
The Weakest Tamer and The Weakest Beast

Ray was a 20 year old boy who dreamed to be a Tamer but because he was weak and had no power his dream of becoming a Tamer became an impossible thing but that's when he encountered a magical beast who was in a similar position as him. however, All of a sudden some mysterious things happened and He somehow ended up becoming a Tamer but how? Ray and his Magical beast Rex started their journey of being weak to the strongest and clearing the mystery surrounding the past things that happened. Read to find out about their journey ------------------------------------------------------- Notice : This is a fantasy story and is not related to anything in reality Disclaimer : I don't own the cover ; if it's orginal creator want me to take it down or put credit, leave a message in any chapter and i'll do it as soon as possible [This is My first time writing a Webnovel so i'm sure there will be a lot of mistakes but i'll try my best to improve it and Don't compare this to other Webnovels such as Shadow slave or any other big ones because if shadow slave is a Diamond this is just a mere stone and Don't forget to give me your opinion about the chapters]

EtherealRyugo · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Choosen One

As they started walking out of the Dark Forest a thick black fog started covering their vision. The Bird Type Beast 2 Tailed Tranquill Started appearing in a massive number

"Two Tailed Tranquill appearing in a group that only means one thing a high grade Magical Beast is near. Wait Black fog and a high grade Beast in the Dark Forest that means it's The Dark Flame Fenrir. Rex is only an intermidate grade beast there is a massive gap between an intermidate grade beast and a high grade beast especially as a Wolf Type beast Fenrir has a great advantage in the forest that even a group of four high grade beasts won't be able to defeat it and Rex won't be able to survive a single attack from it what should i do "

As he was thinking that The Fenrir suddenly appeared out of nowhere but something was unusal about it. Fenrir is a beast that is only able to grow up to Special Grade Beast but this fenrir has evolved to a Supreme Grade Beast. Ray Didn't even notice the beast at first but then it started walking towards them Ray's legs were numb by fear but to their surprise it walked away ignoring them like they never even existed As ray turned back to look at it The Fenrir was already gone. It vanished like an illusion. Ray and Rex rushed out of the Dark Forest quickly when they got out of the forest a huge light reflected into their eyes it lasted for five seconds when they opened their eyes the Dark forest also disappeared just like how the fenrir did. Ray couldn't understand what was going on. All of a sudden they started hearing some one singing but there was nothing other than a plain ground where the Dark Forest used to be. Ray ran towards the Tamer's Association to inform this but when he entered the association he heared other people talking about how max and his party just came out of the Dark forest after defeating The Low Grade Magical Beast Dawn Wolf . Ray couldn't understand what was happening. He rushed to the Dark Forest when he reached there the dark forest was there as it was before. He was Confused about the strange things happening with him. He thought he was hallucinating because he was tired. He started walking back to his house to take rest.

As he reached his home his sister rushed towards him and started asking about how his exams went. He started Explaining Everything that happened

"Why did you go to the Dark forest haven't i said to you to avoid that place at any cost don't you know that Dark forest is the home for high Grade beasts don't you ever do something this dangerous ever again " His sister kept scolding him

" Sis it's ok i'm completely fine and look i got a partner as well " Ray said excitingly

" Oh yeah where is your partner " His sister asked

"But sis will it be ok . Rex is a Dragon Type wouldn't it be a problem for you " Ray asked

" It's ok I can't stay weak all the time and i also want to meet your partner " She replied

Ray summoned Rex to be surprise his sister started hugging Rex saying he is so cute and Rex also became attached to her really fast. It was like Rex accepted her as His own mom. The pendent started shining again but this time a papper with a smiley face drawn on it popped out of it.

" A smiley face? By any chance Rex are you trying to show that you are happy" Ray asked

" Rex nodded as a Reply "

" Ray go take a shower first and wash your clothes or else no food today for you " His sister said

" Sis let me rest a little first "

" Nop you need to take a shower first or else No Food ToDay "

" oh Not the food ok i'm going " Ray replied

After the shower they ate food and his sister went to sleep but Ray noticed something strange happening on the direction of the dark forest. It was like the dark forest was moving he took his telescope and looked over to the darm forest he saw the fenrir again but this time the fenrir looked at him from that distance and again vanished.Ray was confused.

" How can a beast that doesn't have a Camouflage skill vanish like that "

Every time a beast uses camouflage type skills it leaves a blue particle behind but the fenrir didn't leave anything like that. Suddenly Ray started feeling Heavy headache and before he knew he was on the floor he slowly started loosing his consciousness. Before passing out he started hearing a voice saying " You are the Choosen One " the voice started repeating many time

" He started hearing another Voice but unable to maintain consciousnesse enough to hear that voice, Ray Passed Out "