
The Watchkeeper's Odyssey: Realms of Time and Beyond

Discover Hiroki's time-bending journey when a mysterious watch thrusts him into a world of historical secrets, unexpected twists, and a race against time itself.

Wordo_Wardo · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

V.1.5 Ch.1: "What a weird name, right?"

Part 1

This scenario is undeniably undesirable. The idea of being torn from your home, family, and everything you've known is far from ideal.

Um, well... what should I do? I'm pretty much fucked.


"Oh! S-sorry!"

Lost in thought, gazing at the sky, a gentle tap on my shoulder startled both me and the person behind me.

I really need to snap out of my thoughts more often.

Regaining my balance, I walked over to the person I had bumped with.

She oddly reminded me of Sakura, except for her distinct facial features. Am I in a different country?

Well, at any case, I should start redeeming myself by helping her back up.

"I'm... sorry about that," I stammered.

She's quite intimidating with that expression.

If I had to put it in words, she resembled an enraged wolf whose den you've accidentally trespassed, and she's far from pleased.

I reached out my right hand, and she took it, almost like an obedient puppy following its owner's command.

She remained silent.

Ah, of course, she would be annoyed. Her day is disturbed because of me.


Without a thought, I immediately bowed, looking for forgiveness.


Oh great, now I've probably come across as a total weirdo.

Wait, I didn't think this through. This place is clearly different from where I used to live. Different customs, different gestures...

Ugh, I'm such an idiot!

Anyway, I should probably leave now.

"Have a great day, miss!" I managed an awkward smile and walked away.

Ugh, now I've definitely left an impression on her. Not the kind of impression I was hoping for.

Part 2

I've been walking for about 30 minutes now.

The sun is setting, and the sky is gradually darkening.

Damn, if I keep going like this, I won't find any shelter in time.

Looks like sleeping outdoors might be my only option...

I searched the area a bit more and finally came across something: a discarded cardboard box.

It was just sitting there near the bridge, appearing to be unused.

Well, I can't be certain if someone else hasn't claimed it already...

But honestly, I'm desperate for a place to sleep and something to eat.

For now, I guess my priority is to find some food. I can always check on the box later.

As the night deepened, a chill settled in the air, and my stomach growled loudly in protest.

My decision to search for food had led me to a nearby market, where the intoxicating aromas of street food mingled with the distant hum of conversations.

With a sigh, I approached a food stall, eyeing a vendor who was skillfully flipping skewers of sizzling meat. My mouth watered at the sight, but reality struck hard.

I almost forgot, I haven't even acquired the local currency in this country. Looks like I'm truly out of luck.

Forced to accept my limitations, I turned away from the tantalizing display and continued my aimless wandering, my hunger gnawing at me with every step.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the uneven cobblestones beneath my feet.

My foot caught on an unseen edge, and I stumbled forward, crashing into a stack of crates with a resounding clatter.

Pain radiated through my body as I crumpled to the ground, my hands and knees scraped raw from the impact.

My heart pounded with a mixture of frustration and despair—could this day get any worse?

I struggled to my feet, wincing as I surveyed the damage to my palms. The sting was a harsh reminder of the harsh reality I now found myself in.

As I stood there, nursing my wounds, a shadow fell over me, blocking out what little light remained in the alleyway.

"Good gracious, what do we have 'ere? A young lad in a right sorry state, I do declare", a man exclaimed with a hearty tone, his mustache twitching as he spoke.

"I'm... I'm fine," I mumbled, embarrassed by my own clumsiness.

He extended a hand to help me up, and I hesitated for a moment before accepting the gesture. As I stood, I felt a sharp pain shoot through my ankle—a reminder of my earlier fall.

"No need to fret, young sir,"


He studied me for a moment before offering a faint smile, "I'm the landlord of a nearby inn, and it seems fortune has favored us both this eve. You stumbled upon my humble establishment, just as I happened upon your predicament, I must say."

I blinked in surprise, caught off guard by his unexpected offer of assistance.

It wasn't often that people extended a helping hand to strangers, especially in a place where survival seemed to be everyone's top priority.

"You don't have to do that..... Sir," I said, my pride warring with my desperate need for shelter.

He waved away my protests. "Balderdash! 'Tis the very least I can do after witnessing such a tumble of yours. Besides, 'tis a hazardous endeavor to be gallivanting about the streets alone at this hour of the night, I assure you."

A mixture of gratitude and exhaustion washed over me. It was true—I was vulnerable in this unfamiliar place, and finding shelter for the night had become a pressing concern.

"Thank you..." I said, my voice heavy with sincerity.

He offered me a kind smile. "I am Albert, at your service. Accompany me, I shall arrange for your accommodations."

The man's way of speaking is rather odd, but I suppose I'll have to tolerate it for the time being.

"May I ask for your name?"

"Oh, it's-"

Should I disclose my name in this scenario? Typically, yes, but given my conspicuous appearance and my name...

"-Barnaby, yes, Barnaby."

"Oh.... What an unusual name!"

SHIT! I blurted that out without any proper consideration! And 'Barnaby'? Seriously? That's probably the most ridiculous name I could have pulled out of thin air!