
The Watcher of the Dimensions

The watcher is a fanfic novel of fantasy type animation and movie

SaintKing · Anime & Comics
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687 Chs

Chapter 45 Stop

Thor grabbed Loki as he flew over to rock. He threw Loki to ground. Loki coughed

" Brother, you need to be gentle. I almost broke my bones."

Thor snorted coldly

" You have lied to me and our father. I will take you to Asgard and punish you there."

Loki sneered

" Oh come on brother. It's you who have a fault. Great almighty Thor."

Thor groans

" I will deal with you later. First I have to deal with this mortal."

Tony came down from sky

" Give Loki to us, we have to ask few questions from him."

" I will take him to Asgard. As for his crimes, Asgard will deal with it."

Tony shrugs his shoulders

" Then I have no choice but use force."

Tony fired beam at Thor, Thor didn't sit idly. He jumped and dodged, Thor throws his hammer to Tony. Tony fired beam as he dodged Thor's attack. Thor grabbed his hammer as he dashes toward Tony. Tony dashed toward Thor too. Two of them engaged in close combat fight but Tony was at disadvantage. Tony immediately took distance from Thor and he fired missiles toward him. Thor used his lighting to detonate missiles. Tony was little surprised but that's all.

Tony fired beam rapidly at him. Thor threw his hammer toward Tony. The light beam couldn't stop incoming attack, Tony crossed his arms as he tries to block Thor.


Tony flew back to the forest. He hit the tree

" Ouch that hurts a lot. It seems I have use Arthur's power."

Thor fired lighting toward him. Tony rolled back like a dog.


Tall tree cracked like a stone. Deep scorching smell and fire came out from tree. Tony cursed

" Fuck I should upgrade my weapons."

Tony immediately got up, he used his laser toward Thor. Thor dodged to his left side. Laser hit Thor's hair. Burnt smell comes from Thor's hair. Thor touched his hair, he smiled coldly

" Oh you are dead mortal. I will roast you like a chicken."

Tony argued back

" You think you can do it dead ass. I will roast you first."

Thor immediately summoned lightings down to Tony. Tony escaped from attack range, he immediately fired his core beam. Thor dodged to his left side as he continued to fly. Tony cursed

" Fuck you."

Thor cursed back

" Fuck you too."

Thor rushed toward as he tries to hit Tony with his hammer.

Suddenly one voice sounds from above

" That's enough."

Steve blocked Thor's attack with his shield. Thor flew back to forest. Thor gets up from as he cleaned his clothes.

" It seems our fight end here mortal."

Tony snorted

" You, wait for me. I will definitely beat your ass next time."

Thor said angrily

" In your dream."

Laughter echoes from forest.

" Man that was funny. You guys stop."

Arthur came out from woods. Thor smiled

" Arthur my friend you are here. You have to help me to get this guy."

Tony didn't sit idly, he argued back

" Arthur beat his ass."

Steve frowned

" That's enough. We have to get moving."

Arthur nodded

" Yes. We have to move quickly."

Thor said helplessly

" But."

Arthur interrupts him

" No buts. Thor we have to ask question from Loki about our comrades."

Thor nodded

" Is that so?"

Arthur looked to miserable looks of Tony and Thor. He sighed

" Star healing."

Silver light shone both of them. They felt warm current through their bodies. Tony thanked

" Thanks man."

Arthur nodded

" You are welcome. Now let's get moving."

Natasha flew down to them with plane. Arthur and Steve boarded first while carrying Loki who was knocked out by his brother. Thor glared Tony as he walks toward the plane. Tony glared back too. Arthur sighed while watching this. He commanded

" Let's go Nate."

Natasha replied

" Ok commander."

Arthur sat down his seat. He suddenly remembers

" Oh yes Nate. You said you have something for me."

Natasha responded

" I bought gift for you during my mission in Italy. It's in the plane box."

Arthur opened the plane box. There he saw something wrapped. He opened the wrap. He saw a hat which was there. Natasha asked

" Do you like it?"

Arthur smiled

" Of course. I knew you have a good sense."

Arthur wore his new hat. Steve looked it

" It looks good."

Tony nodded

" I think same."

Thor touched his chin

" Well not bad."