
The way to seek immortality

On the road of seeking immortality, thousands of people compete, and I am the most dazzling one! When you choose this road, don't stop, go ahead bravely, and face everything with your perseverance and courage! Don't give up your dream even in the face of bloody storms and swords!

Sam_Molna · Eastern
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70 Chs

Chapter 16

Lingzhou Canglong mansion.

Among the twelve states of Wenxin, Lingzhou ranks fourth in terms of area, tenth in terms of Lingqi resources, and second in terms of economy.

Located in the south of Wenxin, it is as remote as Qiongzhou in the East. However, it is closer to suoyun island in terms of geographical location, forming an important cape and boundless Cape.

Starting from the boundless corner and sailing along the coastline, you can reach the boundless land in 30 days.

Yahai and Wenxin are not connected on land, but they can be reached directly by sea. The advantage of air route makes Lingzhou have a huge amount of maritime trade, which makes Lingzhou the most important economic state in Wenxin country. Therefore, although there is a lack of spiritual energy here, the status can not be ignored.

Canglong mansion is the state hall of Lingzhou and the most prosperous place in Lingzhou. There are the largest sea boats, the most upscale restaurants, the most luxurious hotels and the most beautiful bitches in Wenxin country.

On Changsheng street, a young man is walking on the street at the moment. It is the Tang Dynasty robbery.

He did not listen to Xu Muyang's all the way to the north, but immediately turned to the South after leaving Anyang Prefecture in the north and went all the way south.

Xu Muyang asked him to go north because Xiyue college was in the north and he wanted him to go to school. However, Tang Jie knew that the Tianshen palace would never let him go if he didn't get the xuanbing's advice. He traveled alone, and his track was too obvious. So he immediately changed direction after a false shot, and walked along the mountain path all the way and went to sleep at night.

This pattern is not complicated, but it is very practical.

No one expected that a 12-year-old boy would play this game. Most of the people who pursued him were looking for him in the north, and the number of people in the South was very small. Naturally, he could not be found in every inch of Wenxin country.

Another reason for going south is that without Xu Muyang's recommendation, it was very difficult for Tang Jie to enter the moon washing college.

The moon washing college only enrolls 1500 students each year.

But of these 1500 disciples, at least 100000 are pursuing.

This doesn't take into account those who can't even afford the tuition.

The tuition fee of the moon washing college is 300 yuan per year.

Spiritual money is the basic currency used by practitioners of immortality. If the official value is calculated, a piece of spiritual money is only equivalent to one or two pieces of silver. In fact, it is difficult for ordinary people to exchange it. Therefore, in private transactions, the actual value of spiritual money has increased three to five times.

That is to say, the monthly college only needs more than 1 million yuan for the entrance fee each year, which is only the entrance fee, and the subsequent expenses will be more severe. In fact, the entrance fee of the moon washing college is not profitable, but it is difficult to say the subsequent expenses. It is quite a worldly concept of selling the surrounding areas.

The reason for this is that the moon washing college was founded from the very beginning to satisfy the desire of ordinary people to seek immortality. It is a way of teaching without discrimination.

In the earliest period, the main sects actually chose their disciples based on the basis of testing.

However, various sects soon found that this method had many disadvantages.

The cultivation of immortals certainly needs a foundation, but it does not depend solely on the foundation. It's like that if people want to have achievements, they must have IQ, but not only on IQ. There are always some people who have ordinary qualifications but make extraordinary achievements.

For ordinary people who fail to get started, this has become the best basis for the theory that qualifications are useless. Therefore, they are not satisfied with the selection method of foundation only. It's not my fault that I can't cultivate. It's because the immortal sect is too pedantic and conservative and adheres to the foundation. Since there are some people who have a bad foundation but have achieved success in cultivation, who can say that he is not one of them?

The fact is that although there are such existence, the number of people is very small, and it is not worth following.

However, the world is ignorant and always thinks that others can create miracles, and they can do it themselves.

When the immortal gate refuses, it is inevitable to be angry with the immortal gate.

In order to avoid too many disputes with the mundane world, maintain the image and facilitate the rule, the immortal sect finally adopted a compromise method, that is, to set up a Xiuxian college, claiming that all people in the world can be admitted to the school for study, and as long as they achieve certain achievements, they can join the school.

This method can be described as killing four birds with one stone.

On the one hand, it avoids the prejudice of worldly fools and thinks that the sect does not give opportunities.

Second, it also saves the effort of identifying the foundation of the disciples. It's not enough to touch a disciple's foundation. It also needs the help of the elders of the sect to test their qualifications by consuming resources. A little makes a lot, and the consumption is also great.

Third, you can also add an extra income for the sect. All parents in the world have the same heart. To cultivate for their children is to be willing to dedicate their life savings. If you don't accept it, he will annoy you and complain that you don't give me a chance. As for his failure in learning, it is because he is incompetent in his own family. He can't blame his sect, and his parents have died.

Finally, we can avoid missing some disciples who have insufficient foundation but have different talents. After all, those who can achieve the sect's requirements, no matter what the foundation, will always have value.

However, some sects think that this practice is too worldly. Those who cultivate immortals are experts from outside the world and can be respected by the world. How can they follow the common customs and set up colleges?

If everyone has the opportunity to cultivate immortality, isn't it that immortality has lowered its value?

However, facts have proved that only by opening up a wide range of channels can we attract talents, and those who are closed and conservative will eventually be eliminated by the times.

The reason why the six major sects, such as the moon washing sect and the Tianshen palace, have become the strongest sects in Qixia is not only that they have a strong background, but also that they have taken the lead in making changes, and finally they can achieve their current hegemonic status. However, those stubborn old-fashioned sects, with few disciples and few young and yellow ones, eventually fell silent and disappeared in the long river of history.

However, in the long process of evolution, the moon washing college has gradually changed from a college for all ordinary people to a college controlled by various rich and powerful families. It can be said that it is very difficult for poor children to enter.

Of course, cultivating immortals is not the only way, but it is difficult to enter the moon washing college, and other immortals may not be easy to enter.

Just like Xu Muyang, the Tang robber has followed him for so long, but he has not been able to pass on the immortal Dharma. Almost all of the immortal masters who came out of the sect swore that they would not pass on the immortal methods of their sect. When God opened one door for mortals, he often closed the other door.

As Wenxin is the best and most promising way to cultivate immortality in China, Yuexi college is also the most competitive and even the most tragic!

In a word, three generations are poor in cultivating literature, rich in practicing martial arts, and poor in cultivating immortals!

The road to immortality is difficult. Just one way to enter school is enough to make most people afraid.

When it comes to money, there are still Tang robberies.

The green lightsaber that Xu Muyang gave him is a good magic weapon and is not low in value. However, selling this sword is tantamount to exposing yourself. Second, Xu Muyang gave it to him, and he was reluctant to sell it. Moreover, even if he had money, he had no way to get in.

Unless he is a talented person, he can be admitted in an exceptional way.

Therefore, if you want to enter the college, you must find another way.

After following Xu Muyang for half a year, Tang Jie knew nothing about the cultivation of immortals. Therefore, he had made overall plans before he came.

Walking along Changsheng street at this moment, Tang Jie saw a restaurant not far away. People came and went, and it was quite lively. Tang Jie went in, sat at a table, ordered some small dishes, and then began to eat and drink for himself.

He didn't worry either. He just ate and drank slowly. When the meal was over, there were fewer and fewer guests. Only then did Tang Jie wave to Xiao ER and put some copper coins in his palm: "Xiao Er, I have a question to ask."

The waiter smiled and put away the money. "What do you want, sir?"

"I'm a newcomer to Canglong mansion. I'm not familiar with many things here. I want to find someone to understand."

"What do you want to know, sir?"

"A lot, but I want to know which families in the Canglong mansion have the most status."

"This..." the waiter hesitated.

Tang Jia smiled and slipped some copper coins in. "Don't misunderstand me. I look like a bandit."

The waiter looked at the Tang robber and looked like a young man. He really didn't look like a villain, and the real bandits were unlikely to find out in this way. Only then did he rest assured: "there are five great masters in the Canglong mansion, Jin, Zhang, Gu, Wei and Zhou. It is called a great master in the Canglong mansion. It can be said that half of the wealth of the Canglong mansion belongs to these five great masters."

"Tell me more." Tang Jie points to the dishes on the table.

Seeing that there were no guests, the waiter simply sat down, Pick up chopsticks and eat while saying: "The largest family in the Canglong mansion is the Jin family. The Jin family started from running boats. Now there are six out of ten sea boats on the wharf. They are either owned by the Jin family or controlled by the Jin family. There are more than ten immortals under their hands. That's a good one. Zhang Jia is an official family. The old master of Zhang Jia used to be the chief of the Ministry of civil affairs. He is a fourth grade official. He is old and old, and he is all over the world. This is the Canglong mansion I don't know how many officials are from Zhangjia. The current head of Canglong mansion still visits the old man every year. They have the most land in the whole Canglong Prefecture, especially the Lingtian, which is almost all in the hands of the Zhang family. "

He took a few bites of vegetables, The waiter continued: "The ancient family is a Mafia. It is said that they once unified the Mafia of the Canglong mansion. It seems that the leader of the family is an immortal. It is said that he has something to do with the sect. The details are not clear. We know that this family is ruthless and ruthless. It is also the most notorious. It mainly operates escort agencies, casinos, pawns, and other businesses. In addition, it puts money from some small local gangs, and raises a lot of thugs. The Wei family and the Zhou family both It was only in recent years that it got up. Most of its businesses are street transactions. Many of the large and small shops in Canglong mansion belong to these two families. The Wei family mainly sells goods shops, cloth shops, restaurants, inns, medicine shops, clothing shops and grain shops. They do business for the people. The Zhou family mainly deals in flower shops, jewelry, calligraphy and painting, and money shops. Most of them deal with dignitaries. Our restaurant was opened by a relative of the Wei family. "

"So it is..." Tang Jie thought for a while and then asked: "if I want to join, which one do you think is better?"

The waiter smiled and took a deep look at Tang Zhai. With an expression of "I knew it was like this", he replied: "it's not easy to take refuge. These people, the first three families, have been here for more than a hundred years. Even the servants who are under their hands are handed down from generation to generation. The son of the steward is the steward, and the son of the gatekeeper will also be the gatekeeper in the future. It's hard for outsiders to enter!"

"Na Wei and Zhou family..."

"They come to recruit outsiders, but they need to be clean."

"I'm innocent..." Tang Jia murmured.

I'm not innocent about my family background.

He asked the waiter some more questions. After finding out the general situation here, Tang Jie took leave.

In the following days, Tang Jie wandered around Canglong mansion for more than ten days, and then he disappeared again


In a blink of an eye, winter is coming.

It seems that the winter of Canglong mansion this year is extremely cold, and it snows all night.

When he got up early in the morning, old Wu saw a vast expanse of white on the street. His yard was actually covered with thick snow.

Shaking his head, the old man went out to clean the snow in the yard.

After finishing the work, old Wu hung his aching back and sighed: "Alas, I'm really old and useless. This year, my bones are bad again."

He coughed again.

An old voice came from the room: "don't forget to sweep the snow in front of the door, old man."

"I see, old woman." The old man Wu responded angrily.

I opened the door and was about to clean. Suddenly I felt like I had kicked something under my feet.

Looking down, old man Wu's face changed greatly: "it's amazing, old woman. Someone... Someone died in front of our house!"


At the next moment, an old lady ran out of the door. She came to the door and saw that there was no one lying in front of her house, covered with snow. If it hadn't been for the kick of old Wu, I was afraid I wouldn't have found it.

The old lady quickly squatted down, looked carefully, and whispered: "Oh, my God, this is still a baby. Why did she die?"

"Sin!" Old Wu also sighed.

At this time, he also saw clearly that the man who died in front of his house was clearly a young man who was not yet an adult.

At that moment, the corpse on the ground suddenly moved, and the two old people jumped up at the same time. However, the old woman immediately responded and said, "I'm still alive!"

"Come on! Carry the man back to the house!" The two old men began to lift the boy from the ground into the house. Finally, although they were old, they were both used to working. The young man was so light that he could move.

As soon as he put it on the bed, old man Wu shouted: "hurry up, old woman, go and cook a bowl of ginger soup for him. I can't be careless at this time!"

The old lady has hurried to boil ginger soup.

After a bowl of ginger soup, the young man seemed to have some spirit, but his eyes were gradually opened.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Cried the old lady excitedly.

The old couple were relieved at the same time, and old Wu Han even smiled: "it's good to wake up. It's good to wake up! I didn't expect that I, Wu Nanfu, could save another life when I was getting old. It was the same as last time. Ha ha."

The old lady looked at him angrily and said, "look at your pride. Let xing'er know tomorrow. I have to laugh at you."

But his heart was also very happy.

The young man woke up and looked around, as if he had realized something.

I suddenly turned over and sat up, and fell down on my knees with a thump: "thank you two old people for saving my life. Even if I was broken, I would swear to repay the two old people for their kindness!"

"Get up, get up, what are you talking about?" The old lady had hurriedly helped the young man up, and then asked him why he had fainted in front of his house.

The young man replied that he had escaped from the wild Valley, where the horsemen were rampant and often killed his family. Although the immortal family has been exterminated, these horse thieves are like weeds in the field. They often kill one wave after another and cannot be exterminated.

The young man was killed by the wild Valley horse thieves, leading to the destruction of his family and the death of his family. Finally, he fled all the way to the Canglong mansion. Finally, he was living in the street because of food and clothing, and nearly died in front of the Wu family.

Seeing the young man's thin and weak appearance, the old lady felt pity for him and said: "it's really hard for the boy. He came from such a long distance and was in the first heavy snow in the winter, which almost killed him. If he was allowed to go out, he would be homeless. I'm afraid he would freeze to death in the street."

She looked at old man Wu. Although he said nothing, old man Wu knew what she meant.

"Well... Fortunately, I'm not here. I'm afraid we're the only two old people in the family. I'm afraid it's inappropriate..." the old man hesitated for a moment.

The old lady has patted the old man's head and cursed: "what are you thinking? A little baby is lonely. It's hard that you really see him starve to death and freeze to death in the street? Save people to the end!"

"But his origin is unknown..."

"What's unknown? You, Wu Nanfu, are still a rich family. Who is worth coveting?"

Old Wu felt his head and thought about it. Although he had been taken care of by the Wei family in recent years, his life was much better, he was still just an ordinary family, and he could not be regarded as anyone interested in himself.

Besides, he is well-known in the village where Wu Laohan has always been good, and it is impossible to have any enemies.

Thinking of this, he nodded and said: "in that case, you can stay at my house for a few days, and then..."

He wanted to say that he would not move out until he found something to do and found a way to live. Unexpectedly, when the young man heard this, he immediately fell to the ground: "thank you for the old man's care. The boy has been saved by the second old man. From now on, he will take the second old man as his parents and take care of his children!"

"Ah?" When the old man was stunned, the old lady smiled and touched the young man's head: "good, good! There are many people, but there are only many bowls and chopsticks, nothing. By the way, I don't know your name, son."

The young man raised his head and revealed his starlike bright eyes: "my name is Tang Jie!"