
The water magician in the flame world

This is a world dominated by fire magicians, and the worship of fire has reached the point of morbidity. Lin Dong, who came through, found that he was the only water magician here.

medoss · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Next Steps

There was complete silence in the tent.

Andrew has finished eating.

Aunt Sophia stared at Andrew.

Although I vaguely guessed that Andrew might have to do something later.

But I would never have thought that it would be such a crazy plan!

If Barbara on the bed next to her was awake, she would probably think Andrew was crazy.

"But I know it best myself."

Andrew smiled in his heart, "I have never been so awake as I am now."

The latest plan is not formed in the mind at once.

The front foot had just experienced a struggle and decided to save Barbara, and the back foot immediately formulated such a murderous fire-fighting plan - this is unrealistic.

The real reason was that on the way back to the temporary camp with Barbara on his back, he encountered something again. A person...

"I have to thank the guy I met on the way back just now.

It was he who made me understand that now I 'what to do' and 'what can I do'! "

Andrew spat out the last grape seed and thought, "It's not me who should run, it's those bastards hunting me and Barbara."

Getting up, Andrew is about to enter the second step of the 3.0 version of the fire fighting plan:

Convince Aunt Sophia and little Sophie to babysit Barbara for a while, so that she can return to Wildfire without worries.

This step, it seems nothing special.

But in Andrew's mind, it was a very important step.

Because this is also a coincidence with the fire-fighting upgrade method.

Andrew still remembers the night when he first came to this world of flames, on the street next to the civilian houses that were burned with torches——

Ordinary residents of this world are helpless, hopeless, and even numb in the face of frequent fires.

At that moment, Andrew really had a strong urge: to destroy the fear of the evil magic flames in this world.

Otherwise, even if one day you kill all the evil fire magicians in this world by yourself, but people are still living in the shadow of fear of flames, it means that you have done nothing.

And Andrew has a feeling that he may really be the only water magician in this flame world, and it is absolutely absolute that he is alone, not the opponent of the fire magicians of the entire magic union.

"Actually, Aunt Sophia wanted to ask me the first time I carried Barbara into the tent, right?"

Andrew was actually very clear in his heart, "Although I can't reveal my identity as a water magician, I'll be more honest about Barbara's identity, as well as her relationship with the current riot in Wildfire Town, and Aunt Sophia's relationship. Have little Sophie explain it clearly!"

Just as he was thinking about how to put it as concisely as possible, Andrew was suddenly startled.

After hearing that she entered the tent, little Sophie, who had been silent, said, "Brother Andrew, why are you injured?"

After little Sophie was rescued by Andrew, she had a strong dependence on him.

From the time Andrew entered the tent, Little Lolita stuck to Andrew's side like a fart, and didn't even look at Barbara much.

At this moment, little Sophie stared at Andrew's left forearm——

I saw a burn on the oblique side of the arm.

Also seems to have some very weird Corrosion Injuries! Looking a little startling.

Seeing the injuries that hadn't happened this morning, little Sophie stayed for a while, and then her eyes gradually turned red: "Who the hell hurt Brother Andrew again?!"

The big eyes quickly filled with water mist, and I was so angry that I almost cried!

"Uh... I almost forgot all the new injuries on the way back..."

Andrew stayed for a while, and quickly comforted, "It's okay, it's just a minor injury. Little Sophie doesn't cry."

How could little Sophie believe it?

"Brother Andrew is lying! With such a serious injury, woohoo, is what Archmage Hobert said true?"

This girl is fine with everything, but when she starts crying, she has a tendency to go out of control, and she can't pull it back.

However, this time, little Sophie had just been "out of control", but suddenly it gradually eased.

From "crying about to collapse", it gradually turned into "sobbing with a shrug of the shoulders".

With tears still welling in her big eyes, she saw:

The injury on Andrew's arm was gradually healing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Compared with the magic of "sweetening the grapes" performed by Andrew in the morning, the magic of "turning burns and carrion into new skins" is much more intuitive!

Andrew knew that he couldn't hold little Sophie, so he immediately activated the "Water Spirit Art" with water magic to treat the injury to his arm like a lung burn.

At the same time, it also mobilized the powerful self-healing power that comes with the "water physique", so that the healing effect of the water spirit technique can be doubled on oneself!


Little Sophie exclaimed softly with some hindsight.

Although her brain circuits are sometimes a little strange, she is actually a very smart little girl.

Seeing this scene in front of me, I made inferences from one case to another, and immediately thought: "Brother Andrew can cure the burns on his arms, and he can also cure the burns in the lungs?

Great! So brother Andrew didn't lie to me? Really won't die as Hobart predicted? "

When she raised her eyes to look at Andrew again, Little Lolita's eyes were full of little stars, and under the refraction of the remaining tears, she exuded a crystal light:

"Great! Brother Andrew is the best!!"

This broke into a smile.

Andrew stroked little Sophie's hair dotingly.

It's not to show off in front of little girls, but in this world where civilians are generally more negative, it's really a good mood to see little Sophie, who is full of vitality and even some innocent smiles. thing.

"Hey, who is this young lady?"

Little Sophie cried again.

It was only then that she noticed Barbara's existence!

"Wow, it's so beautiful...

By the way, why is this young lady in the tent? Brother Andrew, did you bring it back? "

Andrew: "..."

The heart said that taking care of Barbara's work, or don't leave it to little Sophie.

It's hard to feel relieved.

Turning his eyes to Aunt Sophia, Andrew said, "Sorry, I should have explained the situation when I just came back. In short, I want to ask Auntie for your help and take care of my friend. Leave the rest to me. Do."

Aquatic physique can be called a cheat in performance.

But now Andrew has not used any of his performance abilities as a water magician at all.

Little Sophie was still amazed at Barbara's beauty without any heart.

Aunt Sophia changed her face completely after her daughter pointed out the injury on Andrew's arm!

Little Sophie didn't quite understand it, but Aunt Sophia understood: the injury was caused by a very powerful magical flame!

If I remember correctly, Ivan seems to have mentioned it once: the flames of all the magicians of the magic union have a certain degree of "toxicity". The more powerful the fire magician of the magic union, the more poisonous the flame. .

That just explains the weird corrosion in Andrew's arm injury!

"Andrew, how did you get this injury on your arm?"

Aunt Sophia kept her voice down, as if she was afraid of being heard, "Who is this girl? Does the riot in the town have anything to do with you? Damn it, do you know that you might kill our mother and daughter! Andrew, are you...running to seek revenge for Archmage Hobert?!"