
The Watcher of the Dimensions

The watcher is a fanfic novel of fantasy type animation and movie

SaintKing · Anime & Comics
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689 Chs

Chapter 150 Life guardian.

Two of them fought fiercely. Finally, Arthur couldn't take it anymore. He said calmly.

" Would you guys calm down?"

Tony wiped the blood from his nose. He panted.

" Yeah, I need a break."

Steve sighed. He shook his hand.

" I agree, but I still won't allow it."

Suddenly, Thor raised his hammer. He dashed towards the container. Tony groaned.

" You have to be kidding me."

He tried to move; however, Arthur held him back. He smiled.


Thor hit the container. The charging status directly went up to 100 percent. Steve was shocked to see Thor's decision. Thor said with a serious tone.

" I had enough. Whether it is Ultron or not, I want to verify it personally."

Natasha looked at Arthur with a question mark.


The container opened slowly. A red figure went out from it. He looked at the Avengers with indifference. Thor asked.

" So, who are you? Are you Ultron or Jarvis?"

The red figure answered.

" Neither, I am not Ultron nor Jarvis. I am Vision."

He flew up and went to the lobby. The Avengers followed him. Vision touched the glass and looked down to the bustling street.

" Such a beautiful sight."

Arthur said lightly.

" Your side is same like us, right?"

Vision looked at him calmly.

" I am on the side of life."

Thor calmed down. He laughed.

" Haha, I see."

Vision flew to Thor. He looked at him.

" Here, you forgot this."

Everyone was shocked because Vision lifted his hammer. Clint rubbed his eyes.

" Am I seeing this?"

Even Gilgamesh said with a surprise.

" What kind of bullshit is this?"

Thor gulped. He scratched his head awkwardly. Arthur teased him.

" We might have a second Thor."

Thor punched him softly.

" Stop it."

Tony asked.

" Do you know where is Ultron?"

Vision nodded. He used his power to create clothes.

" I am half Ultron after all. It is no surprise that he is hiding something from you. He is being too cautious about his movements."

Qin nodded. He looked at Vision with a profound look.

" Indeed, Ultron knows our capabilities. So, he must use internet loopholes to hide from us."

Vision said softly.

" He is in Sokovia. He is trying to end this world."

Arthur's smile was frozen in his face. Vision continued.

" He is ready to face against all of you."

Bruce sighed.

" This is bad. What should we do now?"

Arthur clenched his fists.

" We need more firepower. We are facing against a super deadly robot army that can counter us."

Next day.

The whole Avengers were geared up. Arthur put on his helmet. He opened his portal and said loudly.

" Follow me."

The whole group of heroes followed him.

In the Sokovia

Ultron carefully put down his mechanism. He laughed.

" Oh, they are here."

A giant orange portal opened in the middle of the city. The people pointed at them.

" It is them. How cool."

One man whispered.

" What are they doing here?"

Suddenly, a rumbling sound came out from the underground. The people panicked immediately. Arthur shouted.

" Avengers attack."

The robot army came out from the underground. Arthur directly used his magnetic power, but the robots were made of metals that cannot be magnetized. So, he changed his tactic. He activated his armor. He immediately turned on his sharingan. However, it was in 3 tomoe state.

Arthur's dynamic vision, coupled with his observation haki, increased his sense ability into top-notch. Arthur flew to the enemies. He plunged his sword and stabbed it.


A hard metal collision sounded. Arthur looked at the familiar shield with a serious gaze.

" Vibranium? Steve's style too."

Other heroes also faced the army. The fight directly brought out natural disaster. A huge flame engulfed the entire city. Steve ordered.

" Hill, hurry. We need your help. The citizens are in danger."

Hill replied calmly.

" I am on my way."

Steve grabbed the robot. He bashed his shield down to his face.

" You have my style, but not my will. Without my will, you are just useless junks."

Other Avengers easily beat cannon fodder robots.

Luke said with a ferocious expression.

" Garbage."

He grabbed the robot and ripped it in half by brute force. Matt looked at them with indifference.

" Only of few of them are vibranium made. It is indeed easy for now, but the intel said he got every single counter of us."