
The Way To My Heart

On a rainy night, she rushes home from her business trip that ended earlier than expected. As she exits the airport, she hops into the car that her chauffeur has driven to pick her up. She opens her Weibo account to see if anything has happened in the past few days that she's been out of the country. To her disbelief, the top headlines are all about her long time boyfriend getting engaged to her number one nemesis. Not only that, but they're expecting! Devastated and heartbroken, Xia Biming makes her way her penthouse. She spends her entire evening downing bottles of wine to drown the sorrow. In her drunken state, she makes up her mind to go give the backstabbing duo a piece of her mind. With her hazy mind, she makes a wrong turn and ends up in an unknown alley. Not knowing where she is, she tries backing out only to hit a man on a motorcycle. The impact of the hit was minor, only causing scratches. The man walks up to the driver's side and knocks on the window. Biming gets out of the car and continuously apologizes for not watching where she was driving. While she's apologizing nonstop, she starts crying and remembers why she's in the mess she's in at the moment. Flabbergasted, the man doesn't know how to console her and takes her to a nearby cafe to dry up from the rain. She realizes that she had left her wallet at home and had been out the entire time without money or her license. She writes the man an IOU on scrap napkin with her name on it and they go their separate ways. Little did they both know that that night was the first of their many meetings that would lead them on an adventure for love. This is a sweet love story that unravels between the sweet and strong female lead and the charming and shameless male lead. Join in and read to see how the male lead makes his way to her heart that she's closed up after getting hurt. Expect sweet romance and some smut scenes from the shameless characters ;) Hello! Blackberry1 here just wanting to greet all of you. This is my first novel so I'm hoping you all enjoy and stick with me as I write this. Please feel free to leave comments with your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you all!

blackberry1 · Urban
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41 Chs

Surrounded by flies

Sunday morning came and Biming woke up feeling refreshed. She headed back to her penthouse after breakfast with her family.

She made a call to her personal fitness trainer, "Hello Ning Xue! What are you doing today?"

Ning Xue met Xia Biming a while back at the gym. Now they've become good friends after Ning Xue began her business as a personal fitness trainer. "Hey Biming! I'm not doing anything right now. Did you have something in mind?"

"No… I just wanted to call and see if you were doing anything. I think I ate too much yesterday and so I'm feeling bloated. I wanted to do something to relax my body." After opening all the gifts last night, she and An Xi ate their heart's fill of cake.

"Hahaha, who told you to overeat? Alright alright, how about some yoga with me? I was planning on going to the park since the weather is nice. Do you want to come with me?" Ning Xue had already made plans to do this activity, so it wasn't much of a bother for her friend to tag along.

The two girls met up at the park after lunch. They found a nice flat area and laid out their mats.

Today, Xia Biming donned a light sports jacket that she took off in order to stretch. This left her in only her yellow strappy sports bra and matching tight high waisted yoga pants. Her bright outfit and perfect figure gained lots of stares from men walking by.

Ning Xue was more conservative and had a pink tank on over her sports bra. "Geez, Biming. I thought you said you were bloated, but look at you, you're still so stunning!"

"Haha, whatever Xue. I think everyone's looking at you, not me."

The girls continued to stretch and then continued on and did some yoga poses to relax their bodies followed by poses to strengthen their postures.

Just as they were finishing up their activity under the warm sun, two annoying flies found their way to the girls. Xia Biming noticed them from a distance but paid them no attention. But it looks like these pests just couldn't stay away. It was Yu Tianhao and Zhao Liling dressed in loose active wear going for a walk.

"Xia Biming! I didn't think I would run into you here!" Zhao Liling spoke loudly to get Biming's attention.

Ning Xue looked over at Biming and Biming rolled her eyes. Over their stretching session they had already chatted about what happened between the three of them. Ning Xue couldn't believe how two-faced Zhao Liling and Yu Tianhao were.

"Zhao Liling, I also didn't think I would see you here in the park. Is this where you usually catch other women's partners?" Since they couldn't stay away, Xia Biming wasn't going to let them off so easily. "Oh wait… You like to catch them in your bed."

Zhao Liling was so angry from Biming's comment she couldn't even say anything. She squeezed Yu Tianhao's arm and looked at him for back up. However, she found that Yu Tianhao was just staring at Xia Biming's body. He was ogling her like no one else's business. Jealousy rose in her body!

The only reason she was able to sleep with Yu Tianhao was because she bumped into him at a bar three months ago. He recognized her and was complaining about how Xia Biming wanted to get engaged soon. He wanted to get a taste of Biming, but Biming wanted to wait until marriage. How could he wait until marriage when her body was so sexy?! He kept pushing her to give him a taste, but she always refused.

He wanted to get a taste before he bought the actual thing, was that so wrong of him? Luckily for Zhao Liling, she ran into him that night. Biming had rejected his sexual advances for the umpteenth time and he drank his complaints away.

For Zhao Liling who had always chased him since their school days, this was her light at the end of the tunnel. She wanted him so bad, but he only had eyes to Xia Biming.

"Yu Tianhao, if Xia Biming isn't willing to help you… maybe you can let me help?" Liling looked at Tianhao with seductive eyes.

Yu Tianhao was beyond drunk and could only feel his lust grow in front of such a seductive woman. He didn't even respond to her. He just pushed himself onto her and kissed her hungrily.

"Tianhao, let's not do it here. How about we get a room upstairs?" Liling suggested. She didn't want to do it in a private room, she'd rather have this man on a bed all to herself.

They found their way to the fifth floor with a king size suite. Liling slowly lifted the straps of her dress off her shoulders as Tianhao's fiery gaze landed on her. He couldn't take it anymore.

The last time he had any action was when he was in City Z two months prior when Xia Biming was busy with her boutique in City H, which was on the opposite side of the country. He clumsily raced over to Liling and slipped her dress all the way off of her alluring body. She was taller than Biming, and her body was tall and slender.

Tianhao could help but feel a little disappointed when his hands traced her body. Liling's chest wasn't nearly as full as Biming's. He pushed the thought to the back of his head and laid her on the bed. He started to undress himself and then pinned Liling down.

The fire in his eyes grew as he readied himself to enter her. This was not Liling's first time, so she was somewhat experienced as well. The two connected as one and continued to unravel in front of each other. Liling had never experienced such pleasure before. This was definitely the best sex for her.

Moaning and panting, she whispered into Tianhao's ears, "You feel so good." She then wrapped her arms around Tianhao's neck. "More, go faster." She continued to breath into his ear.

Tianhao was feeling pure ecstasy. He rammed himself deeper and faster into Liling's hot core. Since he hadn't got any action in some time, he found himself climaxing at the same time as Liling.

Both bodies drained, they stayed the night together in that room.

Back to the present, Zhao Liling couldn't grab hold of Tianhao's attention in the park. Xia Biming noticed his lustful gaze towards her body and felt disgusted.