
7. A Ride Together


It's been a week since the day I have met her. Since that day, I'm unable to keep her out of my mind. It's like, I'm being possessed by her. My mind keeps getting delusional. Not me, never.

Really, what the fuck? How can I be so whipped by her in only a week?

I don't seem to understand this unresistable pull. It's like I'm drawn to her like a moth is drawn to fire. The warning bell keeps going on in my head whenever I think of her. Chessy, right? But really, I'm a goner. Does she even know, what is she doing to me? Fucking hell, I'm totally whipped.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't hear anything my mom was speaking off.


"What were you thinking? Want to talk about it." She knows me too well. It's like, she can read my mind. But I can't tell her.

"It's nothing, mom." I assured her.

"Sure? I'm not gonna judge." She is not concern, she is too curious to know what has or who has spiked my interest. It isn't new. She is too good in such things, you know spying or investigating. She would have been a good detective without a doubt.

"I know you won't. But there is nothing much to say." I know it won't satisfy her but for now she won't ask any questions about it.

"Where is dad?"

"He had something urgent at office. So, he left early. Why? Is there anything you want to speak to him about?" My dad always has breakfast with us. It might be too urgent.

"No, just asking."

"I made your favourite breakfast. Bacons, Toast sandwich with ham and sunny side up egg." She said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"And I also prepared your favourite banana and dry- fruits smoothie." She said with more excitement like a small child.

"Really! I love you, mom."

I digged in my breakfast. I had everything without leaving anything on the plate which brought a big smile on my mom's face.

I wanted this weekend to be quiet and peaceful. That's why, I made no plans for today. But my plans get shattered when Peter calls me and tells me about their plan of outing. It has been quite a long time since we all have hung out together but the only thing that was bothering me, was Laney.

The idea of spending the weekend with her, sent a rush of excitement through my whole body but on the other hand I was stopping myself from it. Because being around her makes me feel things that I don't want to feel.

But I gave in. Even though my heart was hammering inside my rib cage with fear. I wanted to be happy. And being around her made me happy. Her cheerfulness makes me cheerful too.

"That's my boy. I knew you would be in." Peter said with proud filled in his voice. Like he won a war or something. He continued "Please pick up, Laney, before joining us on the beach. We'll see you there."

"What?! Why should I? Have you gone crazy or something?" It was like a bucket of cold water was poured on me. Instantly, all the excitement rushed out of me and nervousness and fear took it's place.

"Don't be a baby boy. I didn't tell you to date. I'm telling you to give her a ride. Because she doesn't have a car"

"But-" I was cut off by him.

"Before you tell something, let me tell you. I'm gonna ride there with Meghan and Rose. And Sam is coming with his current girlfriend."

"What about Laney's friend? What her name was again, ya, Alissa. They both can come together. She may have a car."

"You are such a scaredy cat, really. Can you stop being a cowardly jerk? Alissa would have loved that but she is in Saint Monica with her boyfriend. So, please, stop arguing and pick her up. She won't eat you, you know."

Before I can say anything he hangs up. Why am I the only one who has to be in such a shitty situation? Fuck.

It was 7:30 and I have to be there by 10. So, I had enough time to get ready and pick Laney up on my way. So, I took my precious time to get ready.

Peter sent me Laney's number, so that, I can contact her and tell her about my whereabouts. A thought of calling her made me nervous, it was too nerve wracking. I was sweating buckets, really. I know, no one would believe that a grown up man like me would sweat that much.

Without wasting anymore time I called her and she picked it up on the 3rd ring.


Her voice mesmerized me. It was like a melody to my ears, which sent sparks of electricity down my spine. I don't know how long I was like that but her sweet voice broke the trance I was in.


"Err.... David here. Do you remember, Sam's friend?"

"Ya, I do. I heard from Peter that you are going to pick me up. So, exactly at what time should I expect you? Because I'm at the cafe."

She makes me tongue tied whenever she speaks. I never felt like this before. I neither felt the sparks of electricity nor the rush of excitement when I was dating Eleanor. I loved her but these sensation is new. It's magical.

God! Help me.

"I'll be there in half. And I'll pick you at cafe itself. When I reach I'll call you."

I took my car keys, said bye to my mom and left the house. I was excited to meet her, to see the smile that always reached her eyes, to feel her amazing presence, to smell the floral scent in the air whenever she was near but at the same time I was afraid of it.

I almost reached the cafe, thinking about her. It would only take minutes to reach there but I was already able to see her out the cafe, waiting for me from this far. She was wearing a pink tank top which she had paired with a white short that left her slender legs on view. She was wearing her dark brown hair down which was shining under the sun like glitters.

I can already imagine how good she would look upfront if she looks this good from far. As I reached the cafe I stopped my car infront of her. I got out of the car.

As I thought, she was really beautiful. My gaze ran up and down through her body. She was looking hot. And, when finally, my eyes locked with her, I was able to see how vulnerable she was.

Her eyes twinkled when her smile widened. Her easy going smile and the twinkle in her eyes made me feel at ease, all the nervousness that I was feeling a minute ago had vanished.

"Are you ready to have fun?" I said with a smirk.

"Yup." She said it, confidently but the red glow on her cheeks said a different story altogether, like I had the same effect on her like she has on me.

"Let's go, then." I said with a big smile while opening the car's door for her.

This weekend is gonna be fun. Let's dive the difficult water now, my heart. Later, we can face the consequences boldly.

I was afraid to take this step towards her but now I'm more afraid to lose her and this opportunity to be with her. So, I'm gonna a risk it all for her. Let's see where it takes me.


I was waiting for him outside the cafe. I took an early leave to give a last touch to my make-up. I'm not a heavy make-up kind of girl. But today, I was so excited to see him that I applied foundation. I applied spicy red lipstick and eyeliner as well. I was nervous of how he would react.

It's the first time, we would be alone. Not for the whole day but maybe for half an hour. And it's mean a lot to me. Because I have never spent a single minute alone with him.

I may sound crazy but I like the way he talks, the way his smirk plays on his lips whenever he thinks or does something devilish, the way his masculine and spicy scent mingles with the air and takes my breath away whenever he is near, the way he looks at me, every other thing of him sends sparks and shiver down my spine.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that it took me a second to realize that a car had come to a stop right infront of me. It looked like a very expensive car. It was a matte blue sports car.

It had great features and style which made it look more luxurious. I was busy checking out the car when a figure with "chiseled abs which was viewable from the t-shirt" got out of the car.

And when I looked up to see who it was, my heart squeaked so loudly to see the face I was eagerly waiting to see a minute ago, that I was afraid he would have heard it. He was looking hot in his navy blue - white stripped polo t-shirt which he had paired with with dark navy blue jeans which almost looked black. No wonder, why girls hover around him so much?

As I was checking him out. I saw him do the same. His gaze raked up and down my length and a coacky smirk appeared on his lips which made me blush instantly. His looks made the heat crept up my neck and the blush on my cheeks grow deeper and deeper by the seconds.

As soon as, his eyes locked on mine, my heart started to beat faster by the minute. Like I was having a seizure of something or my heart was about to leap out of my rib cage. I, somehow, unlocked my eyes from his before I lost my control.

He smirked in return and asked whether I was ready. His voice sent a spark of electricity down my spine and I shivered in anticipation. I was totally lost in his brilliant green eyes and in his masculine voice but a small "yup" left my mouth which brought a big smile on his face.

He opened his car's door for me. It was a sweet gesture which made me blush even more. I thanked him and put on my seat-belt. We took off for the beach.

The silence in the car was too deafening. So, I tried to brought up small conversation.

"Hmm..... Sorry for making you come and pick me up."

"No problem. It's a pleasure, you know, giving ride to a beautiful lady like you." He said with a coacky smirk which I have come to love now and winked at me.

"Err... Thanks."

"How long have you been friends with Sam, Peter, Rose and Meghan?"

"Sam and Peter are my childhood friend. I have basically grown up with them. And if you ask about Meghan, she is like sister, more than a friend, I care for her like my own." He said with utter joy on his face. That brought a smile to my face too.

"And I came to know Rose in high school when she started dating Peter."


"What?" My question confused him so I asked him more clearly.

"Are they really dating since high school?"

"Ya, they are. They were inseparable and they still are. Peter was someone, who never believed in true love but when Rose came in his life, she totally made him fall for her."

"What about you, do you believe in true love?"

He became quite all of a sudden, I looked at him to see why he wasn't answering. The view I saw in his face totally made my heart leap out in fear. His eyes were fierce and his jaw was clenched so hard that I thought it might fall out. So, I said soothing him.

"You don't have to if you don't want too." I thought to change the question, so that, he can get his mind out of it. But before I can do so he answered stiffly.

"I don't. It disgusts me and makes me cringe whenever I hear or think of it." The way he answered, made me cringed inwardly and it broke my heart too. Any hope, I had to experience such things with him, vanished into thin air.

"Did something...... happen in past that made you disgust it so much?" I asked him further to know the reason and sooth him accordingly.

"I. DON'T THINK. I WANT TO SHARE MY PERSONAL LIFE WITH YOU." He answered more stiffly than before. With each word his voice was raising and making me uncomfortable.

"Err...-" He cut me off before I can say anything.

"AND KEEP OUT OF MY BUSINESS, DO YOU UNDERSTAND? DON'T TRY TO PREY THINGS OUT MY LIFE. I AM WARNING YOU ." He said it so loudly that his voice was booming in the small space of the car and it was still ringing in my ears.

When I realized what he meant in those words, brought tears in my eyes which blurred my vision. I, somehow, kept those tears from falling. I said "sorry" in a shaking voice and let out my breath which I was holding don't know for how long.

He, abruptly, stopped the car in the middle of the road. And turned off the car's engine. And he turned to his right to look at me.

"I'm........ sorry, Laney. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to scare or yell at you. I get frustrated whenever I'm ask this question."

He was quite for a minute like he was finding proper words to explain and he continued further.

"To stop the irritation, the wound has to be healed. Right?"

"Hmm..." I replied.

"But my wound is not healed yet. It's still raw and fresh."

I looked at him in awe. He was telling me that he was hurt terribly and which he hasn't been able to forget yet. I know, it would have been hard for him. I rubbed my palm on his arm in a soothing gesture.

"I'm sorry to open up your wound but can I ask you a last question?" I wanted to confirm the thought I had a minute ago.

"Yes." He replied in a small voice.

"Were you hurt in the past? Like in relationship?"

"Ya, I was." He said in a sorrow filled voice. But he instantly turned the table on me. And asked the same question.

"Do you believe in true love?"

"Yes, I do. I'm eagerly waiting for that right person with whom I would love to experience such things." My excitement was back in no time. And I was dreading to tell him, that maybe he was that right person, I mentioned before. The thought itself brought a fresh shiver of anticipation. And thousands and thousands of butterflies took flight in my lower belly.

I, somehow, convinced myself to be quite. Even though he scared me with his unusual behavior but after hearing his side of story made me like him, even more. He seems like a warmth in a cold snowy night. His warm interior never fails to uncover his cold exterior, which is probably a mask to protect himself.

Everyone is unique and has unique sides to themselves. But he has many different sides to him like an onion. And I'm going to peel each and every layer of him to know him better.

The ride to the beach was quite after the incident but was blissful with pleasant sceneries that were passing by. And I was looking forward to the day ahead.