
The way of the black dragon

Zero, one of his world's best assassins, died in an ambush during a mission. Transmigrating thanks to the pendant he had during his death, he finds himself in another world where different species live and magic is common. ***************** No NTR. No Yuri. ********************* English is not my original language so there may be errors in the chapters, words and expressions may change or not exist in English so it may look strange, if you find an error in a chapter comment it to change it...

Black_Reaper13 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


Thinking about the next steps he should take to strengthen himself and explore this new world, the system once again appeared before his eyes.

[Host, you are advised to find a secluded place to begin the process of assimilating your new lineage into your body. You will gain many benefits, including racial change from human to dragon.]

After reading what the system had just said, Zero had an idea and decided to ask.

"System, can you transfer the information you learned from the former owner of this body?"

[It is possible... Transferring information... The host will feel slight dizziness from the transfer...]

Feeling a warm current of energy entering his brain, Zero closed his eyes and analyzed the transmitted information. After a few minutes, he stopped contemplating it to reflect on his findings.

'So now I find myself in Lunid County, near the border of Mystic Woods.'

The Mystic Woods extends over more than seventeen thousand square kilometers, being the preferred destination for adventurers due to its vast resources, but it is also dangerous for being full of magical monsters, from common to epic levels.

'Hmmm… This kid only knew the types of coins, but not their equivalence. As for ranks, the information is too vague. I should ask the system once he obtains the new bloodline…'

'I'm not sure what changes the assimilation of this new lineage will bring. Will it be possible for the city guards to capture me and bring me to the count?'

Breaking out of his thoughts, he began to walk outside the boundaries of the slums. The voices of the people and the sound of horses could be heard, with the markets in full swing.

'It's as I thought. The style of this place preserves the aesthetics of the Victorian era. It's a shame not to be able to understand what they say. I hope to find a solution to this problem as quickly as possible.'

Among the crowd, he received some scornful or pitiful glances at his appearance, but he paid them no attention, like a curious cat.

Looking around him, he could see all kinds of creatures: elves with their characteristic green hair and blue eyes, and even demihumans with different animal features.

After a long walk, he managed to reach the city walls, where people were lining up to enter. Under the watchful eye of the guards, he managed to go out for the first time and contemplate the landscape...

Beyond the meadow, the landscape was dominated by a large forest of oak and beech, whose canopies formed a dense, dark green canopy. The forest seemed like an impenetrable wall, full of shadows and mysteries, with the chirping of birds and the occasional rustling of branches indicating the presence of creatures.

After a while, he entered the periphery of the forest and found an uninhabited cave, hidden from prying eyes. As he advanced, the cave narrowed and the ceiling dropped, forcing him to crouch in places. The sound of his footsteps echoed, occasionally accompanied by the constant drip of water seeping through the rocks.

'I hope this place is enough. It should be at least ten square meters.'

"System, you can begin the assimilation process."

[The host will experience unimaginable pain during this process...]

'All my life I have experienced pain. I can take a little more of that.'

"keep going"

[The host will enter the evolution process...]

A dense fog of darkness surrounded Zero's body until It covered him it completely, taking the shape of an egg that pulsed with otherworldly energy, preventing any sound from escaping from within.

[Starting process... 0.9%...]

He soon felt a warm, pitch-black energy seeping into his bone marrow and changing it completely. After that, Zero entered a state of hibernation as the evolution process continued.

If someone could look inside Zero's body, he would find that every bone was being pulverized and then strengthened by that strange energy. Soon, all the organs and tissues in his body went through the same process as his bones.

[Initializing... Bone marrow replacement... 0.9%...]

[Bone marrow replacement... 100%...]

As soon as those words were displayed, all the blood in his body began to bubble as if it were boiling. After a few seconds, red blood began to come out of each of the pores of his body to be replaced by a black one.

[Blood replacement in progress... 0.9%...]

Once the entire process was completed, the mana in the air began to be sucked into the egg at high speed, and within Zero's body, a small multi-colored core took shape in the center of his stomach.