
The Wayne’s Villa

AliArmaanChaudhary · Fantasy
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The Wayne’s Villa

It happened when I was 19 years old, my brother left the house for 1 week trip to Ireland with his girlfriend. He didn't come back even after 3 weeks. We reported them to the police. The police looked for 4 months and then stopped searching. I was very close to my brother and I was a good hacker so I tried for 2 years and then lost hope. I was completely broken because my brother went missing but then after some months, I got a signal from my brother's phone. He was in a small hamlet near Sweden. I reported this to mom and went to find my brother with my friends and my girlfriend. I am Henry and I am looking for my brother in Sweden with my girlfriend Michelle and my 2 friends George and Kane. I booked a flight to a place nearest to that hamlet and then we travelled by car. Well, the place was beautiful, it was a cloudy day, and the view from the mountains was majestic.When we were around 350km away from that hamlet our car stopped, the engine was in bad condition due to heat and when we called the car rental they said that it will take around 3 days to reach there. I got a little bit frustrated because of this but I calmed myself down and thought about what to do next. My friends were tired and we needed a place to stay for some days that's when I saw a board which said " rooms for rent ". When we got there I asked for the price for a 3-day stay. We booked 2 rooms 1 for me and my girlfriend and 1 for Kane and George. The owner of that place was very kind and sweet so I guess we wouldn't have any problem staying there. We rested for some time and then I went out to gather some information about my brother. I went from place to place asking people if they have seen my brother. I asked many people and finally, I found a person, that person said that he thinks he has seen my brother and will meet him tomorrow. I gave him my contact number and left that place after a few minutes of walking he came running after me. He was shouting " that man, that man " and suddenly a car hit him. The driver of the car escaped. The car was without a number plate so I wasn't able to note anything down. I was sitting on the road next to that guy. He whispered in my ear " The Wayne, The Wayne " before dying. I tried to call an ambulance but then I saw that car coming towards me at a high speed. The windows were black so I wasn't able to see the face of the driver. It was about to hit me when I jumped into the jungle near me. I ran as fast as I can towards the place where I rented the rooms, The Heinsberg Villa. I have spent a lot of time in jungles and mountains in my country so It was easy for me to go there. When I reached there I reported all of this to the police. The police investigated the case and told me that they didn't find the body or any marks there and told me to not prank them again. I was scared after what happened to me. The marks of the blood were still on my shirt and my face. I told everything to my friends. They were also scared. We decided we will not tell this to anyone. After a few hours I was roaming around with my girlfriend when I saw that same black car entering a place near the villa, it disappeared after a few minutes in the dark. We were not able to find the car but we knew that something was fishy about the place so we went to my rooms and discussed with our friend that we will search for the place tomorrow but we didn't know what miserable things were going to happen next. We started to search the place in the morning and soon found that the place we were standing on had a metallic sound, we removed the leaves from the ground and saw the thing we were standing on was an elevator. We searched the area and soon found an elevated step. When I stepped on it the elevator started to go down. We were scared but we needed to do this because the person who killed that guy who knew something about my brother and tried to kill me must know something about my brother too. When we got down the elevator, we saw that the place looked very nice. We started to move forward and soon Kane stepped on a tile and two moving blades came out from the back. They were very sharp and were coming towards us. George shouted, "we need to move fast". Kane panicked and started to run. He stepped on many tiles which resulted in weapons coming out of walls. Kane soon got a little bit injured because an arrow almost hit him on his back. He was bleeding so I pulled out a small first aid kit from my pocket. I have seen many people getting injured in mountainous regions, even though I was injured once, since then I always carried a small first aid kit with me on trips to mountainous regions.

Well, we didn't have time to rest so we went a little bit forward and rested there. We thought there was no danger but then my girlfriend noticed that the walls were coming closer. We were trapped again, we ran as fast as we could to get out of that room. When we got out I stepped on a button which made me and my girlfriend fall into a hole and became unconscious when we hit the ground. When we woke up we found George and Kane were missing. We assumed that they must be up there. I looked at the time. We were trapped there for 20 minutes. I thought that we should not waste time and started looking around. The room was closed, there were just some artefacts and 2 cameras in that room. I didn't want anyone to see us so I told my girlfriend that we need to get out of there or there can be more trouble. We started to inspect the artefacts. My girlfriend was not able to find anything, she got frustrated and started shouting at me "it's all your fault, because of you we got here, because of you we are trapped here and because of you we are all going to die and no one will found our bodies" she was crying. I was angry for a second but soon realised that it was normal for a person to panic in a situation like this so I said to her "it is all okay, calm down and don't worry we will get out of here, I am with you" and hugged her. When I was hugging her, she said " while pointing towards a painting. I saw that there was light coming from that painting. I removed the painting and saw a small vent. I took the painting and broke the frame and took out the picture framing pins from it. I tried to open the vent. After around 5 minutes I successfully opened the vent. It was 5 P.M., and we started to move through the vents. George and Kane were trapped in the mirror room. They were finding it difficult to get out of there. Suddenly George saw the owner of the Villa in a mirror. He told this to Kane. They thought that the owner was also trapped there so they thought to approach him. When they met the owner they told him everything. The owner told them that he was also trapped. The owner said to them to follow him because he was very close to finding the exit. They didn't ask any questions and started following the owner. The name of the owner was Heisenberg, he was a middle-aged person and about 5.10 feet tall. When they reached the exit Kane realised that they didn't even stop anywhere they just moved without even thinking about the danger. He tried to ask Heisenberg about this but they both fell unconscious on the ground. I and my girlfriend got out of the vents when we saw a blue substance in a transparent box and some screens in a room beside it. When we got out we entered and found that the room with a lot of screens was the control room. When we entered the control room I told my girlfriend to find out what happens with the buttons in the control room and if the CCTV is connected find Kane and George and I started to search for clues. While I was searching in a cupboard I saw a thing which scared me the most. It was a sign board which said "The Wayne's Villa". And then my girlfriend shouted my name and I turned towards her. She pointed towards a privacy glass in fear. She pressed a button and then I saw my brother and his girlfriend locked up in a transparent capsule-like thing. And we saw the same

Blue substance in a transparent box in that room. There were tears in my eyes and then I ran towards the control panel to figure out how to get my brother out of that place. While trying many buttons I accidentally turned on the CCTV camera and saw that George and Kane were unconscious on a metallic stretcher type thing, floating in the air and Heisenberg giving commands to that metallic stretcher through a ring. Heisenberg was behind all this, he was the person who kidnapped my brother and his girlfriend. My girlfriend pressed a button which made the gates of the cell open in which my brother and his girlfriend were trapped in. I hugged my brother, he looked a little bit scared and panicked when he saw me but we pacified him and asked him what happened to them. He told me that He and his girlfriend Emily were kidnapped by Heisenberg and brought here by Heisenberg in a plane, he did many experiments on them and they were trapped here, there were two more people with them but they died. Emily who was watching the CCTV shouted "Heisenberg is coming". He was coming to the control room with Kane and George. I told everyone to hide and attack Heisenberg on my signal. We turned everything back to normal and The moment Heisenberg turned off the privacy mode from the cell and not found anyone there We all attacked Heisenberg, took his ring, made him fall unconscious and escaped that lab as fast as we could on that floating metallic stretcher. It wasn't hard to understand the controls of the ring because we saw Heisenberg using it. It was 1 A.M. when I checked my phone our car will be here today at 7 A.M. so we needed to survive till then. My brother and Emily woke my friends up and when we were about to exit the Villa, the doors closed. I saw that the CCTV was turned on again. It was Heisenberg, he trapped us in that Villa. Two sharp spinning blades came out trying to kill us but we ran away after we stopped at a distance I realised that I have left George Emily and my girlfriend with them and we three needed to reunite with them before getting out of this place because I completely forgot that I have the ring of Heisenberg and this ring will be able to open the doors. But we needed to be careful because Heisenberg was in the Villa too or I should say Dr.Wayne was in the Villa. We started to look at the cameras through Dr.Wayne's ring so we can find where our friends are. When we found them we locked them there so that they can't move out of that room and then we started to move towards that room. I disabled all the weapons through the ring so reaching them wasn't a problem. When I reached and opened the door my friend hugged me. They thought that Dr.Wayne locked them there. But when we were going out of that room Kane accidentally tripped on a wire and activated another trap. We were in a room with a lot of crows. Dr.Wayne must have done many experiments with them because they were very aggressive. They started to attack us and this time George got injured. All of us got out of that room and helped George through first aid. It was 3 A.M. and we needed to get out of there because Dr.Wayne would kill us if he finds us. Emily saw a black car in the Garage while looking through the CCTV. I told George, Kane and my brother to distract Dr.Wayne from reaching us and Emily and I will get the car and we will all get out of this Villa. We moved down to the ground floor and when we were about to move to the Garage we heard a clapping sound. It was Dr.Wayne who was standing just behind us. He said "You all have really impressed me but alas you all will die here" and I said "No, Game over Dr.Wayne" I pressed a button on the ring and released the crows on him. We all ran into the garage and closed the gates, we got in the car and started the engine and got out of that Villa. Dr. Wayne didn't chase us, he was trapped in his own Villa with those crows. We told everything to the police when we reached a suitable distance and then we all went back home. After 2 days the police called and told us that there was no Villa there and they didn't find anyone.

———————————The End————————

This is a mystery-fiction story. In this story, the main character Henry and his friends are looking for his elder brother who has been lost for more than 2 years. Henry's brother is trapped by a psycho-scientist Dr.Wayne

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