There is no mystery that cannot be solved in this world, and that applies to Tazanna's fiancé's death. He went to France for a five-day business trip, but the news on the screen suddenly says that he'd been found dead; the reason is unknown. Lonely and desperate, Tazanna prayed and begged the gods to bring back the man she loved, and they granted her wish—Felix did come back. With this, she encountered more people who were associated with her and her fiancé from their past lives. Tazanna only wanted justice for the death of Felix, but it turned out that the gods had wanted her to discover more about herself and who she was years ago.
The office was not busy like it was a few days before; perhaps the authors were still far from their publishing schedules, and the staff were able to be free. The telephones were quiet as well, but I believe that this isn't going to last for a few days. I am positive that this whole place is going to be filled with endless telephone rings as well as a huge chorus where you'll be unable to understand a single word in no time.
Vic had disappeared the second we entered the building, though. He said that he'd got something to discuss with me, but he left my side faster than the speed of light. I went back to all of the things I've done in the past few weeks, and I was certain that I did well on the job, so getting fired is unlikely.