
The Way To Berethra: 2 Control Your Power

When Darren realized that he was the chosen one, he decided he would tell no one about his experience. He was excited but nervous at the same time, he has never felt this way. With his new responsibility he knew that he had to start training as soon as possible.

"When do we start?" says Darren "I need to do this now, it's a lot of responsibility to be the chosen one."

"Look kid, you don't need to worry so much. You just need to focus on using your powers for training."

"What if I don't want to? I do whatever I want to. (He starts getting mad)I know I said I needed to train but now I don't want to since you told me to."

"Darren please control yourself! You don't have to do all of this, you're special. We need you here, I need you here. I know I just me you a few minutes ago but still. You need to know that this is not you!"

"Yes it is Rakurai! You don't know anything about me, you've been imprisoned here for more than a century and all of the sudden you think you know everything. I have your powers, and I don't know how to use them. You will teach me your ways and you'll let me go after. If you don't cooperate, I will have you vanished from the face of this Earth, deal?"

"Sure just don't do anything stupid, you should know that one wrong move could lead to your death."

"Wait what?"

"Yeah, you didn't know that? There is one power of mine that could accidently kill you if you don't use it right. I will teach you though so don't worry about it."Darren starts to realize that if he doesn't know what to do with his powers, he could die. Despite that, Rakurai has a plan to get his powers back. He will use Darren to..... wait, why am I telling you this when you can find out for yourself? I'll keep going so you can find your answer to your questions.

A few minutes later.....

"Zap, Zap, Zap!"

"Darren, you need to be careful, you could hurt yourself."

"How would that be possible?" Asks Darren

"You could shoot it the wrong way and bounce off of something and come back to you. You really should be careful " Rakurai says. He's trying to help Darren with some powers.

"No I don't mean how could I hurt myself, I mean how could your powers transfer onto me. That should be impossible."

"It's not as impossible as s you think. You see, when I was imprisoned, it was like I died. So, when I die, my powers transfer to another person. That's why now, you have my powers, and I don't."

Rakurai is trying to explain the whole situation because Darren is an idiot, or some might say that he thinks out of the box.

"Okay, let's get back to training please, I want to control my powers."

"Alright fine, this is going to take months of trial and error."

Two Months Later...

Darren has controlled his power a little bit better, he now can do half of the things Rakurai could do. Things just get better from here.... or do they?

"Hey Rakurai!" says Darren in a very happy tone.

"Hey Darren!" Says Rakurai while laughing. "What's got you so excited today?

"Oh nothing, just trai- SNEAK ATTACK!" Darren sneaks behind Rakurai with his super speed, he tosses Rakurai to the floor.

"Ouch, you idiot! That hurt pretty bad! Why the hell would you do that?!" Rakurai is mad as you can probably tell.

"I'm so so so so sorry Rakurai! I thought it would be funny! Please forgive me!!!" Says Darren, he is really worried.

"Darren, I was just messing with you, that was a great sneak attack, just save it for the battlefield. Alright, show me what you got. If you can control your powers, training might be over for you."

Alright, here's the moment you all have hopefully hoped for.


(Running out of breath) "How was that Master Rakurai?"

"It was great Darren, although that was just half of the potential of my powers. My powers could destroy planets if it needed to."

"Then I guess we'll have to continue our training just for a little more time"

"Fair enough, alright we get started tomorrow morning, get some rest, you'll need it. There's something here you're going to like."

Darren now knows that the powers that he has could potentially destroy planets, he could wipe out a whole race. I guess we'll just have to find out what's next...