
The Way of the Sword (BL)

Zemin Yan is an orphan who lived on the streets, until the day that the Celestial Sword Sect makes large-scale recruitment, in which even the beggars were analyzed in the Qin Empire. He who lived in an isolated village had managed to pass through the most difficult examination of the sect, but even so, his talent was the only medium. At best, his prospect was to reach the intermediate-level Aurore Core realm. Zemin Yan was happy with this prospect, after all, he was just a humble mumper, over time, he learns to read and write, he even grew a little taller, but his physique was delicate and flexible, not pretending that he was a martial practitioner, thus generating mockery for his colleagues even a strong bullying. However, Zemin Yan didn't care and always proceeded with optimism, until the moment that was allocated to be assistant of the greater cultivator of the young generation of Celestial Sword Sect. Zhong Liang is the supreme talent of the Heavenly Sword, he is tall, handsome and powerful, he is the dream of all women and the goal of all the boys. He is loved and appreciated by all but remains with his cold character and his expressionless face. Because of his Swordless Dao, Zhong Liang was getting colder, indifferent, and cruel, so his Master, fearful that he would turn to the demonic cultivator, decides to put three young disciples to serve him and keep him company, whether in missions outside the sect or even in as servants of this great prodigy. The Master of Zhong Liang wanted him to develop some kind of bond that would prevent him from getting lost in the path of the Dao of the Swordless Thrill. Unfortunately, Zhong Liang doesn't agree with his master's vision and astounds all the young disciples, only one remains he is as firm as a sword stuck in the ground, this disciple is Zemin Yan. "Senior Zhong, do you want grapes or apples?" Asked Zemin Yan with his typical silly smile. Zhong Liang didn't respond and continued training with his sword, he just ignored the existence of this young disciple. "So it's going to be grapes," Zemin Yan said without even letting his mood fall, he had already grown accustomed to the lack of response from his senior disciple. When Zemin Yan came back to call Zhong Liang for dinner, the grapes were far from visible, which left Zemin Yan with a silly and contented smile for the rest of the night. NOTE: 1. R 18 (IN THE FUTURE) 2. Slow Romance 3. Romance 1x1. 4. Contest 59. 5. COVER: POPPY QUEEN 6. Follow my Ko-fi for news and weekly calendars: https://ko-fi.com/post/Calendar-1001--1601-L4L27V5L9 and Ko-fi.com/take_the_moon. Thanks for your support in the 2021. Hope we're together in 2022 too.

Take_the_Moon · LGBT+
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184 Chs

Acting like a Big brother is hard!

Lan Ruan had recently received a message from his master, at first he thought it was his master warning him of the results of the persecution of the Magoru Empire, well… His master sent this information and sent even heavier things! The information was absurd and surprising.

When Lan Ruan read the information, he didn't believe it! Baby Song Yan, who was as handsome as an angel, actually didn't die! Now his name was Zemin Yan and he was one of the novice disciples of this mass recruitment.

Along with this information, his master sent several Zemin Yan data and images, but still, Lan Ruan could not believe his eyes! For the appearance of baby Song Yan was not there! Easily, Zemin Yan could be someone else, there wasn't even a trace of the heavenly beauty his mother had! Even her ordinary appearance vaguely resembled that woman's husband.

The amazing thing is that Lan Ruan had met Zemin Yan and was even traveling together! He even liked Zemin Yan a little like a caring child! Is this really the destiny of heaven ?! Zhong Liang also showed some interest in Zemin Yan as soon as he saw the child! Was this junior brother's instinct? Or just the Dao of heaven playing with mortals again ?! It was so crazy all that it was hard to believe!

However, the information he had in hand was not a lie. Zemin Yan's original name is Song Yan, he was recruited from village 10, which was also the closest place to hear of the celestial couple. There is also sacred energy, which only the Song Family lineage could awaken at such a young age, and most importantly, there was the rusty old ring, which both the beautiful woman and her husband carried on their necks despite to be just one ring and not two storage rings.

With all this information, there was no doubt that this ordinary-looking child was actually the angelic-looking baby six years ago. However, the appearance was not correct! Not even the color of the hair was the same, the color of the eyes was not the same and the facial features also changed!

But Master Lan Ruan and Zhong Liang stated that he was 100% sure this was Baby Song Yan. Of course, that Lan Ruan despite having his doubts was very happy! That means Zhong Liang could finally thaw his unchanging face!

However, Zhong Liang suffered a severe injury when ambushed and nearly fell into the hands of the devils, and he had been contaminated with demonic energy, which unfortunately integrated into his dantin, now part of the power of this junior brother. The problem is that Zhong Liang's path of martial cultivation is totally opposed to demonic energy! What has generated conflict within his body, damaging his cultivation and his health!

Anyway, Lan Ruan was afraid to broach the subject of the heavenly couple and baby Song Yan, making Zhong Liang fuss and his cultivation infuriate, so he didn't know whether to broach the subject or pretend he didn't know anything!

"Zhong Liang, what are you doing?" Lan Ruan asked when he saw Zhong Liang concentrated in a pile of very thick papers.

"I am reading information about the city we are hosting," said Zhong Liang in his typical nonchalant tone, not looking up to see his senior brother.

"For what? Is there anything wrong with the city? "Asked Lan Ruan curiously and a little worried, after all, a little while ago a mad Princess Devil tried to kidnap his junior brother.

"No, this is only for part-time work I'm going to do," said Zhong Liang with his typical wood expression and flat voice, but his eyes looked even brighter as if excited, which was quite shocking to this brother senior.

"What a part-time job?" Asked Lan Ruan interested, after all, it must be a very good thing for his junior brother to show some emotion. It could be something amazing like hunting down some strong cultivator or maybe taming some demonic beast, even saving a few beauties could be cool.

"I'm going to be a Qin empire guard" Zhong Liang's voice was still flat, but his eyes continued to shine and his lips twitched a little as if to smile, but with his facial paralysis that was all he could show.

The answer shocked Lan Ruan, after all, here was the greatest cultivator of the young generation that the Heavenly Sword Sect had so far, saying that he would work as a guard of the Qin empire… The worst thing is that he looks happy about it!

"Why? Was it the little martial sister who bothered you enough to leave the sect? I swear I'll talk to her to stop stalking you! Or was it the senior brother who made one more of his nasty schemes? I promise I will beat him until he thinks again about his life! Or was it the master who is acting very flirtatious these days? About that… I promise I'll throw Elder Han to deal with the master! So don't give up on the sect! "Lan Ruan's voice got louder and louder, he really wanted to shake these junior brothers and put some reason and common sense inside!

Zhong Liang looked at Lan Ruan with his face full of indifference, but his bright dark eyes had a sense of confusion. Internally, Zhong Liang thought that his second senior brother was getting stranger and confused.

Suddenly, for the first time since 6 years ago, Zhong Liang designed to look at the face of his second senior brother, there he could see the anxiety and sincere concern on his not very handsome face, he felt touched, despite his facial paralysis.

Zhong Liang knew that it had not been easy these past years to deal with him, although he himself did not remember the events before 6 years ago, only confusing scenes were there in his mind and some discernible scenes of when he cultivated and was taught by his master.

So in Zhong Liang's heart, there was only training in his past, when he tried to remember his heart ached and his Qi threatened to run wild and it could kill him! So he forced himself not to remember, after all, life was more important. Also, if it were such important information, his master would have already told him everything, right? Well, at least Zhong Liang thinks so if his master didn't tell him that meant it wasn't important.

During these six years, Lan Ruan had a friendly expression, sometimes worried, sometimes anxious, but Zhong Liang pretended not to see or did not care, often better not to care.

"I'm not giving up the sect. I'm just going to disguise myself to accompany a group of novice disciples for special training, "said Zhong Liang, still with his wooden expression. However, this long phrase made Lan Ruan thrilled, after all, it had been many years since Zhong Liang had spoken so many words to him, especially taking the time to explain something to him!

"So will I! It will be fun to see these young people watching the world open before their eyes! "Said Lan Ruan excitedly. That was good because he figured Zemin Yan would be among these young people, so he could see for himself if he had the same feeling he had with baby Song Yan, just to be sure, before talking to his junior brother.

"Second senior brother, you have to talk to Elder Han in order to go, he doesn't want us to be too close to the novice disciples as this can cause problems for them," said Zhong Liang with his wooden expression, lying blatantly. Clearly, Elder Han only has trouble with the fickle Zhong Liang, who invades rooms at night!

"Okay, if he doesn't let me go, I can threaten by talking about the master ... I doubt Elder Han won't let me go," Lan Ruan said with a mischievous smile. Zhong Liang was surprised by the words of his second senior brother, for even if the master defeats Elder Han in battle, how can that control Elder Han from a distance ?! Isn't it like Elder Han couldn't hide inside the sect where internal fighting was forbidden ?!

Hello readers!

Thanks for the support!

Now a little theater:


Lan Ruan: I will threaten Elder Han with our master's name! *malicious smile*

Zhong Liang: But the Grand Masters can't fight in the sect! * looks confused at his second martial brother *

Lan Ruan: The sword he will take is another type! * smirks *

Zhong Liang: Does the master have another sword? When did this happen? Don't we just have a sword for life ?! * despite his unchanging face his eyes show surprise *

Lan Ruan: Cogh! Cogh! * is speechless and doesn't know how to respond to this martial junior brother *

THEATER 2 (Little Spoiler)

Zemin Yan: This guard is a little weird! ¬¬ * looks at the nearby guard, the sacred energy begins to stir in his body *

Guard Zhong Liang: U_U * serious in his duty *

Zemin Yan: I'm thirsty, let's buy some water there * talk to friends, pointing to a suspicious tent *

Guard Zhong Liang: Ù_Ú * disappears for a few seconds and brings a large water jar the size of little Zemin Yan, puts it in the middle of the group of children

Zemin Yan and the others: O_O * impressed by the efficiency of the guard *

THEATER 3 (Little Spoiler)

Zemin Yan: I would like something sweet! * comments with his friends while watching others struggling * Let's go to that store there! * points to a store full of sweet beauties *

Guard Zhong Liang: Ò_Ó * disappears for a few seconds and reappears with a heavy silver chest, playing among the children and opening the lid *

Zemin Yan and his group: >.<* Close their eyes overshadowed by the bright, sweet light that seems to shine like precious jewels *

THEATER 4 (Little Spoiler)

Zemin Yan: I'm tired, Yuga holds me a little * he asks after a long battle, but of course he was joking *

Guard Zhong Liang: u_u * move quickly and carry little Zemin Yan *

All the people: O_O * stunned by the guard's diligence *

Zemin Yan: Big Brother Zhong Are You? * question suspiciously *

Guard Zhong Liang: No, I'm Guard Zhong! * indifferent voice *

Zemin Yan: Really? I thought it was my big brother Zhong! If you're not big brother Zhong, then I don't want to be in your arms !! * struggles to get out but can't help but smirk *

Guard Zhong Liang: I was wrong! I am your big brother Zhong! * says very seriously but there was a touch of anguish *

Zemin Yan: Really are you mine? * asked smirking *

Zhong Liang: Yes, I'm yours! * says without realizing that he had been fooled *

Zemin Yan: Very good, you can't go back to your word! * he thought he would remind Zhong Liang about this in about six years or more years *

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