
The Way To The Magical World

Magic definitely takes place when the ones have a belief in it. when it takes place everything get changed. come and know about the lead, how she got trapped with her 5 simple friends into the world of magic. In such circumstances what do you think whether it would be a happy or a sad ending?

DaoistynPXVa · Fantasy
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3 Chs


The father and the dr. went to find her but no one was being able to find her since it was still a diffused light before the sunrise so nothing was actually visible. The father said ' If we'll go empty handed then my wife is really gonna kill me as she have given us the threats'. 'No.... it's Impossible to her to remember everything within 4 years my therapy never upsets me but how? Let's keep finding her or else we'll not be able to survive anymore on this planet' the dr. said.

Meanwhile, Latifa almost reached the highway , she took a bus and left the place to her granny's. 'Now I know why I actually remember everything, it's not an ill fated history it's the reality of them on which I thought I was being trapped and after coming from there I got hypnotized. It was never their mistakes it was always mine. I always believe in magic this is the reason why it came into my life but I was really being Impatient through which I thought I was being trapped but the real trapping world is this not that. I am coming again to dig the history' said Latifa in her sobbing voice to herself.

After a quite long time suffering from bus she managed to get to her destination.' I m happy that even after 4 years this place seems the way it seems to be in the past, sometimes you might don't know where your life is taking you to but if you have a belief in certain things you will definitely come across to that specific things. Hello granny ' said by Latifa. For grandmother it doesn't even take a second to remember whose voice it is. She ran out of the door crying my princess you are back. I waited for you for so long dear. How are you doing are you happy. Granny I remember everything from the past so don't ask me awkward questions, now follow me to the basement. 'This is all happened because of me I would have told you earlier about my daughter's plan of hypnotizing you' granny said in a crooked voice.

Following towards the basement Latifa came accross to 4 statutes. 3 statues of boys and 1 of a girl. Latifa started crying merrily and said long time no see let's reincarnate. She took out a watch from her casket near by and said 'hard to see, nice to hear, come to your sense once again my dear' and wear that watch. The people who were statue till now come to be into a real people. It was them the one who were waiting for her, the friends of her. Latifa smiled and hugged them with gratitude. Welcome back my friends. granny meet them once again if you haven't forgotten them. 'Of course I haven't my princess. how would I! She is shimmer, He is cold, he is wind and his name is sand and you are the princess of Night. This is the reason why it is said- Night's sand is shimmer and the wind is cold.' said granny.

'PRINCESS MARIAM' 'We have waited for you for days and nights and now we are meeting. with a great respect in their eyes towards her they all said.

Now it's time to move back towards the history and settled the past which is left to do for the good.Let's go and meet my real parents..... P.Mariam said.

Who was this princess, where is she going and why is she calling them the real parents the mystery will disclose in the coming chapters. TO BE CONTINUED....