
The Watchkeeper's Odyssey: Realms of Time and Beyond

Discover Hiroki's time-bending journey when a mysterious watch thrusts him into a world of historical secrets, unexpected twists, and a race against time itself.

Wordo_Wardo · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

Volume 2 Chapter 4

"You're such a damn crybaby!"

A distant voice intruded, but my pounding headache prevented me from turning around. My eyes remained tightly shut, overwhelmed by the searing pain.

The voice was followed by a flurry of movements, a blur of sounds that swirled around me.

I struggled to pry my eyes open, attempting to make sense of the chaos, but a sudden impact struck my back, hurling me forward and sending another wave of agony crashing over me.

"S-sorry! Ahh-!"

The sounds persisted, accompanied by the relentless throb of my headache.

"Ah!! Make it stop-!" And it ceased – at least, my headache did.


As confusion gripped me, bewildered by the effectiveness of my command, my attention was drawn to the persistent swishing sounds.

Gradually, clarity emerged. A person was engaged in a struggle against the two ominous black figures. She wielded a sword, her appearance, oddly...

"Antonio, now!" The command pierced the air.

Beside me, a burst of blue light, and then, like lightning, a running boy emerged. His left wrist shimmered, and his hand moved in a blur, distorting our surroundings again – a prolonged distortion this time.

He wore a black cloak, casually draped, a contrast to the figures. His long white hair flowed, distinct from my own short strands.

Amidst the distortion, his hands reached out and touched both suspended figures.

His hands blazed orange, and in a heartbeat, an explosion erupted.

I felt a rush of air as the girl appeared out of nowhere, her grip on my arm strong as she propelled us towards the portal before I could even blink. Stronger than she looks...!

Through the portal, we materialized in a cramped room. She landed gracefully, while I crashed onto the ground in a less-than-dignified manner.

"Apologies!" The girl extended her hand to help me up, revealing her face clearly.

My eyes widened in disbelief as I took in what was before me...

"...Saku...ra?" I uttered, a glimmer of hope in my voice.

Her puzzled expression gave way to recognition as she stared back at me.

The girl before me appeared older and stood a bit taller, maybe just a couple of inches. Yet, astonishingly, she bore a striking resemblance to the Sakura I remembered from my past.

But doubts gnawed at me... Could this really be her, or was I simply grasping at illusions, desperate for a connection? She might very well be just another stranger, after all.



Shit. Why did those words slip out of my mouth?! Now the room was thick with an awkward tension, and I had no idea how to dispel it.

My mind raced, thoughts colliding like a storm. This situation was beyond surreal. Why did the appearance of this girl trigger such a reaction in me? Was it merely wishful thinking, or was there truly a connection? I struggled to find words to break the silence, to bridge the gap between the past and the present.

I quickly surveyed our surroundings, taking in the environment. It became apparent that we were situated in what appeared to be a bunker or some kind of underground chamber.

The dim lighting cast elongated shadows across sturdy walls, hinting at a hidden and secure location – perhaps even a basement. Sturdy walls surrounded us on all sides, their rough texture hinting at the natural stone from which they were constructed.

The walls exuded a sense of permanence and protection, as if they were guardians shielding us from whatever dangers lurked beyond.

Just as the awkward silence lingered, a sudden rush of footsteps echoed through the chamber. The boy we had left behind was now sprinting towards the portal, his arrival breaking the tension that had settled in the room.

"Pwahh!" The man released a deep sigh of relief, the sudden sound causing a slight jump in me.

"Antonio," the woman's voice carried annoyance as she pointed towards the still open portal.

"Oh..! My apologies," the man, now known as Antonio, quickly corrected his mistake. He twirled his finger in the air, and the portal followed its movement, gradually fading away.

"Interesting," I commented, breaking the residual tension. He turned his attention towards me.

"Thank you," he responded with a warm smile, his face revealing a maturity that surpassed my own.

"Well then, let's get started," the woman said, her name still unknown to me. I assumed I'd find out later.

Antonio sprang into action, retrieving two chairs from a corner and positioning them in the center of the room. The woman added one more chair to the arrangement.

When everything was set, Antonio looked at me and gestured toward one of the seats, indicating that I should take it. A gentleman, no doubt. The woman had already settled herself in the other chair.

"You," the woman began, her gaze fixed on me. I felt a twinge of discomfort. Was this some sort of interrogation? Well, considering they rescued me, I should at least say something.

"I'm... really grateful to all of you," I murmured, bowing my head slightly. They had been my saviors, after all. Without them, I wouldn't have had a clue how to escape. And now, well, for better or worse, the watch was gone...

"No need to be so formal," Antonio chuckled, waving his hand to deter me from bowing further. "But you're welcome, of course."

"What brings you here, exactly?"

"Ah..." Her question hit me like a lightning bolt.

Right, Hiroki, what are you doing here? What was so compelling that you ended up acquiring that watch? Even now, the answer eluded me...


"How about something to drink? You look exhausted from all that."

"Thank you, Mr. Antonio."

"No need for formalities, dude! They feel a bit weird, haha."

Weird... But isn't it even weirder to address someone older without using honorifics, right?

Antonio rose from his chair and walked over to... a fridge!

I couldn't believe my eyes – an actual electronic appliance! Man, I wasn't kidding when I missed home!

Opening the bottom of the fridge, he retrieved three cans and approached us. He offered the woman her drink first before handing me mine.

I examined the can closely. Oh, nice – it's my favorite brand. Mhm!

"You," Antonio began.


"Look so bewildered by that can... Where do you come from?" Antonio asked.

"Oh, I'm..." I hesitated, but it's time to introduce myself. Wait, remember not to use your other name, Hiroki!

"Ba-Hiroki. Hiroki Takashi." That was close!

"Oh no no, we already knew your name, haha."

They already knew my name?

"Well, in that case... I'm 15 years old..."

Should I share my other personal information too? Well, I suppose it's okay to take that risk in this situation.

"Born on September 1, 2008. I'm fro-"

"That's enough. You shouldn't reveal your information, especially personal details, so freely, Ha..." the woman cut me off. What's bothering her exactly?

And that 'Ha'... Does she seem angry at me?


"I'm Antonio dela Cruz, 20 years old, born on January

15, 2030. Nice to meet you, Hiroki!"



"Haha, you're quite a kid, aren't you?" Antonio chuckled, as if he found something incredibly amusing.

"I'm..." The woman's voice wavered, a hint of uncertainty in her tone.

She let out a deep sigh, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. Perhaps she was gathering her courage to reveal her name? This was starting to feel quite strange.

"Sakura Tanaki, 25 years old, born April 18, 2009..."

My heart skipped a beat. The name reverberated through my mind, and I couldn't believe my ears. Could it be...?

"Sakura...?" I stammered, my voice barely more than a whisper.

She looked at me with a mixture of emotions, a hint of sadness and nostalgia in her eyes. "Yes, Haru. It's me."

The world seemed to spin around me. My mind struggled to process the information. Sakura, my childhood friend, the one I had yearned to see again, was standing right before me. But how was this possible? She looked older, her features more mature, but there was an undeniable familiarity in the way she held herself.

"Sa...kura?" I repeated, the shock evident in my voice.

She nodded gently, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as a mixture of emotions flooded over me. Disbelief, joy, and a sense of surreal wonder mingled within me. The memories of our shared past, the moments we had spent together, all came rushing back with a tidal force.

"Sakura!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my emotions any longer. I rushed forward and enveloped her in a tight hug, feeling the warmth of her presence, the reality of her existence, against my chest.

She returned the embrace, her arms wrapping around me as well. "I missed you too, Haru."

I couldn't believe it. The universe had thrown me into an inexplicable series of events, leading me to this moment. The friend I had longed for, the one I thought I had lost forever, was here with me.

As the shock began to subside, my mind raced with questions. How had she aged so much while I remained the same? What had happened to her all these years? But for now, those questions could wait. I held onto her tightly, savoring the reality of her presence, the comfort of a familiar connection in the midst of the unknown.

Time may have played tricks on us, leading us down separate paths, but in that small bunker, surrounded by uncertainty and mysteries, a single thread of familiarity had woven itself back into my life.

I'm thinking of lowering the word count each chapter

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