
The water magician in the flame world

This is a world dominated by fire magicians, and the worship of fire has reached the point of morbidity. Lin Dong, who came through, found that he was the only water magician here.

medoss · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Water Spirit Art


The whole building collapsed completely with a loud noise.

The figure that rushed out of the sea of ​​flames, if it was a little bit slower, would be crushed below.

"My God!" exclaimed one after another.

Hobart had already taken off his robe and turned around, but now he turned around with a look of surprise on his face.

He had just asserted that no one would survive his magical flames, but now—?

Seeing that the figure just rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire, it seemed to be exhausted, the running movement was deformed, and the left foot stumbled on the right.

The result was a fall and fell to the ground!

Handsome but three seconds...

The exclamation sounded again.

And the surprise contained in it was even greater.

Because this is how people found out: not one person, but two.

The figure that rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire had a person on his back!

As he fell, a small body on his back rolled to the ground

He rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire at a critical moment, and saved a person?

"This... what are you still doing? Help!"

Several residents who responded the fastest quickly greeted them.

First protect the small body, after a little recognition, he exclaimed in surprise: "Sophie? It's little Sophie! Sophia, it's your Sophie!"

Looking at the person who rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire with little Sophie on his back, people's eyes became more puzzled and inconceivable: "...Andrew?!"

Is it Andrew?

Aunt Sophia had lost her soul, and her body seemed to have no bones.

Hearing his daughter's name, he suddenly jumped up from the ground and rushed over there.

Raymond was stunned by the sudden changes in front of him, and he couldn't help but look at Hobert: "Lord, look, this..."

Although he was the sheriff of this Wildfire Town, as long as Hobart was present, Raymond always followed Hobart's lead and never made his own decisions.

The old magician didn't say a word, staring at the crowd that gradually surrounded Andrew and little Sophie, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Wildfire is a town located in the desert.

It was night, the wind was wrapped in sand, and the temperature was low.

People on the streets outside the fire were very excited.

For so many years, they have been accustomed to the building collapsing in the flames, and no one will come out of it alive, and they have already formed a mindset in their hearts.

Today I saw something different with my own eyes!

"Stay back a little and let the wounded breathe!"

"Fortunately! Little Sophie is fine! God, it was too thrilling just now!"

"Where's Andrew? How is Andrew?"

Andrew - that is Lin Dong, is very uncomfortable now.

What happened to Sophie over there, and what happened to the people around him who were busy helping, Lin Dong didn't care at all.

When he just rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire, Lin Dong was still in flames, but fortunately, several brave residents who came forward joined forces to shoot it out with clothes. This simple act already represents extraordinary courage in this world. Fighting the fire of magic in any form risks bringing the magic guild to trial.

But the real problem is not actually the fire outside the body, but the "fire" inside the body.

Lin Dong felt a burning pain in his lungs, and every breath was extremely painful.

"Damn, is it still impossible to completely resist the smoke and poisonous gas even if you cover it with a wet towel?"

This is the common sense of the pre-traveling world in Lin Dong's memory, the judgment made.

The judgment based on Andrew's memory was: "Not just because of the thick smoke, but also because of being burned by the 'magical breath' in that flame!"

In this world of flames, fires caused by magical flames are very frequent.

It is not uncommon for innocent civilians to be affected and their lungs damaged.

But common does not mean common.

This lung injury is not a minor injury, but a serious injury caused by magical power!

"So just after crossing over, are you going to die? This is too unfortunate..."

Lin Dong felt very unwilling and a little regretful.

Coughing quite painfully, Lin Dong felt that it was starting to be difficult to breathe.

Well, it looks like it's really over.

The most tragic transmigrator, it seems that it must be me, right?

Forget it, at least one person was saved.

Now I just hope that after I hang up this time, let me wear it again, preferably to a better world.

Lin Dong's thinking was a little confused, and he gradually fell in the deepening darkness.

Until a pleasant female voice suddenly sounded in my mind:

"'Water God's Tears' has been activated."

"Get the initial basic ability: Water Spirit Art."

"It is detected that the host's life is in danger, do you use the 'Water Spirit Technique' for self-medication? PS: The Water Spirit Technique is used as the initial basic ability, and the effects are as follows-"

Lin Dong was stunned for a while, and then he was refreshed: "That's it!"

As if grabbing the last straw, Lin Dong shouted in his heart with all his strength: "What's the effect of Don't, hurry up, use it for me! Slow down... I'm going to die!"


The female voice responded with a hint of humanity.

The voice sounds like a girl, but there is a kind of gentleness like water that is unlikely to appear in a girl.

Lin Dong only felt a gentle and moisturizing water, starting from the chest, quickly flowing through the lungs, chest, and even the whole body.

Straight to every cell, every nerve ending!

At this moment, Lin Dong suddenly understood what the saying, "a long drought meets nectar", is what it feels like!

Not only did the feeling of impending death with difficulty breathing disappear, but the discomfort in the lungs subsided significantly.

Even the rest of the body felt an unprecedented comfort, nourished by the force of life.

So cool!

For the first time in his life, Lin Dong truly felt the benefits of water.

It's just like struggling to survive in the sea of ​​​​fire just now.

The tense body slowly relaxed.

- In any case, survived.

It didn't hang up as soon as it passed through, and it didn't embarrass our vast crowd!

Slamming on the ground, Lin Dong slowed down for a while, then slowly sat up and took a breath.

Only then did I feel the dry and cold feeling of being in ragged clothes under the night wind of the desert after I rushed out of the sea of ​​​​fire.

"Cough cough..."

He couldn't help but coughed twice.

Lin Dongxin said that although this "water spirit technique" is magical, it is an initial ability after all, and it seems that it cannot immediately cure his lung discomfort.

It seems that it will take another two or three days to cultivate.

But this so-called "Water God's Tears" seems to be his golden finger in this world?

But isn't this a world dominated by fire magicians? Why don't you give me an awesome golden finger like Samadhi True Fire, Ruo Ren Ruo Huo?

In a world of flames, give me a golden finger of water...

What the hell, why does it feel like I'm an enemy of the whole world! ?