
The Way of the Monkey King

What would a weakling do in the world full of strong people? It is to become strong themselves! With enough motivation and determination, a weakling can become the strongest too! This is the story of such weakling who want to become the strongest in order to survive in the world full of monster-like people!

CouchPotatoes · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 01

Monday, April 20th, 2009.

I've once heard someone say, 'if life gives you lemon, make lemonade with it'. As a teenager I was back then, I laughed at such metaphor and found it funny, but as I grew old and older, I found myself taking this lesson more seriously.

I guess that is exactly why when I suddenly found myself in a weird and unusual predicament such as this, I'm pretty much trying just to go along with it for the sake of my own sanity.

I mean, it's not every day you can experience living inside the world of your favorite anime/game. It is something that only happens in fiction yet that's exactly what happened to me right now.

"Ooh! Momo-senpai is super awesome today!"

"I love her invincibility!"

"She's so dominant!"

"Nobody in Japan can match her!"

The sound of crowd cheered in excitement snaps me out of my thoughts. Right now I, together with the excited crowd, was standing on the walk path near the riverbed of Tama River, watching a beautiful young woman who is currently beating up a couple of thugs alone like it's nothing. 

The crowd then roars in excitement once again when she finishes off the thugs so mercilessly one by one while starts building a tower made of said thugs by joining in their dislocating joints together like some tetris blocks.

And of course, while she's doing so, I didn't miss the perfect chance to snap some pictures of her skirt slightly blowing up due to her movements, which gives me a slight flash of her panty shot.


After she had finished stacking the last human block of tetris, she looked up at her work and smiled proudly at the result with a satisfied nod before she moves in swift motion to kick the shit out of the stacked-up thugs and blow them away far into the sky, cleaning the trash(read: thugs) from dirtying the riverbed.

That's right, ladies and gentlemen! Please meet the Goddess of War, Kawakami Momoyo, in the flesh!

And yes, I am currently inside the world of Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai, or Majikoi for short, living as one of the characters in the series. Of course, just to top it off, there was also this translucent screen that appeared out of nowhere in front of me.


[New Challenger has been found!]

Kawakami Momoyo

The Self-Proclaimed Cutest Girl in the World

Rating: SSS


+99 Physical Strength

+99 Spiritual Power

Golden Physiology

True Sight

Pure Energy Manipulation

[Would you like to request a duel?]


Like typical story of 'Reincarnation/Transmigration' that I had read in my previous life, I was bestowed with Gamer Power when I crossed the world. But unlike many Gamer Powers I knew, this one is not really helping me out that much. There's no [ID Create], where I can grind EXP as much as I can, there's no [Gamer Body/Mind] to recover my health and such when I take rest, and there's no [Inventory] to help me with my groceries as well.

But then again, the system I had was called Dueling System, so it is pretty much obvious that I had to fight with tooth and nail if I want to fully use this system.

No pain no gain, I guess.

This system let me become stronger by defeating the Challenger, and luckily for me, the Challenger is not exclusive for the main casts in Majikoi series, every human being who lives in this world is pretty much the Challenger for me to duel and reap the rewards for.

"Hey, Yonpachi, what are you spacing out there for? Let's get going. I don't want to get into trouble with Onijima first thing in the morning." A pale and tall young man wearing glasses with very skinny build grumbled under his breath, as his long black hair tied in low ponytail swaying a bit when he flipped a page of JUMP magazine in his hand.

Ōgushi Suguru, a student of class 2-F in Kawakami Academy and a friend of the original body I possessed.

"Hm? Ah, yeah, let's go." I replied while looking at Momoyo for one last time as she approaches the Kazama Family before hurrying my pace to match Suguru's.

Yes, you heard it right, young Padawan. I am that Yonpachi, well not really, I am 'someone' who 'possessed' Yonpachi's body.

It starts three weeks ago, I don't know exactly how I died, but I know that I am dead. Then again, I guess it was for my own good that I don't have the memories of me dying especially if something traumatizing happened in that exact moment, I mean I don't really want to watch how I died if I'm being honest. 

The moment I regained my consciousness as 'myself' was when I suddenly woke up in this body, in this world, without knowing what made this crazy situation happen to me. And I didn't encounter a weird entity like ROB or a useless Goddess in blue with no panties on in the afterlife as well. 

So yeah, I am pretty much as clueless.

Also for some reason, I know nothing about my previous identity, like nothing at all. Everything about my personal life, from my name to my relationships was blank. The only thing I can remember from my previous life is my general knowledge about things I've learned or experienced such as me playing Majikoi games and such.

Which is why, for the first time I saw my reflection in the mirror, I freaked out quite a lot. After all this perverted monkey-like hair and face are pretty much something I am familiar with. The fact that I lived as anime/game character was something that really baffled me, and it makes me questioning the reason why something like this happened to me. 

But I am pretty much giving up on searching the answer and just decided to live with it. I am just that lazy to understand.

And what happened to original Yonpachi, you said? That I don't really know. I mean, it's not like I really want to snatch his body like this on my own will anyway. In this case, I am a victim as well.

But I guess we can safely say that I 'consumed' or 'merged' with his very existence when my soul and mind integrated into this body, and as a result, a new entity and anomaly such as 'myself' was created.

I am not the original Fukumoto Ikurō, and I also don't have any recollection about my past identity anymore. So right now, I am basically a newly born Fukumoto Ikurō with both personalities and traits squashed and mixed up together to create a new one.

That's who I am right now.

Oh right, and of course...


Ōgushi Suguru

2D Guru

Rating: F


+1 Spiritual Power

[This Challenger has been defeated!]


This is what happens when you defeated someone with Dueling System. I've already defeated Suguru two weeks ago, and it took quite a pestering on my side to make him finally accept the duel. And while doing so, I learned a very useful loophole regarding the system.

It seems like I don't really need to 'defeat' the Challenger in fight to get the rewards. As long as the Challenger accepts the duel and they 'surrender' even without a fight, I can still get the rewards without a problem.

So after knowing such beautiful loophole, I pretty much exploited the shit out of it as much as I can. I received a lot of rewards these weeks by making my friends surrender in their duels against me.

This is the result, by the way...


Fukumoto Ikurō

Grandmaster of Kama Sutra

Rating: D

Physical Strength: 50

Spiritual Power: 29

Martial Art:

Sumo (Basic)

Karate (Basic)

Bōjutsu (Basic)

Taekwondo (Intermediate)

Brawling (Intermediate)


Sleight of Hand

Heightened Sense

Iron Body

Monkey Reflexes


Not too shabby, huh? For these three weeks, my Rating was increased from F to D. That might seem like nothing to you guys, but just so you know, this Dueling System is in a very hardcore mode to play.

Even after I exploited the loophole I found to get easy rewards, the rewards themselves always end up poorly since it depends on the Rating of the Challenger themselves. The lower the Challenger's Rating is, the lesser the rewards I'll get.

F tier consists of people with no experience in fighting or whatsoever, and its reward was not that good. It only gives you +1 Physical Strength or Spiritual Power.

E tier consists of people with fighting experience, no matter how small it is, and the rewards it gives are quite good. You can get one of the Physical Strength and Spiritual Power or sometimes both by defeating them. You can also get Ability if you're lucky enough, and the Ability will gives me the mean to easily learn their skills upon receiving them.

D tier consists of people who know how to fight with their bodies. Most of the time, people with Rating D will give you a Martial Art as a reward when you defeated them.

That's the reason why I had 5 martial arts in me. It makes me learning the arts quite easily because I've already had the foreknowledge on how to do them implanted inside my brain after I received them as rewards.

So why don't I exploit the loophole like I usually do then, you said? The answer is simple, it's because people with Rating D are martial artist in-training, thugs, and amateur street fighters. People like those are quite hard to exploit, I mean, the moment I challenge them to duel, they will take it seriously and fight me with all of their might.

I gravely injured once when I challenged a green belt Karateka a week ago, I barely won that fight and that also because I decided to use a dirty trick on him at the end.

So after that incident, I pretty much held myself back from challenging people to duels so willy-nilly until I was good enough to hold my own against them without breaking most of my bones in the process.

Now for C tier, it consists of people who have a good physique and a good amount of experience in fighting. 

B tier consists of people who have good physique and trained bodies, and they also have a good understanding of how to utilize their trained bodies as weapons in fights.

A tier consists of people with strong physique and a foundation as a trained fighter. They are very experienced in fighting and have refined techniques up their sleeves.

S to SS tier consists of people with strong physique and a foundation as trained warriors and martial artists. Not only do they have vast experience on their belt, but they also have vast amount of energy called Ki and good control over said energy to perform all kind of ridiculous feats.

And at long last, the SSS tier consists of monsters that have exceeded and surpassed the limits placed on human bodies since their very existence can be considered as a nuclear weapon itself.

"So, do you have a plan to challenge people again today?" Suguru suddenly asked while still reading the JUMP without looking at me beside a brief glance.

His voice brought me out of my musing as I hummed while fiddling with my digital camera for a moment before answering his question, "Not really...? I mean, I've already challenged Kuma-chan two days ago and I've been kinda busy with recuperating from broken bones and organizing all the pictures I took last week."

"Right, you were badly hurt after your duel with that karate dude..." Suguru trailed off for a second as he remembered something, "Organizing pictures, huh? Is it for... what is it called again, Mōryō's Gathering... I think?"

I hummed while nodding my head once, "Yeah, because I cancelled last week Mōryō's Gathering, those degenerates are getting impatient and have been bothering me ever since yesterday, so I had to get the goods that will satisfy those fuckers today. Luckily for them, I got the shits for them to jack off tonight."

Looking at the bunch of envelopes filled with pictures of girls from cute and wholesome to sexy and dangerous secured inside my bag with a giddy smile, I can feel my wallet will be full of green today. I'm also lucky enough to get a panty shot of Momoyo earlier, and I bet this picture will cost a lot if I decided to sell this as well.

"Kihihihi~" I can't help but let out a creepy laugh as I imagine the money I will rob from those degenerates later.

"Dude, your face is kinda creepy right now..." Suguru retorted beside me when he noticed the look I had on my face right now.

As we were having small talk, we had already crossed halfway the Tama Bridge, known more as Bridge of Weirdos to the local. When I looked around the premise, I saw a couple of Challenger loitering around the area, with some of them being the students from our school, which I personally and spiritually knew, such as...


[New Challenger has been found!]

Sakakibara Koyuki

Marshmallow-White Princess

Rating: A


+15 Physical Strength

+15 Spiritual Power


Rabbit Foot


[New Challenger has been found!]

Inoue Jun

One Bald Lolicon

Rating: B


+20 Physical Strength


Iron Fist


[New Challenger has been found!]

Kuki Hideo

Golden Boy

Rating: B


+10 Physical Strength

+10 Spiritual Power


King's Aura


[New Challenger has been found!]

Oshitari Azumi

Poisoned-Tongue Maid

Rating: S

+20 Physical Strength

+30 Spiritual Power

Fūma Ninpō

Covert Ops

[Would you like to request a duel?]


As expected of the main cast of the series. They are really high-leveled Challengers, and the current me is nowhere near their level, at least for now. Luckily enough, I am a man with a power of system dwelled within me. It may take a while, but I believe I can reach the same realm as them and become even stronger after surpassing them.

So I really need to put a lot of effort into doing just that, like learning the martial arts I had to at a more physical level, working out to build and maintain a more fit body, challenging people to duels, and finding love.

Yes, finding love is important too. Even if the love I found was not from the main cast of the series, I would still be fine with it. I mean, this world is blessed with anime and eroge logic, so there is bound to be a lot of high-spec girls living in this world.

"Oh, Fukumoto-kun, Ōgushi-kun, good morning!"

Just as I lost in my thoughts, a cheerful sound of greeting suddenly entered my ears, making me reflexively look at the source.

And there she is, jogging lightly with ever-presenting big smile on her overly cute face as she drags two tires with her. Her amber eyes twinkling in cheerfulness that's almost hard to compete with while her silky and beautiful waist-length auburn hair tied into a high ponytail swayed behind her due to her strenuous activity.


[New Challenger has been found!]

Kawakami Kazuko

Courageous Red Doggo

Rating: A


+15 Physical Strength

+15 Spiritual Power

Brave Spirit


[Would you like to request a duel?]


Taken by my sudden urge and instinct, I dive to the ground, sliding masterfully on the crossroad while using Sleight of Hand to take out my digital camera in fluid and swift motion as I snap some pictures of her wearing the slap-tight compression shorts.


[Sleight of Hand]

You know how to perfectly use the dexterity of your quick fingers for some needed actions.


Oh, what a perfect angle! I can see her cute butt slightly jiggling as she jogs with such perfect tight fabric clinging to her skin!

And there's also the sweat that rolled over her white and healthy thighs, glistening erotically due to the reflection of sunlight, which really gives off a sexy vibe on her. Also, I can clearly smell her sweaty scent from this position, and I am not gonna lie, it is very arousing. It takes a lot of effort on my part to push down my boner right now.

"What are you doing there, Fukumoto-kun?" Kazuko tilted her head, slightly confused at what I was doing, lying down on the crossroad like an idiot. If she feels disgusted or disturbed about how I took her pictures like that, she doesn't show it.

It takes a second for me to snap out of my wild imagination controlled by teenage hormones before I cough into my closed fist and stand up on my feet, "Sorry about that, Kawakami. I just kinda got excited there. By the way, I see you training hard today as well. Two tires, huh?"

Kazuko raises confused brows at some of my replies but decides to ignore it as she starts smiling once again, "Un! I've to work hard if I want to match my Onee-sama after all!"

"Riiight..." I shifted awkwardly on my feet when I heard that, my left hand found itself on the back of my neck, rubbing on it.

As a person who played Original Majikoi and still remembers the important bits on each route, I can't help but feel bad for what's going to happen to her in the future. But then again, now that 'I' exist in this world, there's a chance that the future of her losing her dream will change or maybe I can help her to change it.

Well, it is a plan worth considering. If there is a chance I can help her in the future, I will do it. But for now the only thing I can do is to support and encourage her to pursue her biggest dream.

"Yeah, you can do it. Show the world that you have the guts to take over second place in Japan!"

Feeling nothing wrong with my statements, Kazuko's smile getting broader as she throws a cute peace sign at me, "Hehe, sure! I will show them all! Thanks, Fukumoto-kun! I'll go now! Bye!"


She waved her hand happily at me before continuing her morning jog. And when she turns her behind to me, I blatantly stare at her behind, specifically her ass and legs, until I lost the sight of her small figure.

By the way, I really just got something good shits first in the morning. The pictures of Kazuko in slap-tight spats from a very dangerous angle, in this picture, I can clearly see the lines of her camel toe and crack of her ass due to the tightness of the fabric she wore.

Jesus Christ, I wonder what will happen if I sell these babies in Mōryō's Gathering? People will go crazy, and I will die. By her big sister's hand, that's for sure.

So yeah, let's 'seal' these pictures forever inside my beautiful asses, thighs and legs' collection photo books in home later. 

Mukihihihi~ I guess, I got my 'snacks' for tonight session.

"I see that you got good stuffs there." Suguru finally found a good time to let out his voice as he had been simply observing the conversation between me and Kazuko without saying anything all this time.

"Kiki...?" I'm not gonna lie, I flinched a bit upon hearing his voice because I'm kinda forget about his presence just now. Sorry, my friend. "Why do you think so?"

"Because you got that perverted looks on you right now." He said as he fixes his glasses.

I turn my body fully at his direction as my forehead creases with how my eyebrows furrow and my hands cross over my chest, looking at him discontentedly, "Dude, I've always got this perverted face ever since my mom gave birth to me."

Suguru was about to retort that but suddenly found himself holding his tongue back as he digs into his memories to confirm something before he closes his eyes and shakes his head lightly, "Sorry, you were right. You already had those perverted looks on you ever since we met."

"Umu!" I nodded my head in satisfaction, "As long as you get it."

After confirming such a silly fact, we finally resumed our walk to school without saying anything this time.

-----*Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!*-----

It's been three weeks since I came into this world as Yonpachi, but I still found all of this quite surreal, especially when I entered the classroom where most of main cast of the series gathered.

Class 2-F, it is a class full of troublemakers with many and unique quirks on each of their asses, something that only you can find in anime and such.

"Oh look who it is~ Monkey and otaku are together like always." Annoying voice of a familiar girl entered my ears just as I just took the first step into the classroom.

I take my eyes off my digital camera for a second to acknowledge her presence.


Ogasawara Chika

Blonde Queenie

Rating: F


+1 Physical Strength

[This Challenger has been defeated!]


Ogasawara Chika, a beautiful teenager girl with yellow eyes that shines in a teasing manner as she looks at me while her well-cared manicured fingers brush her brownish-yellow hair over her shoulder, a gesture that says 'I am beautiful and I know it'.

She is 'my' childhood friend, or more like, OG Yonpachi's. We've known each other since we were kids because our homes were next to each other before my parents moved to Kyoto two years ago.

"Yeah, yeah... Morning, Sweets." I shrugged off her sarcastic way of greeting like always since I was already used to it unlike Suguru who clicked his tongue loudly, showing his irritation at her openly.

He seems want to say something snarky at her but decided to hold himself back when he saw our Class Rep walking happily to her best friend's side to greet both Suguru and me.


Amakasu Mayo

Puella Non-Magi Mayo Magica

Rating: F


+1 Spiritual power

[This Challenger has been defeated!]


"Good morning, Fukumoto-chan, Ōgushi-chan!" Our cute and beloved Class Rep, Amakasu Mayo, pulled a charming smile and a gesture just to greet us kimomen. 

Suguru acknowledged her greeting by giving her a simple nod of his head before deciding to retreat to his desk and ignore everything else in favor of playing his favorite dating game with his PSP.

While Suguru went to his desk, I am instead in a pinch situation right now. The moment Mayo greeted me with such a cute smile and gesture, I can feel the resistance inside my body getting weak and weaker by seconds and it really doesn't take that long before I finally lose it and begin to click the shutter on my digital camera to take a bunch of cute and wholesome pictures of our local loli right now.

Mayo looks startled at first when I suddenly move all over the place just to take pictures of her from any perfect angle possible before her healthy pale skin suddenly gained red hue to it as she realizes how enthusiastic I am about what I'm doing.

It takes full minutes for me to finally finish the photo shoot session with her. I swipe the imaginary sweat across my eyebrow with a satisfied smile, "Mukihihi! That was a really nice expression you had there, Class Rep! I took a lot of good ones just now!"

I expressed my honest thought with a big thumbs-up as I looked at the results I got inside the folder of my digital camera in satisfaction. I just really love and appreciate how high-spec the girls in this world, specifically the main cast of the series.

"You better not do something disgusting with that, Monkey!" Chika suddenly interrupts me as she gives me a critical eye that I'm very familiar with by now.

"Bah! Like hell I will do that!" I rolled my eyes in response as I came to her side and casually touched her shoulder with mine while showing her the pictures of Mayo I took earlier, "How about you look at this? Do you think I'll do something weird to these wholesome and healing pictures?"

Chika narrowed her eyes for a second at how close I was to her but decided to ignore it knowing that I wouldn't cross the line as she leaned forward to look better at the pictures on the screen, "You're not lying... I can feel myself healing up when I look at these pictures."

"Kihihi! I bet you want them now, huh?"


"Don't worry." I give her a thumbs up as I move back to give her some space, "I'll give the copy to you later after school. I want to go to your store this afternoon to buy some sweets and greet your pops as well. I mean it's been a while since I visited him after all."

"You better keep your promise, Monkey." She humphed at me before twirling the strand of her hair with her point finger in a slightly awkward manner, "And, yeah... Dad has been asking about you lately, I guess you really should visit him..."

Just as I was about to say something to that, Mayo's cute but loud voice interrupted me. She cutely smacked the desk to get our attention, "Can you both please stop talking like I'm not here, please!?"

"Oops~" I tap the side of my head with my knuckles as the tip of my tongue poking out my lips, "Sorry 'bout that. I'm kinda gets carried away there."

"Hehe. Sorry, Mayo." Chika giggled behind her hand as the awkwardness she had earlier disappeared.

"Muu~! You're not sorry at all, Fukumoto-chan, Chika-chan!"

"Mukihihi! Sorry, sorry!" I sincerely apologize as I bring both hands together in front of her this time, "Oh right, Class Rep, since we still have time before homeroom starts, I need some help with our math homework. There are some questions that I don't quite understand. Do you think you can help me with it?"

Mayo knew that I was just trying to change the subject right now, but she also understood that I indeed felt sorry and needed her help, so she let it slide like usual before huffing at me.

I could also see a slight pout forming on her lips with her round pink eyes slightly narrowed at me. "Fine... I guess I can help you with your homework a little. I am an older sister after all. So, which questions are you having trouble with?"

I can feel my face stretch into a big smile when I heard that, and so I happily take out my homework together with reference books I had from the bag, "It's this one!"

Man, our Class Rep is really a good girl, simply the best. Bless her pure soul and tiny chest!


"Good morning!"

Kazuko's loud and cheerful voice easily caught everyone's attention, demanding that we all to accommodate her presence, as everyone started to greet her energetically with smiles on their faces to match Kazuko's.

You have to love her energy and optimistic way of living, man. It's really amazing and contagious in some way. I guess she is that type of person who could bright the mood only with her presence.

"Good morning, Wanko-chan!" Mayo raised her hand while throwing a smile at Kazuko.

"Yo, Kawakami." On the other hand, I simply wave my free hand half-heartedly at her while my other hand was writing the answer I got with Mayo's help.

"Morning, Class Rep! Ah, Fukumoto-kun! What are you doing with Class Rep there?" Kazuko asked as she dashes forward, instantly covering the distance between us like it was nothing.

"Hm?" I take a quick glance at her before answering her question, "I got Class Rep to help me with our homework. I just hate math, man. These numerical methods are really grating on my nerves every time I see them."

"Well, if you really hate math, I guess it is inevitable for you to feel that way towards them." A new voice casually entered the conversation. And when I look at the source, I can see a young man standing behind Kazuko with his generic protagonist smile on his face, followed by other Kazama Family members minus Momoyo and their leader, Kazama.


Naoe Yamato

Hentai Protagonist

Rating: E


+1 Physical Strength

+2 Spiritual Power

Sleight of Hand

[This Challenger has been defeated!]


His brown eyes shine in analytical lights as he looks at the question on the book before he takes a free mechanical pencil placed on the desk, "For this one, I think you should use this formula. Do you see this? When you're doing it like this, you can get the answer easily. And this one is..."

"Oh, oh?" I look at his handiwork with interest as he writes the formula to solve a couple of question swiftly, like it was nothing, "I see, I see. As expected of you, Naoe. Thanks, man."

"No problem." Yamato simply waves his hand with a smile on his face while giving back the pencil to me. He then moves to his desk by the window, where usual protagonist of school anime sits.

"Waaa!" The sound of Kazuko's loud voice attracted many, even I couldn't help but slightly jump on my seat when I heard her voice ringing beside my ears.

"Class Rep! Can I see your homework, please!? I forgot to do mine!" Kazuko throws her hands up in the air as she brings all the homework she got from her bag, which is pretty much blank, showing that she hasn't really touching any of them until today.

"Mou, Wanko-chan! At least try to do it on your own first!" Mayo scolded the doggo when she noticed the blank page on Kazuko's homework.

And being the dork I am, I decided to help Kazuko just to draw some cute reaction from our Class Rep, "You can copy mine, Kawakami. But let me give you a fair warning; I can't really assure you that I had the right answers though."


"Mukihihi~" I laughed good-naturedly when I got the reaction I want from Mayo while giving my finished homework to Kazuko, who really accepted my offer.

She gratefully took the books with a big smile and worked on them like there was no tomorrow, while I had to distract our Class Rep so she could leave Kazuko alone for a meantime.

After I successfully got Class Rep's attention and got her off Kazuko's back, I could hear someone talk behind my back, which I ignored because they weren't really talking badly about me.

I discreetly glance over my shoulder, and found a dark-blue haired effeminate young man with soft and beautiful skin for a boy looking in my direction.


Morooka Takuya

Boku no Takuyo

Rating: F


+1 Spiritual Power

[This Challenger has been defeated!]


(POV Change)

"Yonpachi really changed, huh... He can easily mingle with girls with easy now." Takuya, more known as Moro, muttered under his breath as he leans on the wall near Yamato's desk, "I wonder what happened..."

"Hm, so you noticed that too, huh..." Suguru, who sitting near the group hummed disinterestedly while still playing with his PSP, "I think the first time I noticed his change was two weeks ago, when he started challenging people for some reason."

"Right." Yamato inclined his head as he tapped the surface of his desk lightly with his fingers, "I've been wondering what he's trying to achieve with that random challenge. It's not like he really wants to fight us anyway since he just wants us to accept his challenge and then surrender without a fight." He glanced at Yonpachi's direction for a moment before looking at the big and tall chubby young man who had been eating bread like it was peanuts or something, "I heard that he challenged you two days ago, Kuma-chan. Did he want you to surrender as well?"


Kumagai Mitsuru

Winnie the Kuma

Rating: D


+5 Physical Strength


[This Challenger has been defeated!]


Kumagai stopped halfway from opening the new pack of bread in his hand when Yamato suddenly threw the question at him. He tilted his head slightly before nodding once to Yamato's question, "Uh-huh... He bought me good food after that... The sea food in Omoya's Diner is truly exquisite, the taste of their crabs was just so..."

'So he bribes you with food, huh...' Most of everyone who heard what Kumagai just said thought so.

"What about you, Yamato? What makes you accept his challenge?" Moro asked, with slight interest on his face.

"Hmm..." Yamato rubs his chin in thought before answering the question truthfully, "He introduced me to someone with quite a big influence around the Nakamise district." If he can get connections this easily by simply saying 'I surrender', of course he would go for it. "I'm happy enough to not question the reason why he's doing all of this. Now that I think about it, he challenged you too, didn't he, Gen-san?"

"Damn it, don't bring me into this." A handsome young man with a sharp visage and tanned skin, who sits behind Yamato, grumbled under his breath as a scowl appeared on his face with his black eyes narrowed at Yamato, who looked unbothered by all of that.


Minamoto Tadakatsu

Tsundere Prince

Rating: B


+10 Physical Strength

+10 Spiritual Power 

Heightened Sense


[This Challenger has been defeated!]


Tadakatsu takes a deep breath and slides his fingers over his black hair while looking anywhere but the group in front of him, "Yeah. He helped me once with my job, so I kinda owed him for that. There, I answer your question, so stop bothering me now." And with that, he's going back to take a short nap. Despite always saying how he hates it when people were bothering him, yet he is still kind enough to acknowledge their presence and answer them when asked something.

"He's really going out, isn't he..." Moro once again glances at Yonpachi who talks animatedly with the girls around, if he's saying he's not envious about that then it must be a lie, but he shoves those feeling away and looks at his best friend who's been looking at his phone all this time, "What about you, Gakuto?"

"Ah?" A tall and muscular young man with olive complexion peeled his attention off from the phone when his name was mentioned, looking at the group in front of him with eyebrows raised in slight confusion.


Shimazu Gakuto

The Great Muscle Gorilla

Rating: B


+20 Physical Strength

Iron Body


[This Challenger has been defeated!]


Gakuto types something on the phone first before answering the question Moro just asked, "Well, he did challenged me as well and at first I don't want to admit defeat without fighting, I'm a man after all. But..." He trails off as his black eyes look somewhere else, looking hesitate for some reason to continue.

"He gives you a girl's number and sets a blind date with her for you." Yamato confidently stated to Gakuto.

"Gah!" Gakuto accidentally chokes on his breath when he heard that, "How did you know that!?" He smacks his desk, catching everyone's attention for a second before they ignore him like usual.

"Heh." Yamato planted his elbow on the desk and supported his head with his palm, looking quite smug at Gakuto's frantic reaction, "Don't underestimate my connection, and to be honest it's not really that hard to guess with how much you were looking at your phone and texting all these days anyway."

"Now that you mentioned it..." Moro curiously looked at his best friend.

"Cheh, what's a good thing about 3D women anyway?" Suguru clicked his tongue in discontent.

"Congratulations, Shimazu-kun." Meanwhile Kumagai happily congratulated Gakuto.

Gakuto scratches the back of his head in slight embarrassment when his small secret is kind of busted.

"Looking at how you always texting someone happily nowadays, I assume your blind date was a success?" Yamato curiously asked.

He's been friend with Gakuto since they were kids, and it's the first time he's seen this muscle-head looks so happy while texting someone. Don't get him wrong, he's happy for Gakuto, but he can't help but feel slightly curious about what exactly happened in said blind date.

"You damn right I nailed that date!" Gakuto proudly stated while lightly beating his puffed chest, "I'm already on the stage of getting close to her now! Yonpachi really did a good job for finding me a girl who can appreciate muscles like mine. I mean, she just asked me to go to the gym with her later just now!"

"Hm, good for you, I guess." Yamato simply shrugged his shoulders in response to Gakuto's brags, while Moro looked quite uncomfortable for some reason when he heard the conversation between Yamato and Gakuto.

Nobody noticed that but a beautiful girl with short light-blue hair, who sitting next to Yamato, as her purple eyes twinkling in excitement. She can feel her yaoi sensor going cray-cray right now.


[New Challenger has been found!]

Shiina Miyako

Incurable Subject of Yamafluenza

Rating: A


+10 Physical Strength

+20 Spiritual Power

Hawk Eye


[Would you like to request a duel?]


When Moro was about to say something, the electric bell rang loudly in the corridors and classrooms, indicating the start of the school. Upon hearing the sound of ringing bell, everyone stopped talking and move quickly and frantically to their own desks.


(POV Return)

I look at my own uniform and try to fix it up for a last time so Onijima wouldn't have to call me out if she found my uniform looked messy and untidy in her eyes.

As I was doing so, we could hear the sound of an acute click of a heel coming from the hallway outside the classroom, each steps containing authority and discipline as everyone feel slightly tense when the footsteps came near.

When the footsteps finally stop in front of the door of our classroom, everyone sits up straight at Mayo's, the class representative, signal.


That was the sound of the sliding door leading to our class, which was opened by a beautiful woman in a suit as she entered the classroom with graceful steps. The bangs of her maroon hair swayed slightly by the wind as turned her head towards us, "It's time for the morning homeroom."


[New Challenger has been found!]

Kojima Umeko

Rating: SS


+30 Physical Strength

+50 Spiritual Power

Critical Sense

Latigo y Daga

[Would you like to request a duel?]


When she finally reached the teacher's desk and stood behind them, we also stood up straight facing her.

"Stand up! Bow!"

Mayo's cute but loud voice rang through the classroom as she bowed in perfect posture, followed by everyone else. We greeted our homeroom teacher energetically like usual.

Ume-sensei's sharp red eyes fall on us like an iron weight draped over our back as she regards everything within her vicinity with such cold and analytical eyes, trying to find any mistakes in our posture and uniform.

Nobody ever dared make a move and sound at the moment, especially when we noticed the whip fastened on her hips. Ume-sensei can be very unreasonable when it comes discipline someone, as she wouldn't even hesitate to use her trusty whip to drill some rules directly into our body when needed.

Seeing that everything in the class was in order, she starts to wear a light smile over her stern and beautiful face, feeling happy for us. "Good morning! You may sit down."

With her permission, we sit down, releasing a sigh of relief. If Ume-sensei noticed that or not, she doesn't say anything and simply opens the attendance book in her hand.

"I will take attendance. Reply right away after you hear your name." 

Nobody is stupid enough to talk in this situation, and the roll was taken quickly by Ume-sensei without any problems occurring as everyone was present except for Kazama, but it was something normal in this class and Ume-sensei stopped making a fuss about it due to Kazama already announcing that he's fine with having a bad score on the school evaluation to pursue his dream to be an Adventurer.

"Okay!" She closes the attendance book loudly to catch our full attention, "Here's this week's announcement! There will be a morning assembly on Wednesday, and human power measurement on Thursday."

Everyone listened to her carefully to not miss anything important.

"Kawakami Kazuko!" Ume-sensei suddenly called out, slightly startling the youngest Kawakami, "Repeat what I just said."

"Yes!" Kazuko stands up straight like a disciplined soldier and repeats what Ume-sensei just said, "There will be a morning assembly on Wednesday, and human power measurement on Thursday!"

"Good!" Ume-sensei nods her head in appreciation before smiling at the classroom, "This ends the morning homeroom."

And with that, Ume-sensei leaves the classroom with her back straight. It took a minute for her footsteps finally fade out of classroom and we can finally talk freely again without worrying about the pressure she always exuded.

"... Phew." The whole class instantly relaxes.

"Hyah... Ume-sensei is really scary that it arouses me sometimes." I moaned from my spot, ignoring the weird and disgusted look Chika threw at me, while some girls are either blushing or ignoring my statement.

"Dude, I think everything about women is arousing to you." Gakuto retorted from my right side as his seat was next to mine.

"Well, you're not wrong." I rub the back of my head with a cheeky smile over my face.

"It's not something you should proud of, you know..." Moro weakly reminded me as he himself feels quite ashamed of me.

"How about learning to control yourself more, idiot." Gen-san admonished me from his seat, and I can only half-heartedly apologize at that.

It's not really my fault that when it comes to my libido and hormone, I'm truly the strongest in this classroom or even the world if I'm being honest here. I can easily get excited even by small gestures Kazuko just made right now, and my imagination will go wild due to my uncontrollable hormones. It almost feels like being horny is my raw talent.

With a relaxing atmosphere surrounded the classroom, we talked about random things until the start of the first period.