
The Way of The Shinobi

Mayumi Kaneko, oldest daughter in the Kaneko assassin clan was one day tasked with a huge mission: Becoming a squad leader to a group of genin. With the help of her fellow Anbu member, Kakashi Hatake. Will Mayumi have what it takes to become an amazing squad leader like Kakashi? Will her abilities as an assassin with the famed Kekkei genkai keep her safe, or will her mysterious powers put her in harms way?

ThatAnimeGirl1994 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: Ninja Art: Four Pronged Seal Release!

(Kakashi's POV)

After receiving the hidden scroll from Yuko, I took Mayumi and we headed to my place. The whole walk home Mayumi stayed quiet, most likely thinking about the events that had just passed. I looked down at her, my deep gaze inspecting the breath taking features of her face. Mayumi glanced up at me, her face turning beet red.

"W-What Kakashi?" She stammered, causing a smile to appear on my lips through my mask. "Oh? Nothing. I was just looking at how beautiful you are." I stated, causing her to tense up for a minute. Her gaze shifting to the side as she kept walking. "Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?" She questioned. I exhaled softly, thinking to myself about why I changed my attitude with her. Maybe it was because I was tired of hiding my true feelings? Or maybe it was because I couldn't resist her anymore.

"Mayumi..we will discuss this when we get to my place." I stated, I knew if I began talking about this in the street, I wouldn't be able to control myself. She looked at me for a moment and nodded. It took about an additional ten minutes to get to the simple green front door of my home. I pulled out my keys, quickly unlocking the door as I walked in and flipped on the lights. Mayumi walked inside and began looking all around. My home wasn't very large, and it was barely decorated.

"Welcome to my home." I stated as Mayumi turned to face me. "Thank you." She answered quickly. "Do you want a cup of tea before we do this?" I asked, holding the red and gold scroll in my hand. She bit her lower lip as her big gorgeous eyes inspected the scroll in my hand. She nodded as I sat the scroll down on the table in the living room. I walked over to the small kitchen in the middle of my home. I poured some water in the kettle and turned on the stove, giving the water a few minutes to come to a boil.

  "How do you know how to do the seal release jutsu?" Mayumi questioned as she leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen. "Well, I was trained how to do it by your father when I was becoming the Anbu's squad leader. It's quite a difficult seal to break." I stated as she sighed deeply. "Do you think you'll be able to break it?" She questioned as I nodded.

"It won't be easy, but I can do it." I stated, having confidence in my abilities. She nodded as the tea kettle began to scream, notifying me that the water was ready. I poured the hot water into our tea cups, being careful not to spill any water or burn myself. After pouring the tea and handed the delicate cup to Mayumi. She smiled gently and took a sip of the tea, a deep sigh escaped her lips as she walked over to the couch and sat down.

Having Mayumi in my home felt odd. Not odd in a bad way necessarily, it was just something I wasn't used to. "Let me take a look at the seal." I stated as her face turned bright red. After a few moments of awkward silence Mayumi slowly shrugged her arm out of the sleeve of her shirt, exposing her wine colored bra. Her delicate pale skin that covered her breast had a dark black seal across it. My eyes drifted from her eyes, down her to breasts and back up.

Mayumi's face was beet red as her emerald green eyes watched me carefully as I reached behind her and unhooked her bra with one hand. I needed to be able to see all of the seal in order to release it. "K-Kakashi..." she whimpered underneath my touch as my mind began to race with wicked thoughts about Mayumi's body as I stood up from the couch, heading to the kitchen to grab the supplies I needed for the Jutsu.

Once I had the black ink, knife and scroll in my hands I headed back to the couch. "We should probably do this on my bed, it'll be easier for me to draw the seal if your laying down flat." I explained, my eyes instantly going to her bare chest. She blushed deeply again and covered her breasts with her hands as she stood up and followed me to the bedroom. It was odd for Mayumi to be this quite, but I could only assume she had a lot on her mind.

Mayumi climbed ontop of my large king sized bed and laid down on her back. I sat the bowl of ink, knife and scroll onto the bedside table. Mayumi kept her eyes on me as I grabbed the knife and cut my finger, allowing a few drops of my dark maroon blood to drip into the bowl of onyx black ink. Once I mixed the ink and blood together I opened the scroll and unrolled it. The scroll had a secret seal on it that I needed to be able to look at, while I copied the seal with the blood mixed ink onto Mayumi's perky breast.

"Are you ready, Mayumi?" I asked. Mayumi exhaled slowly as she nodded. "Y-Yeah I'm ready." She mumbled as I nodded and dipped my fingertips into the ink. I used my opposite hand to hold up the sign of the boar. "Ninja Art, Four Pronged Seal Release!" I spoke as my fingertips began to glow a bright blue. I placed my fingertips onto Mayumi's breast, activating the Jutsu. Mayumi's eyes widened as she inhaled sharply. In an instant Mayumi passed out, the seal slowly dissipating off of Mayumi's skin. I looked down at the topless, unconscious Mayumi. The moonlight that was coming in from the window danced on her gorgeous skin. I smiled softly and grabbed the blanket that was hanging on the side of my desk chair. I unfolded the dark green throw blanket and covered Mayumi with it. "Get some rest, Mayumi..." I mumbled as I collected the items I used for the Jutsu and left the room.