, if the IRS had been targeting him and he had done nothing in response, someone would have toppled his reign soon enough.

This will die down when he learns that Michael is being sent to Quriland for operations there.

As for Lynch ..., that is just a small person, Director George is well aware of this, Michael s three failures have made him a laughing stock, his current behavior has seriously violated the rules and regulations, he is in the spirit of anger, it is time to let him calm down.

Michael came out of the Commissioner's office with a hard look on his face, and before his partner could ask "what's wrong" he raised his hand and cursed Shelter for being a shit.

"The Head has asked us to report to Quriland, tomorrow to assist them in their operation, Shit, he doesn't trust me to catch Lynch!"

His partner smiled and followed him without saying anything, which was actually a good thing.

With anger in his heart, Michael simply chose to go home and pack his things, a silent confrontation of sorts.

After a short drive he returned to the neighborhood where he lived, and just as he was contemplating how to tell his wife about his sudden business trip, a wave of anger with a hint of fear came over him, and he jerked the steering wheel so hard that the car drove right onto the sidewalk, even nearly hitting a person!

Some passersby screamed out and others ran to see if there were any injured, it was a bit too thrilling.

Michael angrily exited the driver's side, slammed the door hard, walked over to the guy who had almost been hit, grabbed him by the collar, and asked loudly, "What are you doing here?"

Lynch kept his smile on his face, as he had done in every previous encounter between them, calm, steady, and smiling, "Your wife is young and beautiful ..."

Looking at Michael who had already raised his fist, Lynch still said nonchalantly, "You can hit me, but you have to bear all the consequences, you should have investigated me, a poor boy with nothing, even this life is not worth much."

"We can bet on it, I'm sure you'll experience more unforgettable pain than a fist landing on your body, pain into your heart, do you believe me?"

He looked at the man calmly, as always, and the man's fierce eyes hesitated, hesitated, softened, and he withdrew his fists, still letting go of Lynch's collar.

Everyone has their most precious things, no one is an exception.

Finding these things is capable of destroying a person easily, no one is an exception.