
The Watchkeeper's Odyssey: Realms of Time and Beyond

Discover Hiroki's time-bending journey when a mysterious watch thrusts him into a world of historical secrets, unexpected twists, and a race against time itself.

Wordo_Wardo · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

Volume 2 Epilogue

The room's atmosphere gradually shifted from uncertainty to curiosity. My mind was a whirlwind of emotions, questions, and a desperate need for answers.

Sakura's presence had ignited a spark of hope within me, but that hope was entwined with a web of confusion.

Finally breaking the heavy silence, Sakura cleared her throat and met my gaze with a mixture of empathy and determination. "Haru, there's so much you need to know. About what's happening, about us, and about the temporal realm."

Her words hung in the air, an invitation for me to understand the enigmatic reality that had unfolded before me.

"I understand that this must be overwhelming," Sakura began, her voice steady and soothing. "But the truth is, the world you knew isn't the only one that exists."

She gestured to the room around us, the sturdy walls and the hidden underground chamber. "This place, this bunker, is a sanctuary within the temporal realm. A realm that exists parallel to the one we own, yet distinct in its nature."

Sakura's gaze shifted to Antonio, who had been observing the conversation quietly. "Antonio and I are Guardians of the Temporal Realm," she continued. "Our duty is to maintain the balance between the temporal realm and our world. We prevent distortions, protect the fabric of time, and ensure that events unfold as they should."

My mind struggled to grasp the concept she was presenting. Parallel realms? It was like something out of a science fiction novel, and yet here I was, standing face-to-face with someone who claimed to be a guardian of such a realm.

Antonio leaned forward, his expression earnest. "The watch you had – the Chrono watch – it's a powerful artifact that can manipulate time and space. In the wrong hands, it can cause catastrophic distortions, unraveling the very fabric of existence."

Sakura nodded in agreement.

"Then... I have a question to ask, if I may?" I hesitated, my words carrying a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.

"Yeah, you can ask, but- hey! Stop being so formal around us," Sakura interjected, her tone playful and warm. It was a reminder that despite the extraordinary circumstances, we were still friends at the core.

"What was that Elder's talk about... Me destroying their 'progress'?" I inquired, my voice tinged with both confusion and a growing sense of unease.

Both of them exchanged a brief, surprised glance, their expressions momentarily caught off guard by the directness of my question. It was evident that my query had struck a chord and touched upon a subject that was significant, though potentially delicate.

"Ah, that..." Sakura began, her hesitation palpable. She exchanged a brief glance with Antonio, as if silently urging him to take the lead in explaining the matter. It was clear that the topic carried weight, and they were deliberating how best to convey it to me.

"Hiroki," Antonio's shift in tone took me by surprise. Hiroki, brace yourself for whatever words he might utter...!

"You've stumbled upon a landmine. And quite a substantial one, I must say."

Huh? What is this guy trying to convey?

"Just as the Elder mentioned earlier, you've set back their advancements. The Elder's advancements, spanning around 13 billion years in our reckoning."

"13 billion years..." That number struck a chord in my mind, a distant memory from some time ago in school...

"Since the dawn of everything?"

"Well, more or less. You're on the right track," Antonio confirmed.

As the weight of his words settled in, I felt a rush of confusion and disbelief. How could anything be tied to such an incomprehensible span of time?

"But what does it mean? How could anything span billions of years?" I voiced the questions that churned in my mind.

Sakura's gaze softened, her expression a mixture of sympathy and understanding. "It's hard to wrap your head around, I know. But the truth is, there's a purpose behind all of this, a purpose that goes beyond our understanding."

Antonio leaned forward, his eyes locking onto mine. "You see, Hiroki, the Elder and his Custodians of Time have a goal that aligns with what Sakura and I aim for, in a broad sense. They seek to bring about the culmination of everything, the end of existence itself."

My heart raced, the gravity of their words sinking in. "The end of everything?"

Antonio nodded. "Yes. And they believe that by manipulating the fabric of time, they can achieve this. It's their interpretation of a promise made by a higher power, a promise they've held onto for 13 billion years."

"But who... who is this higher power?" I asked, a sense of unease creeping over me.

Sakura exchanged a meaningful glance with Antonio before she spoke, her voice carrying a weight that resonated deeply. "God."

My mind reeled, struggling to process the notion that the very concept of time, existence, and the universe itself could be governed by forces so immense and incomprehensible. And amidst it all, the very purpose and motivation of the Custodians of Time was revealed as well – the culmination of everything.

Antonio leaned back, his expression thoughtful. "And then there's us, the Guardians of the Temporal Realm. We, too, have a goal aligned with the end of everything, but for a vastly different reason. We exist to oppose the Custodians of Time and their efforts, not to bring about the end, but to prevent it."

Sakura's voice took over, her tone carrying a sense of conviction. "God tasked me with this role – to counter the Elder's plans, to preserve existence and prevent the end that he seeks. But unlike the Elder, I was given no explanations, no insights into the how or why. Just a command to act, with the promise that God will guide us."

I couldn't help but voice the confusion that gnawed at me. "So, in essence, you're both working towards the same end – the end of everything. But for completely different reasons."

Antonio and Sakura exchanged a solemn nod, their unity and purpose shining through despite the divergence in their motives.

"So, what does this 'end' that we pursue entail? How does it differ from their version? And I've got another query – what point in time are we currently in?"

It's quite perplexing. On Earth, the most recent year was 2023, but that's only true for me and Sakura. Antonio, on the other hand, hails from somewhere in the late 21st century. That realization implies that everything must have already unfolded. But if that's the case, if all events are in the past, why do we still find ourselves here?

"To address your inquiry, I'll share with you another revelation that God has bestowed upon me," Sakura announced suddenly, rising from her seat and gesturing pointedly at me. Her action caught both Antonio and me off guard.

She then directed that same finger back at herself before finally pointing it towards Antonio.

"God has chosen us."

"Ch-chosen me? Well, I guess God has made a... uh, never mind."

"God is never mistaken!" Sakura interrupted my attempt to dismiss the idea.

"Uh, sorry... But I suppose it doesn't really matter now, right? I mean, my... the Chrono watch has already been shattered to pieces..."

Exactly. I have nothing left to do now. I've already failed God, and I didn't even realize it.

Sakura let out a deep sigh, not one of relief, but of annoyance.

"Antonio, give it to me."

"Ah, yes, Sakura..." Antonio rifled through the pockets of his cloak. Eventually, he retrieved something and approached me. With his hand raised, he carefully opened it, revealing the shattered remains of the watch.

Sakura then bared the rest of her wrist, revealing a watch that was practically a mirror image of mine—no, it was identical.

"So you have it too, Sakura... When did you get it?"

"Since you left..." Her words triggered a memory. Didn't she visit my house just before I was transported to that void? Wait, does that mean...

"...From a mysterious shop." So they've replicated another one after someone purchases the current one, I suppose.

"Antonio has one as well, but his is from a shop in his own world." Antonio displayed his right arm, also adorned with an identical watch. And wow, those are some impressively muscular arms he has. Must be hitting the gym quite a bit.

Clink, clink, clink.

Sakura proceeded to tap her watch three times, each tap deliberate and measured. In response, her watch emitted a radiant green beam that filled the room with its vibrant glow, casting an otherworldly contrast to the steady illumination of the overhead lightbulbs.

As if reanimated by some mystical force, the shattered fragments of the watch on Antonio's wrist began to stir within the luminous green aura. Slowly but surely, they danced and twisted, reforming and melding together until the watch was made whole once more.

My fascination compelled me to reach out and take the watch, examining it with an intensity that matched my bewilderment. Not a trace of its previous fracture remained – no scratches, no signs of damage. It was as if the breakage had never occurred at all.

I stood there, rendered momentarily speechless by the inexplicable scene unfolding before me.

As I held the watch in my hand, it began to emit the same faint white glow that I had witnessed before – a gentle radiance that seemed to transcend the confines of the physical world.

"Haru! We are not over yet!" Sakura's voice pierced through my thoughts, her determination evident in her matured demeanor. Her eyes sparkled with resolve, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe.

Hiroki, it's becoming clear that talking about going home was just a way to avoid responsibility.

I realized that it was my own desire that drove me to acquire the Chrono watch in the first place. And it seemed that both Sakura and Antonio had acted on their instincts as well, reaching for the watch just as I did.