
The Weakest Hunter In Nigeria

In the bustling metropolis of Lagos, Nigeria, Olutola Ojetola is a hunter of modest rank, underestimated and overshadowed by his peers in the guild Iron Fangs. His world changes drastically when a routine dungeon raid goes awry, forcing him to confront a terrifying monster alone. In a moment of desperation, a mysterious system awakens within him, granting unparalleled powers and setting him on a path to greatness. As Olutola navigates the complexities of his newfound abilities, he keeps his system secret from the wary eyes of the government and rival hunters alike. Determined to prove himself and protect his city from encroaching otherworldly threats, he rises through the ranks, earns allies, and faces adversaries who covet his unique powers. With each victory and discovery, Olutola's journey unfolds—a tale of strength, ambition, and the unyielding spirit of a hunter destined to forge his own legacy in a world where danger lurks in every shadow.

DiMonak · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 41: The Shadow’s Embrace (Ex)

Olutola stood before the ancient artifact, feeling its power resonate with his own. The cold, dark chamber seemed to hum with a hidden energy. As his fingers brushed the surface of the artifact, a rush of information flooded his mind.

System Notification: New Skill Unlocked - Shadow Army

Skill Description: Summon and control shadows of defeated enemies to fight on your behalf.

He let out a breath, the weight of this new ability settling in. This would change everything. With this power, he could become an unstoppable force. But he also knew he had to keep it a secret. No one could know the true extent of his abilities, not yet.

"Olutola, are you okay?" Mei's voice broke through his thoughts.

He turned to face her, a cold determination in his eyes. "I'm fine. We need to get out of here."

As they made their way back through the dungeon, Olutola's mind raced with possibilities. The power to summon a shadow army was immense. He could take on any threat, protect those he cared about, and carve out his own path.


Back on the surface, the group emerged into the bustling city. Olutola's eyes scanned the area, always alert, always ready. The experience in the dungeon had left him more resolved than ever. He was no longer just a hunter; he was a force to be reckoned with.

The streets were alive with activity. Vendors hawked their goods, children played, and the ever-present hum of traffic filled the air. But Olutola's senses were tuned to the undercurrents, the whispers of danger that lurked beneath the surface.

"Let's get something to eat," Olutola said, his voice steady. "I'm starving."

They made their way to a nearby food stall, the scent of grilled meat filling the air. The vendor greeted them warmly. "Welcome! What can I get for you?"

"Three plates of jollof rice and suya," Olutola replied, his eyes scanning the crowd.

As they waited for their food, a group of men approached, their expressions hostile. Olutola recognized them as the same men who had caused trouble at the café earlier. Clearly, they hadn't learned their lesson.

"Hey, you!" one of the men called out, his voice dripping with arrogance. "Think you're tough, huh?"

Olutola's eyes narrowed. "Walk away."

The man sneered. "Or what? You gonna fight us all by yourself?"

Olutola didn't respond. Instead, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pre-rolled joint. Lighting it with a calm, deliberate motion, he took a long drag, letting the smoke fill his lungs. He exhaled slowly, the world around him slowing down to a crawl.

"Last chance," Olutola said, his voice a low growl.

The men laughed, but their amusement was cut short as Olutola moved. In a blur of motion, he closed the distance, his fist connecting with the leader's jaw. The man went down hard, and before the others could react, Olutola was on them, his movements precise and lethal.

The crowd around them gasped and murmured, watching in stunned silence as Olutola dispatched the group with ruthless efficiency. When the dust settled, the men lay on the ground, groaning in pain.

Mei and Lei watched, their expressions a mix of awe and concern. Adebayo, standing to the side, couldn't help but smile. "Never gets old watching you work."

Olutola turned to face them, his eyes cold and unyielding. "Let's eat."

As they sat down to their meal, the conversations around them buzzed with excitement and fear.

"Did you see that?"

"Who is he?"

"Doesn't he care about the police?"

Olutola ignored the whispers, focusing on his food. He knew the authorities would hear about this, but he didn't care. He was beyond their reach now, and anyone who crossed him would learn that the hard way.


That night, as Olutola lay in bed, his mind drifted to the new power he had unlocked. The Shadow Army. He closed his eyes, letting the darkness envelop him, and reached out with his mind. The shadows responded, swirling around him, ready to obey his every command.

A satisfied smile crossed his lips. With this power, he would become unstoppable.