
The Watcher of the Dimensions

The watcher is a fanfic novel of fantasy type animation and movie

SaintKing · Anime & Comics
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689 Chs

Chapter 15 Rewards and a hard way.

Arthur gritted his teeth as he bared pain. He forcefully took a breath and tried meditate.

" This will be over. I have to wait just a little more."

30 minutes later

Arthur's body was soaked in sweat. He went to bathroom to take a shower.

15 minutes later.

Arthur went out from bathroom. His skin seems to be paler and his muscle were explosive. Unlike his former beautiful muscles, these muscle were compressed. Arthur's golden hair had grown longer. If anyone sees him now, his image will be really close to powerful war gods.

Arthur looked to his body

" My former body was lady killer. I don't know my current body will become man killer. Haha just kidding. Guide open the Lottery."

Little fairy showed up

" Master long time no see."

Arthur smiled

" It is. Little guy can you start the Lottery?"

Fairy giggled

" Okay but don't you want to see new rewards?"

Arthur shakes his head

" No that will be too long. Just do it. 10 times."

" Congratulations host for obtaining b level jutsu, Congratulations host for obtaining air bending, Thanks for your patronage, Congratulations host for obtaining random Pokemon, Thanks for your patronage, Congratulations host for obtaining Armament Haki, Thanks for your patronage, Thanks for your patronage,Thanks for your patronage, Congratulations host for obtaining random universe."

Arthur couldn't help to rub his eyes. He murmured

" Am I seeing things?"

Arthur immediately forgot his pain. He joyfully danced around. He shed crocodile tears

" I can fly now. I can fly. How cool is it flying with your power and magic. This is man's second romance. I can even date in air."

Arthur quickly demanded his rewards

" Quick guide, give it to me."

Guide ignored him.

" All rewards are now available."

Light shone on his bed. Arthur ran like a child who saw a candy.

" It's all mine."

He immediately grabbed air bending scroll and Armament haki. As for other rewards he simply doesn't care about it. Golden light shone on him, Arthur felt great.

" I am a man with flying technique now. Hehe if I fight against Thor now, I wouldn't afraid of his aerial combat without my armor."

Arthur happily hummed as he tried to sleep. It didn't take longer as he felt drowsy and slept.

Next morning

Arthur woke up as soon as sun came out. He went to training field. There he saw Mordo. Arthur greeted

" Good morning senior."

Mordo nodded

" Good morning. You are early. Most of new people will wake up later or we have to wake them up."

Arthur nodded

" It's my habit. After all time is gold."

Mordo agreed

" Indeed it's true."

1 hour later

Almost all students came. Mordo straightened his back

" Now listen. Pick up the rings in the table and put it on. After that try to imagine place where you want to go and think as you are creating gate for it. Then drew circle in air. If you are successful, then portal will be opened. If not then sorry you have to try again."

Arthur was excited. He picked up the ring and tried to open the portal. However he didn't open it. Arthur didn't give up, he tried to open but still nothing happened. Mordo saw this, he sighed.

" Guess, I have to go to teacher."

30 minutes later

Mordo came with Ancient One. Ancient One smiled after seeing Arthur. Arthur was still trying to open it. Ancient One said with smile

" Arthur you can stop now."

Arthur reluctantly gave up. Ancient One said

" Arthur I have two ways. First is a soft one. You can learn it in a week. Other is a hard one. You can learn it in one hour."

Arthur immediately answered

" Hard one please."

Mordo almost choked, Ancient One smiled

" Then so be it but I have to tell you can't use your power."

Arthur nodded

" I understand."

Ancient One created the portal. Arthur followed after her. Ancient One pointed

" This is Sahara Desert. You have to survive here without water."

Ancient used her magic. Arthur felt extreme thirst.

" I used magic on you. I turned your time back in Afghanistan but it's okay. I only used it in your body water."

Arthur's jaw almost hit the ground.

" Magic can do this?"

Ancient One pointed to pendant in her neck.

" This can. If you want to master it like me, you have to train almost 10 years at minimum."

Arthur looked to the pendant.

" I will go back. Thank you teacher."

Ancient One smiled

" I wish you good luck."

20 minutes later

Arthur was thirsty. He almost fainted. Arthur murmured

" I can do it. I will create the portal."