

In the year 2300, some scientists from Helios world finally found the way to travel faster then light. when this news spread wide and far, all the human on this planet started celebrating because finally they can explore the stars. During one of the test flight, they accidentally opened a different dimension. which brought Helios world to the ruin. even after many research and experiments they couldn't figure out the reason. can only watch as the humanity lost 50% of its population in the blink of an eye. but the appearance of a person brought a new hope for them , who could control fire like in the movies and novels. after certain period of experiments they come to conclusions that , when the air( virus/ different energy/ mana) from the different dimension leaked. it didn't only brought ruin to our world but it is also brought something magical. since then humanity took a different turn and started welcoming supernatural being who has the power to destroy a city with bare hands. this changes not only happened with the humans but the beast and plants aswell. Ethan our protagonist however was unfortunate and didn't awakened any superpower. making him a losser in the area he lived in. but one day ethan went to forest in anger and tried to hunt beast but unfortunately he had to run away with a grave injury. on the verge of dying ethen got a system which saved his life. but ethen was not happy because it was the weakest system in history. Ethan: if you think, my system is really the weakest then it's your loss. ( hello readers, if you want to read this book just persist until the 30 chapter and if you don't like the book even after that than I can only say sorry And if you like my book for it's story and then pls leave a honest review. no matter how your review is. i will appreciate it very much.)

UniverseM007 · Fantasy
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56 Chs

26. On The Way To The Capital

Next morning, Ethan and Elaina arrived at City lord mansion. When they arrived, they found another young lady already there.

Her name is kate. She was the strongest after them in the competition yesterday, Ethan didn't know but she killed 10 grade C monster and took the third place.

Ethan and Elaina went beside her and sit down on the sofa. After nodding at her.

They stayed for quite a while but kate didn't utter a single word. ' not much of a talker ' ethan thought.

Just as Ethan about to stood up and go outside to take some air . City lord finally came.

" Sorry, to make you wait for this long. I was preoccupied by something." And just as he came , he went to the topic after saying sorry.

" I don't need to tell you about the competition in capital. It's going to be intense so I hope you all are prepared for it.

And I hope that all of you will do your best in the Compitition for your city.

And now if you are ready , we should get going."

After coming out of the mansion, they took a ride to go outside the city. Along the way they crossed the inner section where only wealthy people, big stores and famous individuals could be found.

After crossing the inner section, they found themselves in the outer section which belongs to slum area and busy market with stalls everywhere. But because of city lord. This section was clean as the inner section.

When they reached City wall. Everyone walked out of the car. And took a walk untill they reached. What seems to be an aviary but bigger. Inside it there were lots of flying birds , they were taken care of.

Along the way ethan watched many types of birds but city lord didn't stay long enough so that he could admire them.

At the edge of the aviary there was a big bird, red in colour from head to toe. It's eyes were golden. With a dangerous claws. This bird looked very dangerous but when city lord came near it . The bird just sat down on the floor and turn it's head away from him. Seeing this city lord let out a embarrassing laugh.

" Red I know you are angry, sorry I didn't come to meet you sooner."

The bird name red just ignored him. Making him helpless.

Suddenly City lord brought out something from his pocket. Which looks like a package. Inside it was a meat , size of a fist. But when the red saw this. He became active and came directly toward city lord.

" First tell me , you have forgiven me than I will let you eat this."

Red remain silent for a while then nodded. And city lord also didn't kept it waiting and gave the meat to him. Ethan was curious so he asked directly.

" City lord , what was that."

" Oh this , this is a meat of S grade monsters. And it's very expensive. Just this fist size meat cost me a lot of credit."

Hearing this Ethan remained silent and didn't speak any further.

When the red was ready to fly. They all sat down on its back. 10s of people can sit here with ease. So they didn't felt any discomfort.

After a little push on the ground, red took off like a rocket. Ethan felt like he was going to fall. But Elaina took him in her embrace. Seeing this kate , Gave him a weird look.

Ethan couldn't understand her look , but still felt embarrassed.

' Ethan, you are really different. Have you seen any male protagonist who was saved by his beloved. You are first one.

Sigh i thought, with me here you can be little domineering but you are going the other way around."

Ethan just remain speechless, this time he wasn't in a mode for counterattack.

Suddenly red let out a loud screech.

City lord looked at the front, and his expression became difficult to look at .

" What a bad luck, bird monsters are coming this way. Everyone get ready. "

Seeing the approaching flying monster tide. Everyone stood up and prepare to fight .

Ethan who saw this , thought about something and asked everyone.

" Does anyone know, wind type skill." Everyone looked at Ethan in confusion.

" What are you going to do with it " Elaina asked.

" No time to explain." Then he looked at City lord but he shook his head. And then at kate.

Kate was silent for a second then nodded.

" Good, there are lots of flying monsters.and we wouldn't be able to kill them all. So I need your help . You just have to use your skill toward the monster tide. And leave the rest to me."

She didn't understand but still followed his advice.

As the bird came a little closer on Ethan's signal kate used her wind type skill. At the same time when the wind tornado was little smaller. Ethan used his latest skill. Burn the whole world.

Just as wind tornado and the fire came into Contact with each other. Wind tornado from before started turning into fire tornado. And the speed also increased quite a lot.

As the fire tornado became bigger and bigger, the bird monsters couldn't remain calm anymore. They started screeching loudly. But the tornado still coming toward them.

Seeing this city lord , Elaina and specially kate couldn't believe it.

If it was just wind tornado, it wouldn't have last long, would be less lethal. But after fire in the mix it became deadly.

At this time kate cried out , " guys I can't control the tornado anymore, it's out of my control now."

Ethan hurriedly told city lord to ask red to go down. After seeing what happened in front of his eyes. City lord did what Ethan asked and went down.

After going down, Ethan instructed to wait for the tornado to die down.

But up in the air , the bird monsters were in a pinch. Because of heavy wind generated by the fire tornado, they couldn't fly as well as before.