
The Wealth Code

If you could live your life over again, what would it be? Or like this time, to be an ordinary person, Or take the world as the stage, stir up the world, let the whole world dance around you, let people's hearts beat faster because of your every word and action? Write your own laws, set the rules I said, life is just a few decades, either light up yourself, or burn the world! In a strange universe, a world completely different from what we know,in a unique class, a professor who has been awarded many international academic honors, with his humble, awe and respect, wrote a name on the blackboard - Lynch!"

Lifeiyu2001 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
178 Chs

0011 Standing in the first compartment looking into the eleventh compartment.

Michael sauntered into the room with a smirk of triumphant victory on his face, he glanced at Lynch sitting on the edge of the bed, and the corner of his mouth quirked up in a pair of hefty grins.

He didn't know why he was suddenly laughing out loud, maybe it was a show off?

Unbeknownst to him, he casually lifted the lapels of his trench coat, revealing the wallet stuck in the pocket inside with his credentials on it, "Federal Revenue Service, there's been a report of an illegal transaction that just took place here, and we're going to have to check it out ..."

This time it wasn't just Michael and his partner who came, there were several other people, and these people immediately began to search the room at Michael's signal.

Michael walked over to Lynch and sat down next to him, looking at the young man who had terrified him for such a brief period of time and said with a wry smile, "The last time I put a kid your age in jail, he was cocky enough to say it was just a vacation for him."

"He didn't think jail was scary at all, and you know what happened to him after that?" , he said something disturbing to warn Lynch, "He became the 'little baby' of the prison, everyone loved his ...", he trailed off some as he said it before before continuing with a grin, "Ass!"

He reached out to touch Lynch's cheeks, but under the gaze of Lynch's eyes, he gave up the idea and continued instead, "I can imagine how a handsome young man like you would be treated in there, everyone would love your ass and your mouth, and you wouldn't have to worry about suffering because of how many boyfriends you'd have... ..."

Michael closed his mouth again as he spoke, as he suddenly realized that the young man in front of him didn't look disturbed or fearful in any way after hearing those words.

He was as cool and collected as he had been at the beginning, and it gave Michael the feeling that he was being humiliated in turn, that he was being underestimated again, like a clown saying something that would make people laugh.

His face gradually turned worse as he grunted softly and decided not to say anything more, when they found that evidence, they would be able to make this guy cry!

Just ... why haven't you found it until now?

Michael, who had watched his men begin to re-search through the doorway again, suddenly had a tightening of his scalp as he realized what was going on, and with a sidelong glance at Lynch, he immediately rushed into the inner room.

The house wasn't big, technically there were only two spaces, a hallway and bedroom attached to the front door, and a dressing room with a closet.

There wasn't much in the way of anything too complicated in the washroom, a completely open closet, an ironing board that had been put down by his men, a small organizer with a few miscellaneous tools, and a basket for washed clothes.

Further inside, a small space for a shower and finally a toilet, a cart just randomly crosses the middle of the washroom.

"Where's the money?" , he asked sternly, just now each of those children claimed that Lynch put the money in the box and pushed it with a cart into the freshening room, but now it looks ... as if it is not so.

The two henchmen shook their heads in some embarrassment, "Sorry Boss, we didn't find anything."

"Where's the crate?" , he asked with one last effort, "Is the crate there?"

One of them pointed into the wooden box that sat on the ironing board, which was empty of anything.

Michael rubbed his hands together vigorously rubbing his face and pulling at his hair as he took a few pinched steps back and forth, and then followed that up with some hysteria as he walked over and grabbed the crate and flung it hard to the ground.

The quartered wooden crate reminded him of the look in Lynch's eyes that seemed to mock him, and he stormed out and grabbed Lynch by the collar and lifted him up, "Where's the money, and where did you hide that five thousand dollars?"

He growled, the anger inside him starting to fade his sanity, twice now, he'd been fooled twice by this kid, no one had ever dared to do this to him!

Lynch had a faint smile on his face as he gazed calmly at Michael, "I don't know what you're talking about, I don't even have five hundred dollars in my entire body combined, and I don't know where you're getting this information from, and obviously it's wrong."

Wrong you mother fuck!, this money was sent in with his own eyes as he watched the newsboy, in such a short time, less than two minutes, Lynch didn't even come out of his room, where did he hide the money?

He wanted to punch Lynch in the face and show the asshole how horrible he was, but he knew just as well that if he did, he'd soon have to be examined.

People may turn a blind eye to certain minor details that are for the betterment of the criminals, but they won't allow the planting of evidence through violent means, and the entire Sabine justice community is going to be disgraced once this kind of thing gets out to the press.

When the time comes, naturally, someone Michael's bosses can't afford to offend will come to investigate this side of the office crime, and he'll be the guilty party of Sabine City Justice.

He forced down his anger and pushed Lynch onto the bed, then searched the room himself.

Everything was in disarray, including the tank above the toilet, and they ended up finding nothing, and it was like the five thousand dollars had disappeared.

No, it's like it never existed at all!

Lynch always got to remain calm, no fear, no uneasiness, just calm as he watched Michael bustle around the fifty-square-foot room until he came to a complete stop.

By this time, it was also clear to Michael that the operation had failed again.

No, it's not just this one operation, even the operation against Fox will be thwarted, he's in big trouble!

He pointed at Lynch, "You're lucky to have escaped this time, but you'd better pray you're this resourceful every time."

"Just once, just once you get caught by me, I promise to send you to jail and never give you a chance to get out in this lifetime!" , he clenched his fists and turned towards the door, "What are you still staying here for, all of you get back to writing your reports!"

After watching these people leave Lynch smiled and shook his head, they didn't search his body, on the one hand they couldn't search his body without a warrant, on the second hand their target wasn't the small amount of money that might be on Lynch's body, but the five thousand dollars that was enough for a direct conviction.

Large cash transactions need to be reported to the IRS, which they didn't do, and that's a violation of the law, not to mention that there's no such thing as an afterthought.

But even if they had searched them, it wouldn't have made any sense and would have been a violation of the rules because of it; Michael was often out of control, but there were some things that he didn't take lightly.

After waiting for a few minutes, Lynch cleaned up the room and locked the door to leave the place, there is a good saying, called "again and again and again".

Michael had already "offended" him twice, and he couldn't keep taking it. The money he had in his hand now added up to about seven or eight thousand, and eight thousand dollars wasn't enough for him to complete the first part of his plan.

The money-making activities have to continue, while he has to start thinking about how to get his revenge back.

In his last life in the small room he came into contact with an interesting friend, the friend who told him that beasts don't hunt solely to fill their bellies, that if you don't fight back, someone else will get an inch, and that it's still important to make a statement about where you stand when necessary.

It wasn't long before he found a rather out-of-the-way jewelry store after driving around outside for a while and walked in.

The bell tethered to the door rang with it, and a man at the counter wearing enlarged glasses straightened up and flashed a smile, "Welcome to ..."

Lynch smiled and nodded his head in greeting as he walked over to the counter, "I'd like a plainer gold ring that I'm planning on giving to my girlfriend, could you engrave it inside the ring for me?"

The youthful appearance, handsome face, and slightly shy smile made it easy for the somewhat older jewelry store owner to be impressed, "Sure thing, kid, I'd say you've come to the right place, see?"

Twenty minutes later, Lynch left the jeweler's store with a gold ring with the words "My Love Katherine" engraved on the inner circle!