
Who is This Boy and How’d he Survive(Story#2)

Hi I'm the boy also known as the narrative or something like that. But who cares about that like cmon. My name is Gabriel linseng or Gabe for short. I'm 14 years old and in middle school or at least I would be if it wasn't for the car crash (flashbacks.) you know what never mind let's not talk about that. What I'm here to talk about is my story which is the second of the series and also to talk about how I survived I was taught this in Boy Scouts and just learning safety in general from my parents. Of course I had my seatbelt on but if your in a crash you don't really have time to prepare. So your bodies muscles tense up. This causes more damage on impact. But if you loosen up instead of tense up your body moves with the impact causing less damage. However this does not mean you can completely loosen up as this will also damage your nerves and ligaments. It's better to keep a certain looseness while also tensing up. So if your in a crash try to loosen up and tighten up. Hope you learned something and see ya.