
The Watcher of the Dimensions

The watcher is a fanfic novel of fantasy type animation and movie

SaintKing · Anime & Comics
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689 Chs

Chapter 80 No more hope

The d day had come as the heroes geared up for their departure led by Steve and Thor who were sitting in the 12 men-seated spaceship. The elite force of the city went with former Avengers to find about the Infinity stones that had gone missing after the snap.


The ship landed on the lush field of the planet. Hela walked out from the ship with a cold expression on her face. She directly turned her head in the direction where she felt Thanos. Her action immediately signaled Thor and the guest- Captain Marvel. They flew to the hut along with other heroes and besieged the house.

" He isn't yet here. We will wait inside."

Carol spoke, opening the door without much difficulty. She gestured for the heroes to hide and wait for his arrival.

10 minutes had passed since their hiding.

A giant with a sack of wheat came inside the house. He cleaned the wheat and drank water from the barrel. Unlike his former days, his fearsome look was nowhere to be found.

Crash, bang*

Hela broke the wall and pinned him down with her sword. Steve appeared with Carol and secured his limbs while other heroes pointed their weapons at him.


Thor placed his axe on his neck to imitate him. He was making sure that he would kill him if he ran away.

Thanos didn't flinch under the pressure as he smiled. It was already too late as their goal was nowhere to be found. He had succeeded in his mission and he didn't care about his life.

" Where are the gems? Where did you hide them?"

Steve hit him with his shield. He was searching everywhere, but he couldn't find a single trace of them in the house, so he thought he might have hidden it somewhere.

" Haha, you are too late. I have already destroyed them before your arrival. You have no method to restore them."

Thanos said, showing his giant teeth. He was sure that nobody could bring them back since Arthur and Tony were out of their way. There was no way they could create something to bring them back.

" You are lying!"

Hela shouted, slashing one of his arms with a cold look. Her mind was fallen into deep madness after witnessing Arthur's death. Furthermore, she couldn't revive him even though she wanted to do that. Therefore she was clinging to the hope of finding the source.

"Think about it. You could destroy the gem with a power similar to theirs. So, the answer would be obvious."

Thanos laughed, not caring about their expressions. Thor's veins bulged as he chopped his head. He raised the bloody head and crushed it like some ball.


The blood splattered everywhere while the heroes slumped on the ground with heavy expressions. They have completely failed to revive him.

" No, father!"

Kyle cried out with anger. His mana instantly destroyed the hut with a burst of wind. Clint patted his shoulder to calm him down as they headed back to their ship. Perhaps, Thanos was right. They weren't worthy of being the Guardians.

3 weeks later.

Tony was looking at the heroes with disbelief. His hands shook as his mind went blank from the shock. He got up from his seat despite his weakened body.

" You dare to tell me that you have lost the stones. Moreover, you didn't help Arthur at all. Damn it, do you know how hard he fought for you? Do you know how many liters of blood and tears he shed for you?"

Tony threw the pen to Steve who was looking at him with a sad face. He couldn't bear to see their faces because he hoped they would defeat him. However, his hope was shattered when he saw the disappearance of his apprentice and his allies. Furthermore, he had lost his family member once again.

" Uncle, we did everything we could do."

Kyle said while gritting his teeth with fury. He was afraid to see Tony's face due to his guilt. He had failed his family and his friends in this battle.

" You ought to do better. He believed in you and you tell me that he died for you guys?! Haha, how laughable. In the end, I was right."

Tony shouted, tearing his armor from his chest. He threw the symbols of his ego on the table as he left with Pepper who was silently watching him.