
chapter 1 meeting with the step up Nigerian

a long time ago there was a boy called emeka who was very currupt and mischievous,meets evilin and falls in love with her,let's see their love story

emeka getting ready for a big meeting in his company,he left the house going straight to the company then he heard someone crying for help so he followed the voice and it was coming from a little girl,so he went closer and said little girl are you okay said emeka,she replied and said yeah thanks to you,before emeka could answer she spraid a type of medicine in his nose And he fell unconscious and she took him when they reached the place he woke up and said where am I,he saw some faces but couldn't recognize them so they replied and said you are in our lab,then emeka said who are you,but they just ignored him and was whispering something into each other ears and they stopped and said we are the step up Nigeria,but he couldn't hear them so he just pretended to hear so he said please let me go,but they just brought an injection and injected him then they free him so he was about to run but realized that his body was still stiff so he calmed down and said why is my body stiff,they replied and said it I s because of the meds we gave you,so they gave someone to inject emeka so he Injected him and left emeka was fast asleep when he woke up his body was back to normal so he was about to escape but he heard foot steps and went to hiding,so they entered and saw no one on the testing bed and said we're is that man that was here, because they was wondering how can someone body be stiff and the person can move,so they were looking for him and said Oliver what injection did you inject him with,I injected him with the yellow injection said Oliver,you fool that is for freeing the body and bones said one of them,how should I know,it was scattered around the place he replied,so why didn't you arrange it said one of them,he was speachles and left so emeka fell something and they heard him and caught him, so there you are said one of them,he didn't know what to do so emeka just Carried a bottle and hit the guy and ran away,get him said one of them,they were at his tail but couldn't catch him he was about to escape so they locked every where and surrounded him,stop right there they said,so emeka just said who are you,they replied and said we already told you that we are the step up Nigeria people,emeka said wait so you guys are those anti corruption people right ,yes they replied,so do you know that I am curupt emeka said,yes we do,that why we abducted you said Oliver,Oliver you don't have to use that powerful word,we just took you here said one of them,wait,wait, wait,let em get this straight so you mean you made me to miss a meeting just to anti currupt me said emeka,yes said Oliver, everyone looked at Oliver and shouted Oliver,

so emeka closed his eyes and said I am going to kill you all,so everyone started running but emeka was faster than them so they went to hiding,and one of them was feeling embarrassed that they are running from their fellow men,so he said that why are we hiding,we can defeat him remember we fear no man,yes they replied,so they acme out and saw that the security lock has been shut down and emeka has escaped,so their leader shouted nooooooooooooooooooo!!