
The Weakest Hunter In Nigeria

In the bustling metropolis of Lagos, Nigeria, Olutola Ojetola is a hunter of modest rank, underestimated and overshadowed by his peers in the guild Iron Fangs. His world changes drastically when a routine dungeon raid goes awry, forcing him to confront a terrifying monster alone. In a moment of desperation, a mysterious system awakens within him, granting unparalleled powers and setting him on a path to greatness. As Olutola navigates the complexities of his newfound abilities, he keeps his system secret from the wary eyes of the government and rival hunters alike. Determined to prove himself and protect his city from encroaching otherworldly threats, he rises through the ranks, earns allies, and faces adversaries who covet his unique powers. With each victory and discovery, Olutola's journey unfolds—a tale of strength, ambition, and the unyielding spirit of a hunter destined to forge his own legacy in a world where danger lurks in every shadow.

DiMonak · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 47: Trials and Shadows

Olutola and Zara's training regimen began at dawn. Their mornings were filled with rigorous exercises designed to build their strength, agility, and endurance. They trained in a secluded area of Ikoyi, away from prying eyes. The lush greenery and the sound of waves crashing against the shore provided a serene backdrop to their intense workouts.

After hours of physical training, Olutola turned to his system interface. It had been his secret weapon, providing him with insights and abilities beyond what any ordinary hunter could achieve. Today, he was determined to unlock the full potential of his new skill: Shadow Guardian.

"System, show me the details of Shadow Guardian," Olutola commanded.

[Skill: Shadow Guardian]

Type: Summon

Description: Summon a powerful shadow guardian to aid in battle. The guardian's strength increases with the user's level.

Current Level: 1

Duration: 30 minutes

Olutola's eyes narrowed as he read the description. "This could be a game changer."

He closed the interface and turned to Zara. "I'm going to try something new. Stand back."

Zara stepped aside, watching intently. Olutola focused his energy and called upon the skill. "Evolve!"

Dark shadows swirled around him, coalescing into a towering figure. The shadow guardian stood before him, its form imposing and ethereal. It radiated a dark, powerful energy that sent shivers down Zara's spine.

"This... is incredible," she whispered.

Olutola grinned. "Let's see what it can do."

He commanded the shadow guardian to perform various tasks, testing its strength and agility. The guardian moved with fluid grace, responding to Olutola's every command with precision. It was a formidable ally, and Olutola knew it would be invaluable in their future battles.


Meanwhile, in another part of Lagos, Malik was gathering his forces. He had heard rumors of Olutola's growing power and was determined to put an end to it. His base of operations was a dilapidated warehouse, hidden from the authorities and other hunters.

"Olutola is becoming a problem," Malik said, addressing his team. "We need to take him down before he becomes unstoppable."

One of his lieutenants stepped forward. "We've been tracking his movements. He's been training hard, and he's got a new skill. Some kind of shadow summon."

Malik's eyes narrowed. "Interesting. We'll need to prepare for that. Gather our strongest fighters. We attack tomorrow night."


As the sun set, Olutola and Zara took a break from their training. They sat on the beach, watching the waves roll in. The peace of the moment was a stark contrast to the chaos they often faced.

"Do you ever wonder what it would be like to live a normal life?" Zara asked, her voice soft.

Olutola shrugged. "Sometimes. But this is the path I've chosen. And I wouldn't have it any other way."

Zara smiled. "I feel the same. It's just... nice to have moments like this."

Olutola nodded. "Agreed. We should cherish them."

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, enjoying the tranquility. But Olutola's mind was already racing ahead, planning their next move. He knew that they couldn't afford to let their guard down.


The following day, Olutola decided to explore the city. He wanted to get a feel for the pulse of Lagos, to understand the people he was protecting. Zara accompanied him, and together they navigated the bustling streets.

They stopped by a popular street food stall, where the tantalizing aroma of suya filled the air. Olutola ordered a generous portion, savoring the spicy, grilled meat.

"Best suya in Lagos," the vendor boasted. "You won't find anything like it."

Olutola grinned. "I believe you."

As they ate, they overheard a group of hunters discussing recent events.

"Did you hear about that new hunter? They say he's got some kind of shadow power."

"Yeah, I heard he's been taking down dungeons left and right."

"I'd love to see him in action. Think he's as good as they say?"

Olutola exchanged a knowing glance with Zara. They finished their meal and continued their exploration. They visited various neighborhoods, observing the diverse cultures and lifestyles that made up the city.


That night, back at their Ikoyi residence, Olutola sat on his balcony, deep in thought. He knew that the journey ahead would be challenging, but he was ready. He had the power of the system, the support of his allies, and an unwavering determination to protect those he cared about.

As he looked out over the city, he felt a sense of purpose like never before. He was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, to rise above the obstacles, and to carve out a future where he and his loved ones could live in peace.

Zara joined him, her presence a comforting reassurance. "Whatever happens, we'll face it together," she said, her voice filled with resolve.

Olutola nodded, a determined smile on his face. "Together."


Later that night, as the moon cast a soft glow over their home, Olutola and Zara shared an intimate moment. The training, the battles, the constant vigilance—it all melted away in the warmth of their embrace.

Zara's touch was gentle, yet filled with a fierce passion that mirrored Olutola's own. Their kisses grew more urgent, hands exploring, clothes discarded in the heat of the moment. The intensity of their connection was palpable, each movement synchronized, each breath shared.

As they moved together, lost in the rhythm of their passion, the world outside seemed to fade into insignificance. Their bond, forged in the crucible of their shared struggles, was unbreakable.

Afterwards, they lay intertwined, their breathing steadying. Zara rested her head on Olutola's chest, listening to the comforting beat of his heart.

"Moments like this make it all worth it," she murmured.

Olutola kissed the top of her head. "We'll have many more. I promise."

As they drifted off to sleep, the challenges of the day seemed distant, overshadowed by the strength of their love and the promise of a better tomorrow.