
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Eastern
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70 Chs

Chapter 48

With the bluff of Tang Qiang, the crowd immediately became lively. When the students who were originally intimidated by the Moon Baptist Sect did not dare to talk freely saw that Tang Qiang was OK, they immediately talked loudly about Tang Qianggang's behavior.

"Who is that guy? How dare he be so impudent?"

"Look at the clothes, it is clear that they are servants."

"How dare the servant school be so bold?"

"I guess it's an ignorant country bumpkin from somewhere. It's really arrogant that his voice must be in the top ten!"

"Let's see what he can do."

"What looks good is sensationalism."

"I think so. Such a arrogant person must find a chance to clean up after he enters the school."

There is a lot of talk. There are some who are envious, some who are envious, and even some who are inexplicably angry with Tang Qiang

In the noise, all the students finally got on the boat, and then the oars did not shake. The boat started to move towards Qingyun Mountain without wind.

As they are new arrivals, most students gather on the deck to see the scenery.

The Jade Belt Lake is very beautiful. The silver waves on the surface of the lake are glistening. It is vaguely visible that there are fish swimming under it. There is an island in the middle of the lake. Through the dense woods, you can vaguely see the shadow of pavilions, but I don't know where it is.

In the distance, on the top of the Xinxiu Peak of Qingyun Mountain, there is a group of buildings as tall as a sky tower, which is called Xiyue College.

Some people who are familiar with the internal situation of the college have pointed to one of the buildings and shouted: "Look, that's Tianyi Pavilion, Ink Fragrance Academy, Wanhe Garden, Taibai Pavilion, Wufang Pavilion, and Zhoutiantai... Unfortunately, there is no magic weapon arena here."

Some students who did not understand asked, "What are these places?"

The young man who spoke earlier replied: "This Tianyi Pavilion is the Sutra Pavilion of Xiyue Academy. It means that Heaven lives in water, and it contains all kinds of immortal skills collected by the Xiyue Sect over the years. The Moxiang Academy is where we will pass on sutras and dispel doubts in the future. The Wanhe Garden is where we will live in the future. The Taibai Pavilion is a rune learning area, the Wufang Pavilion is an elixir refining area, the Zhou Tiantai Platform is an array path area, and there are also the Gold Forging Platform and the Divine Soldier Fighting Field. The former is an apparatus refining area, and the latter is a martial arts field, but from I can't see it here. "

"I see. You know it clearly, brother."

"Where? From now on, we will live in Xiyue College for ten years without knowing how to do it in advance."

Ten years, this is the semester stipulated by Xiyue College. No matter what your achievements are, you must leave the college after ten years of study. Those who can enter into the seclusion during this period are free to choose whether to stay in the college or not.

"That's right. From today on, everyone will be schoolmates. Let's introduce ourselves first. I'm Mo Wencai, a Mohist kid in Minzhou."

"My name is Li Xuxi, my father Li Yun."

"It was General Hu Wei's son who arrived. I'm Xu Lexiang and my father Xu Yourong. He is now the chief inspector of Hongwu City."

"Jin Jiajun, the local son of Wanquan City."

"Jin? Isn't it a talented person from Anqin Wang's family?"

"I dare not. No, it is."

A group of students have started to introduce themselves. If you look carefully, you will find that these students have been divided into several categories intentionally or unintentionally in the process of introduction.

The official family is one kind, the rich family is one kind, the servants are one kind, and there are also a few talented people who come from poor families, basically people gather things together by analogy.

Communication circle is always the most important course for noble children. A rich child can learn nothing, but he can't help knowing enough dignitaries, because these dignitaries are the most valuable resources. Just like Tang Jie tries his best to hold the leg of his family, rich children are born with the opportunity to monopolize these resources. When they come to this college, no matter what achievements they will have or not, as long as they know enough noble people and cultivate enough friendship, to some extent, this is also a success.

Some modern entrepreneurs are keen to take MBA courses, not necessarily because of what these courses can teach you, but because those who can enter such courses are often powerful entrepreneurs. The more they know, the more opportunities they have.

Just for this reason, Wei Tianchong also got involved in it. He soon got to know several classmates, made friends, and even Shimeng got to know several servant friends.

In contrast, Tang Jiedao was much quieter. He didn't take the initiative to get to know anyone. He just looked at the distant mountain top, but his heart was filled with empty admiration for the sun.

Brother Xu, I finally lived up to your expectations and came to Xiyue College.

Tang Jie murmured in his heart.

During the conversation, a huge wave suddenly rose from the lake in the distance. A huge golden carp, like a boat, came out of the lake and whipped the lake with its tail.

"Look what that is?"

"It's a demon carp! It's a demon carp!" A group of students have shouted.

"There are monsters, and there are monsters in Jade Belt Lake!" More people shouted.

"Don't be afraid, this is the immortal ship. The carp demon dare not attack this ship." Some people are brave.

But without saying anything, the golden demon carp turned into a bearded man in the air. At the same time, he laughed and said, "A group of smelly boys, do you think this little rune boat can stop me? I'll board the boat to show you!"

He said that he had stepped on the waves and walked on the ground.

"It's a big demon!" Seeing that the demon carp had turned into a human, everyone was scared back again.

Demon is different from spirit. The spirit is a plant channeling. It has no normality due to its lack of blood. It can transform into a form through channeling. Its form is actually based on the change of spirit, but it has nothing to do with strength. However, the demon is changed by animals such as birds, animals, insects and fish. It has its own flesh and blood, and is restricted by nature. After channeling, it can not transform into a human form. It requires a long time of hard work. Only when the path reaches a certain height can it transform into a human form.

Therefore, anyone who has the ability to transform form can be called a big demon, whose strength is at least the state of heaven, and some can even pursue the purple mansion.

At this moment, the big man of the carp demon walked onto the boat with only a few steps. A group of students were frightened to retreat and immediately crowded into a group. Someone accidentally fell into the river.

Seeing this, the big man was very bored. He waved his hand and shouted, "A group of people without courage are coming to cultivate immortals with such courage. It's better to go home to find their mother to nurse as soon as possible."

"You can't say that well, sir. In the face of people who are stronger than you, fear is just a way to protect yourself. If you don't understand fear when meeting tigers, wolves and beasts, isn't it just a way to kill yourself?"

A voice suddenly sounded.

The carp demon stared: "Who? How dare you say we are wrong?"

Although he asked who it was, his eyes were still on Tang Yaosheng.

Just now, it was Tang Jie who said that.

Tang Jie was not afraid. He came forward and bowed to the carp demon: "Xi Yue student Tang Jie has seen the elder."

A group of students have looked at Tang Jai one after another. They see that he dares to contradict the big demon, and they all show sympathy.

The carp demon looked at Tang Jai and shouted: "You are so unreasonable. We should be brave and enterprising to cultivate immortals. Since we are afraid of death, what kind of immortals should we cultivate?"

"Why cultivate immortals if you don't fear death?" Tang Jie asked: "The cultivators have great ambitions. They want to live a long life and immortality. Don't they want to live a long life? If they are not afraid of death, what else do they want to live a long life? A hundred years of human life will pass in a hurry and they will die if they say they die. Why bother cultivating immortals? If they don't want to live, wouldn't it be easier to wipe their neck with a knife?"

"This..." The carp demon couldn't answer for a moment.

Tang Jai also said: "Practitioners should be brave and progressive, which requires perseverance. However, perseverance cannot replace the boundless magic. If you face the insurmountable mountains, it is also a wise choice to retreat when you retreat."

"Then why are you not afraid of me?" The carp demon was speechless by Tang Qiang, pointing at Tang Qiang.

Tang Jai smiled: "That's because I heard that Elder Li Yu of Jade Belt Lake has been guarding the Moon Washing Academy for many years. He is one of the three big demons guarding the Moon Washing Academy. He is the most forthright and upright. You should not be afraid of playing games and having fun with students. If you don't know the origin of the elder, the elder will suddenly emerge, and the boy must slip faster than anyone else."

The big man was stunned, looked up and laughed loudly: "Well, he is indeed a man of insight and courage. It is rare for him to speak so well. We love to listen. Yes, we are Li Yu. It's Feng Hongluan. Please come to see us!"

Feelings are the big demon guarding the Xiyue College. A group of students have settled down. To think of it, no monster would dare to make trouble here unless permitted by Xiyue College.

In fact, Tang Qiang is not the only student who knows Li Yu's identity. It's just that when the goods came out, they were too powerful and looked fierce, which shocked people directly. They didn't think of him for a moment.

Of course, there are some people who are not afraid, but they just stand in the bow and look coldly at Li Yu. They don't talk to Li Yu like Tang Zhai. They are against Tang Zhai's behavior of taking the opportunity to flatter Li Yu. They just think it's not right for him to take the opportunity to show up and please the big demon. Some people who wanted to please didn't dare to speak up when they saw their master playing tricks, but they gave Tang Zhai a chance to show up.

After all, there are not many people who can not take their young master seriously.

At this moment, Li Yu conjured up a jar of wine. He patted Tang Jie and said, "Come here. I see you are brave. Come and drink this jar of wine with me."

"In that case, I will follow your orders." Tang Jie was not polite either. He took the bowl of wine and drank it. After drinking a bowl of wine, he felt that the hot gas in his stomach was rising, and it went all over his body, which made his blood boil. Tang Jie couldn't help shouting, "Good wine!"

This cry of good wine attracted a group of students to look sideways, thinking that he was pretending to be arrogant and despised Tang Dynasty robbers.

"There are still people who want to drink. Come along!" Li Yu shouted.

Other students looked at each other one after another, and some came forward.

Wei Tianchong hesitates when he wants to come, but Tang Jie says to himself, "Please come and have a try, young master. The wine is very good."

With this step, Wei Tianchong went over to take the wine bowl and drank it. As expected, he was also full of fever. He blurted out, "Is this spirit wine?"

When I shout out, I regret immediately.

As expected, Li Yu laughed and said, "Ha ha ha, I understand? I came here today to deliver the spirit wine. I never thought of a group of students but I didn't appreciate it. So let's drink it gratefully!"

"Is it spirit wine?"

"I want to drink too!"

"I want to drink too!"

As soon as I heard that it was spirit wine, a group of students rushed forward with great emotion.

Unexpectedly, Li Yu waved his hand, and an invisible wall of air stood in front of everyone: "It's too late. Since I used to be pretentious and reserved, why should I be so arrogant now? Since I want to be upright, then it's better to be upright!"

He said that he was drinking with Tang Yaowei Tianchong and others.

There were 1500 students this month, but only ten of them actually sat beside Li Yu. They drank a lot of wine until a large jar of wine was drunk. Li Yu threw the jar away and shouted, "The wine has been sent to some place!"

The figure suddenly turned into a huge golden carp and disappeared into the lake.

Seeing that people were empty, the students lamented one after another, but only those who had drunk were very happy.

This spirit wine has an extraordinary effect. It can strengthen the body and strengthen the spirit. Although the students have not cultivated yet, they will benefit a lot from this spirit wine. In normal times, this jar of spirit wine alone can sell hundreds of spirit money.

Some people who didn't drink it were angry, which was a cynical sneer: "Our cultivators aim at the main road, when they are resolute and not false, they are complacent when they get some benefits from flattery. What cultivators are they? If they don't get it, they disgrace the immortal word!"

"That's it. Can't we really see that Li Yu is one of the three monsters?"

"A flatterer is willing to be humble."

"Don't you think he is? He is a mean man!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Laughter suddenly rose, and most of it was directed at Tang.

Tang Zao was also not angry: "What you said is that I am really just a flatterer. If someone is willing to give me benefits, I will not hesitate to praise them, and I must teach them to be happy. People give me what I want, I give people what they need, and exchange with each other. Since you are all born with pride, and do not pretend to ask outside, I think you would disdain to go with me. I just know who are those people who rushed together after the spirit drink?"

As soon as this was said, everyone was dumbfounded.

Tang Jae then said, "I exchange flattery for benefits. I don't even say what the other side likes. How can I get benefits? As Elder Li said, since you are arrogant, you should be honest and upright. Why do you envy and ridicule here? If you really don't want anything, it should be that I have nothing to do with you."

The leader turned pale at the same time, and one of them said angrily: "It's a good pair of sharp teeth, but it's a pity that this immortal does not depend on sharp teeth after all."

Tang Jie immediately said, "Yes, you have to have resources, so whenever I have the opportunity, I will not let go. I will flatter when I need to. Of course, I know you are all used to flattering, so I am not used to this change at the moment, but why not be used to that flatterer?"

The people were silent when they were refuted. However, when you argue about this, you will not admit it even if it is reasonable.

Someone immediately jumped out and said, "You are a smart talker. I think Li Yu, the big demon, is just like that. A few good words will be given to him by the spirit wine. As if he only likes to listen to good words, he will not listen to harsh advice. He will be surrounded by villains someday!"

"That's it!" Another chorus.

Tang Jie laughed: "Well said, it's really dignified. According to this, all of you can listen to the harsh advice. I asked myself that the words I said just now were from the bottom of my heart. I tried to persuade you kindly, but I didn't see that some of you listened to them. Instead, they were the ones who were supposed to be there. Isn't that true? If the objection is harsh advice, what I'm saying now is harsh advice. How many of you listened to it?"

The group of Tianzhi Jiaozi made a mistake again, looked at each other, and was trying to organize words to fight back. When Tang Jieji said, "Even if you are right, have you ever thought about why the elder Li Yu suddenly appeared here? Why did you suddenly give good wine?"

At the same time, everyone was stunned.

Tang Jai had said, "The reason for this is to tell everyone that everything here must be fought for by oneself!"

Speaking of this, Tang stopped, Cai then said: "This is Xiyue College. It is meaningless to be here. Otherwise, families will not be allowed to take servants. Today is just the beginning. There may be many things like this in the future. The College will give you some resources, but it is doomed to not satisfy everyone. If you still want to be arrogant, then don't blame the chance to miss it. Send you a sentence: God gives you nothing..."

"... Don't blame God for not!"