
The Watchkeeper's Odyssey: Realms of Time and Beyond

Discover Hiroki's time-bending journey when a mysterious watch thrusts him into a world of historical secrets, unexpected twists, and a race against time itself.

Wordo_Wardo · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

Volume 1 Chapter 1

Part 1

I found myself in a void of nothingness, pure blank.

The only objects visible were my own body and the enigmatic pocket watch.

It appears as though I was floating.

Surprisingly, the watch was still ticking, marking the passage of time.

It had already been over 10 minutes since I arrived in this strange place, and I knew I couldn't afford to waste any more time.

I tried to run, or at least that's what my intent was.

However, despite the appearance of moving, I remained suspended in the same spot, unable to cover any distance.

"Help! Is anyone there?" I cried out, my voice echoing into the emptiness. "Please, anyone!"

Yet, there was no response, no one to answer my plea.

As time passed, exhaustion washed over me, and my body felt heavy and lethargic.

Struggling to keep my eyes open, I fought against the drowsiness, but eventually, the weariness took its toll, and I succumbed to sleep.

As I woke up, the first thought that crossed my mind was, "Huh?"

I found myself back in my own bed, the pocket watch still in my possession, and it appeared to have continued from where it had left off before.

"What on earth just happened..."

My mind felt exhausted, overwhelmed by the perplexing events of the day, so I decided to give in to my weariness and went back to sleep.

Part 2

As I woke up for the second time, I checked my phone screen and let out a big sigh of relief. Finally, it was Friday. But the lingering memory of the time loop left me with a sense of unease that I couldn't shake off.

The pocket watch in my hand had become both intriguing and unsettling. Its enigmatic power had turned my life into a riddle, and I couldn't escape the feeling that there was more to it than met the eye.

As I gazed at the watch, pondering its mysterious nature, I made a decision. I would tread carefully, being observant and vigilant. I needed to fathom the true scope of its influence and discover whether I could wield it responsibly, if that was even feasible.

For now, I tucked the watch away, knowing that I needed time to process all that had happened. I followed my morning routine, like any other day. I ate breakfast with my family, brushed my teeth, took a bath, and donned my P.E. uniform.

Since it was Friday, the first period on the morning schedule was P.E.

"Okay, I'm off now..." I called out to my family.

"Take care!" they replied in unison.

The route to school was tolerable – not too lengthy, yet not too short either. I first walked to the nearest terminal, about a ten-minute walk away.

At the terminal, I would await a motorcycle taxi, which usually arrived within 2-5 minutes, and sometimes even within 1 minute if I was lucky.

My journey to school continued, and it took about another minute to reach the classroom after entering the school building, making the total travel time around 12 to 15 minutes.

"Morning, Haru!" Sakura greeted me as she walked towards me in the hallway.

"Good morning to you too, Sakura," I replied with a smile.

In the weeks since I'd started at this school, Sakura had become my first and only friend. Her name, as she'd explained before, meant "cherry blossoms," and it perfectly suited her. She had an ardent love for everything related to nature and would often engage in discussions on topics ranging from photosynthesis to the philosophy of Mother Nature, as she referred to it.

Back in elementary school, I had another friend with whom I shared a different connection. He was fervently obsessed with a mecha anime that had been airing for nearly 14 years – a show older than both of us combined. Even though I didn't share his passion for mecha, I found it enjoyable to talk to him and listen to his fervent insights about the show.

Throughout my life, conversing with people has presented its challenges. My circle of friends has always been small, ranging from 1 to 5 during my elementary years. Now in high school, I only have one close friend, like Sakura.

However, I've always found it fascinating to interact with others and make friends. Each individual's uniqueness in thoughts, quirks, and perspectives on life has intrigued me. These distinctive qualities make every friendship special and meaningful to me.

"Did you complete your assignment, Haru?"

"Oh, you mean the math assignment? I finished it right after the class ended. It took me around 5 hours, though," I replied.

"Ehh?! That was two days ago! You're even smarter than I thought!" Sakura exclaimed.

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Oh, come on, Sakura, it's not about being smart. I just wanted to get it out of the way."

"Enough about me, how about you? Did you finish yours, Sakura?" I asked.

"Yeah, I did," she replied hesitantly.

"Oh, when did you manage to finish it?"

Sakura averted her gaze, emitting an awkward laugh.

I had a feeling I already knew the answer. It seemed she hadn't even started the assignment yet.

As we conversed, a group of girls sauntered by us in the hallway. Yet their intentions were far from friendly. They exchanged snide remarks aimed at Sakura, their tone oozing malice and arrogance.

I could see the discomfort in Sakura's eyes, igniting a surge of anger within me.

"Hey, why don't you go hug a tree, Sakura?" one of the girls jeered, causing Sakura's expression to waver.

As they walked away, I glanced at their retreating figures and subtly signaled to Sakura. Immediately, the girl who had met my gaze stiffened, prompting the others to follow suit.

"Hey, Sakura..."

"Y-yes? Haru, what's up?"

"Who were they? When did this start?"

"Ah, those girls..."


Her struggle to articulate her thoughts was evident.

"Well, if you ever need any help, just let me know."

"Eh? Oh, okay... Thanks, Haru..."


Part 3

The school day began with the familiar routine of classes. Our first session was P.E., a subject that had always made me uneasy due to my lack of athleticism. However, luck seemed to be on my side as the teacher surprisingly announced a lecture on fundamental concepts instead. I couldn't help but feel relieved at the temporary reprieve.

(Well, I guess wearing this uniform was unnecessary after all.)

"Ehh... No way..."

On the other hand, Sakura was the embodiment of enthusiasm. She seemed to thrive in the physical education class, her energy infectious and her spirit unwavering. Seated side by side, we couldn't be more different when it came to our feelings about P.E.

As we listened to the teacher's explanations, I couldn't help but observe Sakura's animated expressions as she eagerly absorbed the information. Her passion for the subject was palpable, even in a lecture that I would normally have dismissed as mundane.

We had been seated together since the beginning of the school year, and it was during these moments that our friendship had truly begun to flourish. Our interactions had grown from casual greetings to meaningful conversations, and I found myself looking forward to each day knowing that Sakura would be by my side.

Actually, in one of our previous conversations, Sakura had mentioned her natural athleticism. She was quick to share her love for physical activities, although I hadn't witnessed her skills firsthand since we were only a couple of weeks into the school year.

"You actually want to suffer, huh?"

"Are you kidding me, Haru? I really want to run right now, though~~"

"Yeah, yeah," I chuckled, her contagious enthusiasm warming my heart. While I struggled to muster any excitement for P.E., Sakura's sheer eagerness was enough to bring a smile to my face.

Watching her, I couldn't help but admire her unyielding spirit. It was only a matter of time before she would surpass me in terms of physical prowess.

With P.E. behind us, the day continued with Math, English, and History classes before finally reaching the long-awaited lunch break.

The timing was perfect for the plan I had in mind.

The courtyard was bathed in the gentle sunlight of midday, and the chatter of students filled the air. Sakura and I found our usual spot to sit, but today was different – I had a purpose, a confrontation to engage in.

As we settled down, I noticed the group of girls from earlier occupying a nearby bench. Their presence served as a stark reminder of the challenge I was about to face.

Sakura's expression tightened with a mix of apprehension and concern. I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, silently promising my support. Taking a deep breath, I rose from my seat and walked determinedly toward the girls.

"Hey," I greeted them with a calm yet resolute tone.

They looked up at me, clearly taken aback by my direct approach.

"What do you want?" one of the girls retorted, a hint of defensiveness in her voice.

"I want to talk," I replied, meeting their gaze with unwavering determination. "I saw what happened earlier. That wasn't right."

A mixture of surprise and unease flickered across their faces. It was clear that they hadn't expected such a direct confrontation.

"Sakura is a genuinely kind person," I continued, my voice firm. "She has a passion for nature and a heart that cares for others. The way you treated her – mocking and ridiculing her – it's not acceptable."

Their expressions shifted from defiance to uncertainty as they exchanged uncertain glances. My straightforward approach seemed to have shaken their confidence, causing them to question their actions.

"We were just having a bit of fun," one of them muttered, her bravado faltering.

"Fun at someone else's expense?" I challenged. "How would you feel if the roles were reversed?"


"What's this guy even going on about?"

Despite my efforts, they remained steadfast in their attitude.

After a tense moment of silence, their gazes finally turned to each other. "Alright, girls, let's go!"

They reluctantly backed off... It seems my plan didn't quite have the impact I hoped for.

Well, there's not much else I can do... Sakura, I'm sorry, but I just don't have the courage to confront them head on...

Returning to Sakura's side, I caught a glimpse of gratitude in her eyes. While the immediate tension had eased, it was clear that the girls hadn't entirely let go of their animosity.

"You didn't have to do that, Haru," Sakura whispered, her voice tinged with appreciation.

"I wanted to," I responded with a reassuring smile. "After all, we're friends."

Part 4

As the school day drew to a close, a sense of relief washed over me.

I stretched my arms and rose from my seat with newfound energy.

The evening held a purpose for me: to delve deeper into the enigma of the pocket watch.

However, the question remained—how should I embark on this investigation? Could the internet be a starting point? It seemed plausible.

Despite my curiosity, a tinge of caution lingered in the background. I couldn't help but wonder if there were potential risks involved in my pursuit of answers.


As I was about to exit the room, a hand suddenly clutched my collar, bringing me to an abrupt stop.

The touch was firm, and I turned to find Sakura looking at me with a hint of unease in her eyes.

It struck me as odd—hadn't we just shared a laugh and a successful prank earlier?

Why did she seem so down now? Did I do something to make her this way?

"Uh, yeah, Sakura?"

For a brief moment, her gaze drifted towards the window, as if lost in thought.

But just as quickly, her attention returned to me, her eyes now ablaze with an intensity that I couldn't ignore.

"Let me come with you," Sakura's voice held a mixture of determination and vulnerability.

I looked at her, slightly taken aback by her request.

Her eyes held a fervent plea, and without a second thought, I replied, "Oh, alright."

I recalled that Sakura's home was in the direction of the terminal, so it wouldn't be too much of a detour.

As we walked towards the terminal, the atmosphere between us was a mixture of curiosity and shared concern.

I couldn't shake the feeling that Sakura had something significant on her mind.

As we reached a pedestrian crossing, I instinctively pressed the button to activate the crossing signal.

We waited side by side, lost in our thoughts, until the loud hum of an approaching car snapped us back to the present.

The car seemed to be veering off course, heading straight towards us.

Before I could react, Sakura stepped in front of me, her eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that held me captive.

Time seemed to slow down as the world around us faded into the background.

"Sakura, what are you—" My words faltered as her expression changed, her lips parting to form words I never expected.

"Haru, I need to tell you something," she said, her voice trembling with a mixture of vulnerability and determination.

Everything around us seemed to blur as her confession hung in the air, our breaths mingling in the tense silence. It was a moment frozen in time, a heartbeat suspended in eternity.

And then, in the blink of an eye, reality came crashing back with a sickening screech of tires.

The world exploded into chaos as the car sped towards us, its headlights blinding us in a harsh glare.

"Sakura, move!" I shouted, my voice ringing out in desperation.

But it was too late. Before I could even process what was happening, Sakura turned back to me, a bittersweet smile on her lips, her words lost in the chaos of the moment.

The car's impact was deafening, a horrifying collision of metal and flesh.

Time seemed to stretch and contract in those agonizing seconds.

My heart pounded in my chest as I watched in horror, unable to comprehend the tragedy unfolding before my eyes.

And then, as abruptly as it began, the world seemed to come to a halt. My mind raced, struggling to process the nightmare that had just played out.

The car had struck Sakura.

Everything was a blur of motion and noise as people rushed towards the scene, their voices a distant murmur.

But in that moment, the only sound I could hear was the echo of Sakura's confession, haunting and incomplete.

As the crowd closed in, I felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness and despair. The world around me dissolved into a haze, and I clung to the last fragments of reality as a heavy darkness enveloped me.