
The Way To My Heart

On a rainy night, she rushes home from her business trip that ended earlier than expected. As she exits the airport, she hops into the car that her chauffeur has driven to pick her up. She opens her Weibo account to see if anything has happened in the past few days that she's been out of the country. To her disbelief, the top headlines are all about her long time boyfriend getting engaged to her number one nemesis. Not only that, but they're expecting! Devastated and heartbroken, Xia Biming makes her way her penthouse. She spends her entire evening downing bottles of wine to drown the sorrow. In her drunken state, she makes up her mind to go give the backstabbing duo a piece of her mind. With her hazy mind, she makes a wrong turn and ends up in an unknown alley. Not knowing where she is, she tries backing out only to hit a man on a motorcycle. The impact of the hit was minor, only causing scratches. The man walks up to the driver's side and knocks on the window. Biming gets out of the car and continuously apologizes for not watching where she was driving. While she's apologizing nonstop, she starts crying and remembers why she's in the mess she's in at the moment. Flabbergasted, the man doesn't know how to console her and takes her to a nearby cafe to dry up from the rain. She realizes that she had left her wallet at home and had been out the entire time without money or her license. She writes the man an IOU on scrap napkin with her name on it and they go their separate ways. Little did they both know that that night was the first of their many meetings that would lead them on an adventure for love. This is a sweet love story that unravels between the sweet and strong female lead and the charming and shameless male lead. Join in and read to see how the male lead makes his way to her heart that she's closed up after getting hurt. Expect sweet romance and some smut scenes from the shameless characters ;) Hello! Blackberry1 here just wanting to greet all of you. This is my first novel so I'm hoping you all enjoy and stick with me as I write this. Please feel free to leave comments with your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you all!

blackberry1 · Urban
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Giving thanks

Xia Biming was already in her office when 8 am struck on the clock. She was going over the inventory of the spring collection debuting in her boutiques. It was early March, so it was the perfect time for spring outfits as the weather was warming up.

She brought along the sketch book that Chang had gifted her. She didn't know what she wanted to sketch in it yet, but she brought it with her anyways. Seeing the sketch book, it reminded her that she needed to send a thank you gift to him.

She hand selected a few items from her new spring collection after confirming his measurements from Assistant Lin Zhi. (We won't ask how she got it, hehe 😉)

The first item she selected was the long sleeve dress shirt in the color of a rich forest green. The material was made from the finest quality of silk. The style of the shirt was fitted, and she thought it would compliment his slightly tanned skin well.

The second piece was more casual as it was short sleeved. It was also a button up shirt and the color of this shirt was a bright blue shade. It had a single front pocket on the chest that was a different pattern. The pattern of the front pocket had different sizes of a light gray and the same shade of blue stripes in a horizontal orientation. Since this shirt was meant for more casual occasions, the blend of the fabric was the best of Egyptian cotton.

The last piece she picked was a skinny black tie. The tie was also made of silk and in the light gave off a chromatic shine.

She personally wrapped the gifts and stuck a note inside as well, copying his way of gift giving.

'Thank you for the birthday gift. I really like it. As a token of my appreciation, please accept my thanks.'

She ordered one of the secretaries to delivery it to Xue Investments. She did not forget to also send gifts to the Xue family as well. She sent them a set of quality teas and light weight coats from her new collection as well.

Once she settled that, it was lunchtime. She took out her homemade lunch and heated it up. She instructed no one to interrupt her as she wanted to take a break while she ate. She took her phone out and watched a TV drama on her phone as she ate.

Over at Xue Investments, Xue Changmin just got out of a tiring meeting. The meeting had lasted all morning and he was mentally exhausted. It took so much effort to bring all present in the meeting to a happy compromise.

He was ready for the lunch he ordered when someone knocked on his door. Somewhat irritated, he coldly answered "Come in."

The assistant noticed the tone of his boss and anxiously walked in. The last assistant that ticked the boss off was reprimanded to receptionist in the lobby. "B-Boss. You have a package." The assistant reported to his boss. He followed by placing the three boxes on the coffee table in front of Changmin's desk.

"Is there a sender tag on it?" Xue Changmin questioned.

"No Sir. But it looks really well wrapped. The person who delivered it was a young woman."

"If that's all, you may leave. Thanks." Changmin stood up to head towards the boxes as the assistant exited the office.

Chang opened the small box first and found it to be a black tie inside. He continued to open the bigger two boxes and found that they were men's shirts. Also in his size. He was a little surprised to find clothing in the boxes. Then he noticed a little note on top of the green dress shirt. He read it and found himself in a much better mood.

His smile was worn from ear to ear. He immediately knew that it was from Xia Biming. He didn't own a dress shirt in this color, so he was happy that she gifted this to him. He noticed the tag on the shirts and realized that this came from her company. He knew that the pricing on her clothing did not come cheap since it was of such high quality.

He caught a little bit of Xia Biming and Fang An Xi's conversation the other night in the billiards room and wondered if these were from the new spring collection that hadn't even debuted yet. He was even a little excited to wear these shirts soon.

His happy thoughts were shut out with the loud ringing of his phone. He picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

"Chang! We just received a thank you gift from Xia Biming! She is such a delightful girl! She didn't need to go this far to say thanks. What a thoughtful child." Chang's ear got quite the surprise with his grandmother's loud voice. He could tell how delighted she was, she only spoke so loudly like this when she was truly happy and could not contain her emotions.

"Really? What did she send you?" Chang wondered if his grandparents got as thoughtful gifts as him.

"She sent us such a nice tea set. I was wanting to get this; how did she know?" he heard his grandmother chuckle lightly. "She also sent your father, your grandfather, and myself some lovely light weight coats. They look to be from her new collection. The quality is amazing! Suits my style perfectly!"

Grandmother Xue could not stop giving Biming endless compliments. This made Chang happy, but he couldn't understand why he was feeling this way.

"That's great grandma, she sent me some clothing too."

"She sent you clothes, too?! She already knows your measurements, what a great wife she would make! You better hurry and pursue her. She won't be on the market long!"

Xue Changmin could not believe his grandmother. He didn't know how to feel about her. And he didn't know how she felt about him either. Was this gift just a courtesy to say thank you or was there more to it? Conflicted, he just decided to let fate decide for them.

And fate sure knew what it was doing.