
Ninja Academy Entrance Exam

When he opened his eyes he noticed that the sun had not yet risen so he went to take a bath to start the day well, after a quick shower he changed into some black shorts along with a gray long-sleeved polo shirt and finally She put polish on her fingernails and toenails, all of them were black except the index and ring fingers of her hands, which were purple.Once changed, he went to breakfast and ate some fish from yesterday's lunch along with a glass of milk.Even if it wasn't the best, I didn't want to waste one of Realiso's cooking attempts yesterday and after finishing and cleaning he left for the academy, and just as Takeshi said he just had to follow the building with the kanji for fire, like that in 30 minutes Walking he arrived at the academy where he was asked his name and age, once he answered they took him to a room that in a few minutes began to fill with other children and once it was filled a chunin entered and began to explain how he was going to do it. be the entrance exam.

Chunnin: "Good morning, today you have taken the exam to become a student of the ninja academy where you will be taught the basics that every shinobi should know. The exam is divided into an endurance test and another of general knowledge that you must know. In the endurance test, as the name suggests, it will be a race, but this race will be divided into two, one of obstacles that you must do as quickly as possible and as best as you can and another of endurance where you will run as much as you can. Part will be said once you finish the physical test, now follow me.

The chunin took us to a training field where we could see some instructions but didn't understand others. When we were all on the field the chunnin instructor began to speak. Hello brats, "you will go out in groups that I will choose at random. They will start at the height of this tree and then they will run to the mini well there." He pointed to a small rock structure of about 30 meters, said "foza" with small rock spikes located in irregular shape to see our agility and reflexes. "After completing that, you will have to run towards that tree and climb it." It was a tree about 4 meters high, if I must say so. "After that, you will have to cross a rope and grab one of the flags that are on the other tree, understand?"

From what I could see, some of the other participants were from clans, they looked safe and the civilians were a little scared but determined to get through, I just felt it was annoying, even though I trained the sprinds and I have more resistance than before, I don't know how I am compared to the people. that comes from a clan, but I already have a plan that I will respect

After about fifteen minutes, it was finally my turn to tackle the obstacle course alongside an Inuzuka and a Nara. As soon as I heard my name, a wave of anxiety washed over me. The Inuzuka clan was renowned for their endurance and ferocity, while the Nara, though often perceived as lazy, possessed incredible intellect and strategic prowess. Facing them felt daunting, but I knew that competing against civilians who hadn't trained wouldn't be a fair test of my abilities. I had been carrying a kunai, hidden carefully on my person ever since I bought it from Takeshi-san, as one could never be too cautious in a ninja village.

At the starting signal, the Inuzuka surged ahead, his speed unmatched. I trailed behind, keeping pace with the Nara. As we approached the pit, the Nara paused to carefully analyze his surroundings, while the Inuzuka, true to his nature, plunged forward without hesitation, making it about six meters before he fell at the next jump. I followed Inuzuka's path but moved with more caution, avoiding his mistake. Despite my careful approach, the delay allowed Nara to catch up.

Meanwhile, the Inuzuka, undeterred by his fall, had learned from his mistake and was back in the race, closing the gap quickly. When we reached the designated tree for climbing, I seized my chance. Using my hidden kunai, I propelled myself upward, reaching the top faster than expected. My sudden burst of speed surprised both my competitors and the instructors watching us.

With this newfound advantage, I began the balance test, which surprisingly proved to be one of the easier challenges for me. Halfway across the rope, the Inuzuka, having caught up, began shaking it in an attempt to make me fall. Recognizing the imminent risk, I decided to take a bold move. Channeling chakra into my legs, I executed a powerful jump, leaping to a nearby branch. This maneuver once again caught the instructors and my competitors off guard.

I landed on the branch just in time to grab one of the designated flags, securing my position. The thrill of outmaneuvering my opponents and impressing the instructors filled me with a newfound sense of confidence.

After demonstrating my skills, I felt the weight of everyone's eyes on me. It felt strange; I had always believed that surpassing someone was simply a matter of working harder. When the sensei called the next group of students, I slipped into the shade of a nearby tree, seeking a moment of respite.

After about five minutes, I heard footsteps approaching. Expecting a chūnin, I was surprised to see Shije Nara, my competitor from the test. He seemed equally surprised to find me there. We stared at each other for a moment until he spoke.

Shije: "Am I Shije Nara. You?"

Suguru: "Suguru, Suguru Geto."

Shije: "Do you know how to play shōgi?"

Suguru: "I only know the rules."

From a parchment, he produced a board and pieces.

Shije: "Want to play?"

Suguru: "Mmm, sure."

We settled into the game. After three matches, we were tied one to one. I won the first game with a risky move that paid off, catching Shije off guard. The second game was more relaxed; my distraction allowed Shije to win. The third game was intense. Shije was winning, but a crucial mistake on his part turned the tide. I seized the opportunity, and instead of aggressively capturing all his pieces, I strategically cornered his king and secured victory.

Just as we were about to discuss the game, a chūnin called us, announcing that the physical test was over and it was time to return to the academy for the intellectual test.

Suguru: "Do you want to play another time?"

Shije: "Sure"

After the trip back to the academy, they separated us into groups for the intellectual exam. I found myself in a room with Shiji and other clan students. A new chūnin entered and commanded silence.

"Silence, brats. My name is Ryuta, and I will be in charge of the second test. There will be 100 questions divided into three sections: basic mathematics, language and text comprehension, and the history of Konoha, including the first two wars and the village clans. You have one hour from when you enter the classroom to finish. If you do not complete it within that time, you will be disqualified."

Without another word, he distributed the exams to the students and sat at the table in front of the blackboard, presumably to ensure no one cheated. We had already lost 10 minutes by the time he finished handing out the exams.

Taking a look at the exam, I found the mathematics section challenging, but surprisingly, the language and history sections were easier. I managed to complete these sections in 20 minutes, covering 50% of the exam. I was left with the numerical part, and when I glanced at it, my jaw dropped. It wasn't basic mathematics; it was more complex. They asked us to find the speed of projectiles and the time it would take for them to reach their targets.

Example Mathematical Problems and Solutions

Problem 1: Projectile Speed

Question: If a shuriken is thrown with a velocity of 20 meters per second, and it travels a distance of 60 meters, how long does it take to reach its target?


To find the time t, we use the formula:


where d is the distance and v is the velocity

​t=60 meters/20 meters/seconds = 3 seconds

Problem 2: Complex Speed Calculation

Question: A kunai is thrown at an angle and travels a horizontal distance of 50 meters in 5 seconds. What is the horizontal component of its velocity?


To find the horizontal component of the velocity (vx)​ we use the formula:

vx = dx/t

donde dx es la distancia horizontal y t es el tiempo.

Vx = 50 meters/ 5 seconds =meters/seconds

Problem 3: Time of Flight for a Kunai

Question: If a kunai is thrown vertically upwards with a speed of 15 meters per second, how long will it take to reach the peak of its trajectory? (Assume acceleration due to gravity = 9.8)

En el punto más alto, la velocidad (v) será 0. Utilizamos la fórmula:

donde u es la velocidad inicial y t es el tiempo.

0=15 m/s - [(9.8m/s)2 . t]

t = 15 m/s /(9.8m/s)2 = 1.53segundos

After solving the math problems, I checked my answers to make sure they were correct. The complexity of the math questions had initially intimidated me, but once I analyzed them, I discovered that my understanding was sufficient to tackle them finishing 10 minutes early which surprised my teacher but he said nothing and told me to go out and The day after tomorrow I would come to the academy where the names of those who passed would be put on a board.

After giving Shinji one last look, I left that room towards the cemetery to spend it with my parents and tell them how I did on the exam, without knowing what it had caused in the near future.

Meanwhile, in the Hokage's Office

Hokage Minato Namikaze stood by the window, his gaze fixed on the training grounds below where the academy entrance exams were being held. He turned to his assistant, Shimizu, who held a clipboard with the list of students participating in the exams.

Minato: "How are the exams going?"

Shimizu: "Smoothly, Hokage-sama. We have a few standout candidates this year. One in particular, Suguru Geto, has shown remarkable skill and quick thinking during the endurance test."

Minato: " Mmm what's interesting about that"

Shimizu: "He is a civil hokage-sama, and both parents die some days before the third war ended"

Minato: "Mmm Suguru Geto, you say? Keep an eye on him. We need to have an eye in nurturing talent like that."

Shizune nodded, making a note on her clipboard. Minato returned his gaze to the window, a thoughtful expression on his face. The future of Konoha depended on the new generation, and he was determined to ensure they were well-prepared.